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Posts posted by ziiggy

  1. i think i've had enough, so you guys can go on with your little quarrels, after all if we don't succeed life goes on

    Thanks to you all

    Sorry Ziggy that we couldn't help you beat the system. Many of us did it the correct way and had success. It took time and maybe a few misteps but we did it. There are no shortcuts for you or anyone.

    @ Chicagoguy 2, I think you are on the wrong side of the river, i just don't know how some of you guys interpret my question i am not here for any sort of short cut, a manner from above or to beat what ever system you feel like calling it. if it had been that, i should be calling on a magician next door, i wont be here for the first place. so please leave my question out of that. all i asked for was just some few advice as to how to go about my application as i've never tried period ok.

    Thanks alot Boggy1974 for your links

  2. wow....so some 'spirit' of LJ overcomes 214b? How is that possible? I've checked the Immigration & Nationality Act, can't find a single reference to LJ's positive spirit as a factor in approving tourist visas.....wonder what that says....

    am very sorry if i was wrong saying ''positive spirit'' to LJ's post it wasn't anything personal, i was just trying to simply say a thank you for his advice. i see no reason why you guys have to be arguing about nothing when i actually need your advice. please drop it and help me out if not that it will be ok if you don't say anything at all. Thank you

  3. Oh my gosh. Drop it, whomever is arguing it is providing nothing to the OP's question or topic. If you want to argue language uses or definitive terms then take it to the "off topic" section and have fun.

    Good luck OP. You will need to prove you will return to Russia or Ghana. I personally believe a financial support document could make it look like you plan to immigrate and thus negatively affect you there. An invitation letter is fine but your application will be judged on it's own merits :)

    if i got you well then it means we need not present any financial support document, right?

  4. Oh my gosh. Drop it, whomever is arguing it is providing nothing to the OP's question or topic. If you want to argue language uses or definitive terms then take it to the "off topic" section and have fun.

    Good luck OP. You will need to prove you will return to Russia or Ghana. I personally believe a financial support document could make it look like you plan to immigrate and thus negatively affect you there. An invitation letter is fine but your application will be judged on it's own merits :)

    so in this case can we present a letter head from our school's internationals office indicating and authenticating time of returning back for our second years registration for classes, what do you think

  5. A vistor visa can be applied for, don't let the negativity stop you and your cousin from trying. It you don't take the chance and try you will never know if you could have turn a negative situation into a postive one. Yes, the Consular does care why you are trying to visit the US, if asked just be truthful.

    There are many people from all walks of life and countries who are granted a visitor visa. So do not let what is said here stop you from trying.

    Thanks alot man, i like your positive spirit

  6. i am from Ghana, currently studying in my first year here in Russia and i want to ask if someone can please help me out with. I want to know if it is possible for my cousin in the U.S to send us invitations and affidavit of support for Tourist Visa(me and another Cousin with different last names),is it possible if he can do this for multiple people as in our case where we are two cousins who intend to visit him in the states this summer vacations for three months Could you please share with us what possible chance we've got to get visitor visas. since we have some few months to our Vacations this year. and if possible how best can he(cousin in the U.S write his invitation letters to us.

    Thanks Ziiggy.

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