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Posts posted by M+P4eva

  1. I'm very sorry for your situation. I hope your wife feels regret and remorse and wants to work things out. If both of you still love each other and want your relationship to work this might be worth saving. I also dont believe once a cheater always a cheater. When me and my now fiance got together for the first time (we got together after i left US, we were friends before that), i myself drunkenly kissed another guy, felt terribly scared and regretful, confessed immediately, and it took us a few days to figure it out. When he finally flew in to meet me and we were couple-y together for the first time all our insecurities melted away finally which had led us to say or in my case do stupid things, and we've been stronger than ever. While previously, before this incident even we both had a lot of trust issues with each other and us hanging out with members of the opposite sex, now after all the talking, meetings, by the time he proposed we'd not even blink an eye at these things and make jokes of our prior paranoid behaviour. But as someone else mentioned on the thread, we were completely honest with each other, we discussed and analyzed why anything remotely inappropriate happened and what was the root cause of it, always kept the other person updated on where we were after work and who we were hanging out with , were open to sharing email accounts etc.

    i know this is slightly different from your situation, you guys had already made a 100% commitment to each other, and a full blown affair of some you're married to, the long term lies, is just too much to deal with but my point is, you were in a long distance, you have a chance to start anew now that you guys are together in a country you both like, and you also have a chance at a good job to keep yourself occupied for a while. In a inter-country long distance a lot of stability is lost which damages a relationship and makes people needy at times. I dont know how it'll play out from a legal point of view but please dont make any rash decisions. Calm down, and try talking to your wife, if she doesnt sound like she genuinely cares or is desperate to try to win you and your trust back, then you know its not even worth it.

    I hope you get good advise related to your visa/residantship here also rather than just personal comments.

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