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Posts posted by jolie

  1. Hello,

    My conditionnal GC card expires August 23, 2007 and I will apply for the I-751 to remove the conditions in May 2007. After June 10, I will travel to Canada to have my son baptized. I will be staying 3 weeks. Do I absolutly need to have the NOA stating that my travel and employment authorization is extended up to a year or will my green card which expires in August 2007 will be enough? The thing is, I'm afraid I won't receive the NOA from the I-751 before my departure.

    Thank you

  2. I'm 29 weeks pregnant and my doctor and others have told that it's ok to travel except for the last 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. I wouldn't worry about a 1 hour trip. There is no harm to it. Good Luck

  3. Anyone ever bought travel insurance from the US when visiting Canada? I will be going home soon and would like to get some medical insurance prior to my trip.


  4. I am currently a conditional permanent resident and will be removing the conditions to become a permanent resident in May 2007.

    I am currently expecting and the baby will be born in the US by January 2007. I'm also planning to give the child canadian citizenship. Also, my Canadian passport expires in May 2007.

    So my questions are (if anybody can help, especially those who have kids)

    Do I need to apply for a passport for the child?

    What happens when I need to travel with the child without the father? My family is in Montreal.

    Can I apply for canadian citizenship for my child in the US?

    Can I apply for a new canadian passport for myself in the US?

    Sorry, I'm just so confused, if anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  5. Tales From The Bed by Jenifer Estess.

    This book is such a page turner. It's an autobiography of a woman diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and her spirit really shines through. It is an extremelly funny yet devasting and tearful memoir. You won't regret picking up this book.

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