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Status Updates posted by Mmelon

  1. Hi! Any news on the RFE yet? I am watching for your approval any day now! I can't wait to be free of the USCIS!!

    1. Steph and Wagner

      Steph and Wagner

      Hey, nooo, nothing yet.. this is longest hardest wait of my life... Its very frustrating because you know it can be approved anywhere from June 10 and 60days from that date, so everything I log in and don't see an update it just knocks me down. But I just look at it as one day closer.... Thanks!! Keep prayers for me

    2. Mmelon


      Awww :( That is really frustrating. I feel for you...I am just a few months into waiting for NOA2 and it is killing me. Not knowing when, or even having a time frame is horrible. Ten fe!

    3. Steph and Wagner

      Steph and Wagner

      I am trying, its been 25 days since they received the new evidence... being in "limbo" sucks. Im trying to be as positive as I can..

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