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Posts posted by dragonfly2013

  1. Hello,

    I got my green card in March 2014 through VAWA. I know I am eligible to file for citizenship in 3 years which will be in March 2017. I know that those with a 5-year rule can apply 90 days prior to their 5 years of residence, what about the 3-years rule? does it work the same? can i file for citizenship 3 month prior, that would be in December, 2016? when is that earliest time to file for citizenship?

  2. Sandra, I am going tomorrow to do my info pass by my self. Any advise from you what to ask?

    When i was at the interview, the officer was trying to explain me that i might not get a gc right away, and the reason for that is that the system for some reason doesnt want to automatically approve it and they cant do it manually at the interview.

    A friend of mine got his gc one week after the infopass.

    Wish u good luck there!!

  3. Sandra,

    what to do if the EAD expires in may, and person works and can not quite.

    The paper work was for new EAD was filed 90 days before.

    Since the first reciept of acceptance we did not hear anything.

    What to do now? The uscis does not accept the complaint or infopass about it if it has not been 90 days since the paper was filed.

    Does she need to quite her job?

    When you will go to green card interview if you gona have one, then there is a question about this on the list. They might ask you or might not. I worked while i had Tourist status. So i had to answer yes on the paper with the yes or no questions, but when the officer read those questions to me, he didnt read the whole question through the end, so my answer was no to half of the question, and he just circled no. Well, if this is the only issue that may arise, i wouldnt worry that much. There are people in much worse situation then this. But yea, u are not supposed to work without valid working papers.

  4. Hello everyone, i'm new to this forum, so please bear with me, my question is has anyone been successful filing vawa even though they were found guilty in court, this is condisdered moral turpitude? please share your experience if possible or PM me. I completed my probation and started nursing course in the UK, is this going to affect my case negatively to cause a denial? thank you....

    I went twice for a couple of months out of the country while waiting for vawa approval and gc interview, and they never said a word in that at the interview. But my lawyer was also saying that it is not recommdnded

  5. When i was at the interview the officer told me that if the gc doesnt arrive in 3 to 4 weeks make an appointment for infopass where they will stamp your passport which will serve as a green card. This officer also told me about cases wheN unfortunately people got their citizenships still waiting for a gc. A friend of mine was waiting for his gc for over a year and a half, and after he went to such infopass, he got the gc in mail on one week or so. But it wasnt vawa with him.

  6. Yes, they told me that before it was not good to leave the country while waiting on vawa, but now the regulations have changed and you can leave the country for up to 90 days.

    I did it with the help of catholic charities. Who is your lawyer? How long have you been waiting already?

    Also to apply for Advance parole you need to write a declaration where you need to explain why do you need to leave the country.

  7. Hey...,Does anyone know how long it takes for Advanced Parole to get Approved? If So Can Somebody with a pending Vawa Travel out of U.S with the Advaced Parole!! Please HELP

    Hi Akumu, my lawyer just sent my case to immigration about a week ago. I'm applying through Vawa. And at the same time we applied for work card and Advance parole. My lawyer told me it will be within 90 days. Did you apply already?

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