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Posts posted by Marie-Eve

  1. I am very new to all this (just started my first exiting taxes for Canada today) but so far the ImpotRapide (french equivalent of TurboTax by Intuit) software allows me to enter in my US address without any problem. Would that mean I can file electronically, or at least file electronically then print and submit paper?

  2. I KNOW this topic must have been covered dozens of times on the forums, but I cant for the life of me find the answer to my question right now... please bear with me and feel free to point me out to the right thread if more appropriate than answering here :thumbs:

    I am the beneficiary of a CR1. I got in the USofA in early July, got my green card in the mail almost immediately and started my new job - that I had been fortunate enough to find before even moving to the States - mid-august. It is very possible that sometimes next year my husband will have to move for taking a new job, which in turn would mean I would quit my job too. My question is three fold:

    - As a green card holder with a spousal sponsor, am I eligible to unemployment benefits?

    - If so, how many weeks must I work before being eligible? The move would probably happen after about a year of full time employment.

    - Would "following a spouse" be a valid reason to be eligible for unemployment benefits even if I quit voluntarily?

    Thank you for any information!

    God bless you all!

  3. Marie-Eve you are a blessing, i can finally get some sleep! Cant thank you enough for the guidance and direct answers. My wife and I owe you guys a drink!

    You are VERY welcome! If only you knew how many times the good folks of VJ helped us during this process, it is really countless times we got our peace of mind back thanks to some members of these forums! So keep the questions coming, as the answers provided (by me and everyone else here) will not only help you but also the many others who will be freaked out by the immigration process in the future! Because hey, if it was simple it would not be fun! ;)

  4. 1. I know I-864 originals+copies are needed from me and my joint sponsor. Im confused if originals means signed in ink by joint sponsor. Do they have to mail the actual paper version to me since they are located in the US and im living abroad with my wife in Canada?

    You do need the actual original of the I-864, signed and all. You have plenty of time to get those mailed to you, but to be on the safe side, you could ask them to send it to you through express or something. But yes, you do need to signed version and a copy.

    2. I know the Interview letter requests items specific to our case, original birth cert, mariage cert, police cert, passpot ect. What i dont know is that it also asks for eligibility document but passport and birth cert has been listed separately so what could it be?!?

    That is likely exactly what it is. My bet is that you filed electronically, and therefore only sent scans of official documents so far. They just want to see the originals of each document previously sent.

    3. I know that 2014 tax transcripts are needed at interview since we are past the April15 deadline but i am living abroad and and that automatically allows a 2 month extention correct? On top of that, i have also just mailed IRS tax extention form 4868 in the hopes that it will be received and recorded online that i have asked for an extention. What i dont know is will my wife be ok to bring in tax transcript to interview showing extention in the case that it reflects online before June16? Or in the case that it doesnt reflect the extention what other option do i have?

    I think you should be ok with the extension form, but I don't know for sure about that bit, so I will let other pitch in...

    4. i know i have 2 options when i get around to filing my 2014 taxes, MFJ or MFS. My plan is to file MFS so that i dont have to list worldwide income due to lack of time and mail paper copy to IRS with spouse SSN listed as NRA and then amend return once my wife gets actual SSN (God Willing). What i don't know is will that work?

    We followed the misguided advice of my husband's accountant and filed SINGLE! I was worried it would cause problem at the interview (we are, after all, trying to prove we are a real deal couple, with the plan of comingling financial ressources in a very near future)! The good people of VJ were right though: it was no problem at all at the interview. The CO just glanced at the I-184, and just looked at the total amount on the 1040 and that was that. No questions asked about the "single" field, no eyebrow raised, just a smile, a nod, and a "Welcome to the USA" letter! So since either MFJ or MFS are both valid, legal options (compared to our terribly stupid "Single"), you'll be just fine! :)

  5. Thanks for asking this Marie-Eve, i noticed the same thing on my P4 Interview letter. Congrats on your recent approval, must be a great relief to be finished! Did you ever find out what they meant by eligibility document if birth cert and passport were also asked for separately? I cant seem to figure it out!

    Thank you for the congrats - it is indeed a HUGE relief to finally be done (with that part of the process anyway!)

    As far as eligibility document goes, I think the other posters on that thread were right: it was likely just to see the originals of my passport and/or birth certificate, since I filed electronically and therefore only sent scans before, nothing more complicated than that!

    I was not asked for anything special regarding "eligibility", and just presented the documents as they were requested (passport, birth certificate+translation+lettre from translator, marriage certificate, divorce decrees, original I-184 and 2014 taxes 1040). It really was a walk in the park!

    Good luck to you!

  6. When and where will I see the visa as being issued? And how long should that take? Ive read some people just make it back to their hotel and have the status changed from "ready" to "issued" but mine isnt a full 5 hours later. I can certainly be patient a few more days, I just want to make sure its normal. Also, where can one track the delivery of the passport?

  7. Approved this morning! I am back home already from Montreal, trying to realize and enjoy what just happened! I have spent the last week being so stressed, I feel more relief than joy and I am hoping the happiness will kick in soon! Telling you guys is a first step in that direction I suppose... Big changes coming!

  8. (In my situation, my income is not taxable in the US, so I file married filing jointly, declare it as non taxable income to the IRS; then file as non-resident in Canada)

    Excuse my (insatiable) curiosity: what type of income do you have that is not taxable in the US?

  9. Im waiting for my medical to be completed, and there is so many people showing at medisys for their US pre-immigration exam... I just want to hug them all and tell them we are almost done!

    BTW, any of you are at your medical appointment today??

  10. Just saw an accountant about that yesterday! Basically, your Canadian employer will have to subtract some taxes from your pay, just as they do now, but a lesser amount if you are considered a non resident for fiscal purpose. Of they don't withheld enough, they'll be the one held responsible.

    Then you will have to declare all international revenues to the US IRS and you'll be taxed by the state you live in and the federal government, both taking into account the amount you already contributed at the Canadian revenue source.

    My accountant also advised me to fill out the NR73 form that declares to CRA that you are no longer a Canadian resident. Of course until the point you are no longer a Canadian resident, you'll have to pay Canadian taxes as you normally would!

  11. What do I need for the interview?
    One original of each required document plus one copy? Or is it one original and two copies?

    (Ive seen the great big post that had the pictures of a lady's interview preparation, all neatly organized in separated binders, but for whatever reason I keep thinking i need two copies of each thing (which is something she does not mention)).


  12. as I posted in your thread, before it was hijacked, no need to worry! :) Amend the taxes after you have moved.

    Accountants and tax preparers often do not seem to understand foreign spouses and taxes. The ones that do charge a fortune!

    Yes, and double thank yous for being so kindly helpful and reassuring - I think you could tell I was sort of desperate for advice but I am much more confident everything will go well now! :luv:

  13. It's sad that in the world we live in today, people still don't understand this issue. There is NO LAW or ANY REQUIREMENT of any kind that married Americans file taxes jointly. Married couple are permitted by law to make their own decision to file separately or jointly. You are making an issue out of nothing. Besides, it makes no sense that if you are a Canadian Citizen with no visa or American citizenship or immigration status or anything that would even be required to file American taxes. You have no social security number, nothing. You don't file. Even regular Americans do not need to file jointly. The whole thing is a non-issue but you want to make it one.

    I know we dont have to file jointly, but my married US Citizen husband accountant had him filed his taxes as single. It is my understanding that he should have filed as married, filing separately. As a Canadian I just filed my regular good ole canadian taxes.

    I understand it is not that big of a deal though, so we'll try to contact his accountant and see if it can be amended in time for me to show up with something appropriate at the interview.

  14. HELP!

    My husband's accountant filed his taxes as single, knowing we got married in March last year, saying it was no big deal. Now, I just learned that now and I am kind of freaking out cause Saylin's NVC guide makes it very clear that taxes filed as single will be a HUGE red flag at my interview... which is coming in only 20something days!!!

    I dont know nothing about US taxes, or how it is supposed to work. All I know is I need this visa to get approved! Is this accountant mistake that big of a deal or is it something I can explain at the interview? If it IS a big deal, what can we do at this point to fix it in time for my interview on May 19th???

    Any ANY advice will be greatly appreciated

    (Im freaking out!)

  15. HELP!

    My husband's accountant filed his taxes as single, knowing we got married in March last year, saying it was no big deal. Now, I just learned that now and I am kind of freaking out cause Saylin's NVC guide makes it very clear that taxes filed as single will be a HUGE red flag at my interview... which is coming in only 20something days!!!

    I dont know nothing about US taxes, or how it is supposed to work. All I know is I need this visa to get approved! Is this accountant mistake that big of a deal or is it something I can explain at the interview? If it IS a big deal, what can we do at this point to fix it in time for my interview on May 19th???

    Any ANY advice will be greatly appreciated

    (Im freaking out!)

  16. This is a requirement that is particular to Canadians. It means whatever document gives you the right to be interviewed in Canada - in other words - what document will prove that you are a bona fide Canadian resident?

    For Canadian nationals, it's your passport or your birth certificate. For non-Canadians, it would be the residency visa that allows you to stay in Canada.

    You are NOT in trouble! You've sent a copy of the document that makes you eligible to interview in Canada! So they want to see the real thing at the interview.

    Good luck!

    Sukie in NY

    Thanks a lot!

  17. yes your cdn passport is exactly what they want to see. ive done extensive googling on this. when people scan docs in the nvc can't be 100% certain they are truly cdn so hence they ask you to bring passport and eligibility which suffices as proof of being a resident in canada legally or a canadian citizen. our proof is our passport, but in someone else case, who may not have a canadian passport, proof they are a resident such as residency papers. we don't need to show this eligibility as we are through and through 100% canadian and our passport shows this. no need to worry any further. :)

    Thank you so much! I dont know how I would have survived this more than 24 months of nightmare if it was not for the support I found here! You VJers are all blessings! :star:

  18. Marriage certificate is another item on my list. Here, the list goes:

    • 2 - PASSPORT S
    • 4 - ADOPTION F

    I wonder if that could mean evidence of relationship?

  19. So I just read my P4 carefully and the checklist includes "ELIGIBILITY DOCUMENT"... and the "S" code ("The NVC only received a scanned document. You must present the original document at the time of your interview").

    Now this does not mean my passport, or birth certificat, or marriage termination documents as those are all listed separately. So WHAT is that eligibility document?

    Ive looked here but most people seem to have received a checklist that used the F code ("The NVC did not request this form or document").

    Does that mean evidences of relationship? Evidence of US residence of my husband?

    Am I in trouble?

  20. So I just read my P4 carefully and the checklist includes "ELIGIBILITY DOCUMENT"... and the "S" code ("The NVC only received a scanned document. You must present the original document at the time of your interview").

    Now this does not mean my passport, or birth certificat, or marriage termination documents as those are all listed separately. So WHAT is that eligibility document?

    Ive looked here but most people seem to have received a checklist that used the F code ("The NVC did not request this form or document"). Am I in trouble?

  21. LOVE IT!!!! Will someone mind sharing info about hotels in montreal?

    What kind of hotels are you looking for? I am not from Montreal (from Québec city) but I know Montreal pretty well and I could probably point you out some options!

  22. Ok, im so damn happy and overwhelmed right now I am shaking. Litterally hard-to-type-definitely-cant-think-shaking.

    Now that I have a P4, what are the next steps? Calling to schedule my medical appointment? What else? Please, walk me through this until I regain composure!!!

  23. I had the same confusion.

    Go into your DS-260 and click on SIGN at the top.

    It gives you the option to Print your confirmation.

    Do that.

    It's at the bottom of the printout - your confirmation number. Mine was alphanumeric.


    Thank you very much!

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