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Posts posted by rhonie36

  1. Hi! Thanks for your reply!

    So, I'd have to amend 2009, 2010, and 2011 tax returns. Would I have to have done a US tax return for my husband??...

    And, would I now have to amend something for FAFSA regarding my stafford loans?... Along that note, I wonder if his visa can be approved seeing that I'm a student (but he has assets in the UK which I guess could be "liquidized" if need be).

    Thanks again~

  2. Basically, if anyone can shed some light as to what I should do, I'd greatly appreciate it. I know there were questions like this but we are just NOW applying for an immigrant visa... so I'm wondering if the situation is different.

    I got married in 2008 out of the country. We lived together for a year, but my husband and I have been doing long distance since around 2010. I started medical school in the states (I'm US citizen); he continued working in the UK (British citizen). After having a baby now (I'm currently in the UK), we obviously all have to live together and I've been collecting documents for his immigrant visa.

    While filing my 1040 tax returns, I had thought that because we didn't get married in the US that our marriage wasn't "justified" in the US. So, I've been claiming my tax returns as single... Now, I'm just wondering if I did the wrong thing because I have to include my latest 1040 as a document for his visa interview and think this could pose as a red flag for the visa interviewer...

    Any thoughts? Do I need to amend all of my previous forms? I am definitely not so savvy in finances/taxes...

    Thank you for reading~

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