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Posts posted by lmh

  1. Hi there, I do not see any problem with your assets being used and accepted by the Embassay in Rome. My husband and I also obtained his visa via DCF through Rome in February. Our scenario is a bit different than yours given that we did not have children and I came back in February to show proof of income necessary for the later interview in Naples. Now as for your concern with the 6months of legal residency in Italy to even petition through DCF, I wouldn't worry much about it. I don't believe my ID card was quite 6 months when I filed and it did not seem to be a problem. Do you have some sort of permission to stay (permesso di soggiorno)??? That would also work to prove your legal residency and you wouldn't even have to worry about the ID card. I hope I was helpful somewhat, although your post was a bit long and I may have missed some of your questions.

  2. You are the applicant if you are filing for your permanent residence in the US. You should be provided with a case number in the "packet" that they send you either via email or regular mail. I would keep emailing and inquiring because 6 months seems like a long time, but each consulate has different wait times. Good luck!

  3. Congratulations! I absolutely agree that this site has been very helpful to all over us. Was your husband under AP?

    Hello! Thank you! I am not exactly sure what AP is so, I am assuming the answer is "no" to your question :) We used DCF through the Embassay in Rome. Things were very quick. From the time I sent the I-130 until he had his Immigrant Visa in hand, 2 months and 10 days had passed.

  4. Read the reviews: http://www.visajourney.com/reviews/index.php?cnty=Italy and http://www.visajourney.com/consulates/index.php?ctry=Italy&cty=Naples

    Be on time. Follow the instructions carefully. Make sure you have all your documents in order. Organize the paperwork so that it's easy to find the forms when requested. Good luck!

    Thank you, much. I have seen the reviews and they were very helpful. Do you happen to know if he is to pay for the interview prior to arriving or can he pay when he arrives? He was not told over the phone when the interview was arranged. Any input is very helpful, thanks again.

  5. Hi all,

    I sent my I-130 petition to Rome on February 14 and received the approval on March 14. I have faxed the DS230 and Applicant's Statement to the Consulate. Does anyone have any idea of the steps from here? Will my husband receive some sort of email to set up his interview date? I am just a bit confused on where to go from here. Any help is much appreciated.

  6. Hi all,

    Just wanted to see if anyone had information regarding a timeline for this "NOA1". Is this some sort of formal approval sent via mail or is it an email that is received? Also, is the NOA2 sent via mail or email? Does anyone have any idea how long after the I-130 is sent that this will be received? I sent the petition on 2-14-2013 to Rome. Thanks!

  7. Hello all,

    I recently sent our I-130 to the U.S. Embassy in Rome, Italy. Does anyone have any idea as to how long it will take to receive a Notice of Approval? Also, will this notice be sent to the petitioner or the beneficiary? Since after I sent the I-130 in Italy, I came back to the U.S. to resume my prior job, I am a bit concerned about where they will send this notice. I do not want anything to get lost in translation. What are the next steps from here on out? Your help is much appreciated. Thanks all.



  8. When we filed DCF it took us a grand total of two months before we had the visa in hand. We did deliver everything in person though since we lived only about an hour away so we didn't have to wait on the mail system. I'm not sure how quick Italy is but your husband should definitely be stateside before your kiddo is born.

    THank you kindly, mith, for your response. That is very reassuring. I am hoping the process is smooth, although, as you probably know, the unknowns now are a bit stressful :) Once accepted, do you know if they send all the follow-up information directly to the beneficiary? I am worried they will try to send things to me and I will no longer be in the country.

  9. I plan to file the I-130 for my Italian husband through the US embassy in Rome. I am a USC and once I file, I plan to return to the US to work for a few months in order to gain some work history for the I-864 Affidavit of Support. To top things off I am currently pregnant and due in August. Does anyone have any input regarding how long the I-130 will take to be approved and how long until my husband can have his interview and travel packet in hand? The goal his to have him in the US prior to the birth of the baby. Also, once I move out of Italy, how do I make sure I receive all the proper documents from the USCIS as my address will change from the one on the petition? Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  10. Hey guys

    So I sent the i130 for my italian husband December 4th and it was approved January 4th! I am so happy it took only a moth! But now I am confused on what we should do. I downloaded from the gov website the papers we need and a useful post on here showed me everything my husband needs for his interview. Although we didn't receive any packets yet, I kind of wanted to speed up the process so we faxed our ds 230 part 1 and applicants statement (we have our whole binder ready) what happens now? Will they call/email/fax for appointment? I am very confused and its impossible to get ahold of anyone at naples!!

    Thanks in advance!

    Hello, again! Also, what is this ds 230 part 1 and applicant's statement that you are speaking of?

  11. Yes I used direct consular filing and I called and called and emailed and emailed! If you used DCF you call call the USCIS for info. To speak to an actual human being, call 06-4674-2190 press 5 then 1.


    I am also planning on filing with the embassay in Rome for my Italian husband via DCF. I am wondering how you got approved so quickly? I am wondering if there is a certain amount of time that I need to be resident here in Italy, this is the only thing I feel may be an issue for us. I am pregnant and plan to deliver in the US in August. Do you think my husband will get his interview and approval prior to this date? I appreciate all the input ;)

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