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Not Available

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Posts posted by Not Available

  1. I don't think most americans are aware of what declawing actually is (an amputation of part of the cat's toes), or how the rest of the world views it. It's sold to us here as a routine surgery, get a spay or neuter, we'll throw in the declaw half priced! Hopefully, if more people learn what it actually is and how it can potentially be very harmful for our cats, there will be less of a demand and perhaps one day we can outlaw it here too.

    And maybe if people took this approach I would understand!

    I grew up with my family declawing our cats all the time and didn't realize there was something wrong with it.

    Perhaps next time you decide to write snippy comments, a, "I don't think that is wise, did you know this what they do?" Comment would suffice. But I guess that's just too much to ask on here.

    Alright, now I'm done. Have a nice life.

  2. Well, de-clawing is a barbaric, cruel, selfish and inhumane procedure (it's like cutting off your finger at the first knuckle and is actually illegal in the majority of other countires). I beg the OP to NOT do this to their cat. ;)


    I can't believe someone would do that to their cats. Over here you would not find a doctor who does that. It's considered animal torture and it's illegal. Also the procedure where they trim dogs tails and ears is illegal over here.

    Yup, guess I'm horrible.

    This cruel, barbaric person is so done with VJ. Bye.

  3. I have three cats and none of them liked each other at first, but they worked it out. I get my cats declawed and I made sure my first cat was de-clawed before I got my next kitten. It's always the older one that had an issue and the kitten just wanted to play, so if he tried to attack my kitten, my kitten could scratch and defend himself. My older cat learned quickly of this advantage lol.

  4. I don't think its just about PE in school, though that is important. When I was growing up my friends and I played outside just as much as inside. Now you see fewer and fewer kids playing outside. I realize we are more safety conscious, but there are parks and other recreational places parents can take their kids to get out and get more exercise. Its really a balance of nutrition and exercise.

    Yes, this is true, too. Kids are more sedentary these days... (a lot of people are...) Too much tv & computer, not enough play!

    I remember eating breakfast than watching some cartoons in the morning, going outside to play, Mom would call me in for lunch, then it was back out until dinner. Nowadays I see all my little cousins just sitting around on facebook, myspace, playing some video game or just texting from the couch.

  5. wow, i guess i'm in trouble i just took a pic of my wife changing my 1.5 year daughter i wanted to get an embarassing pic of her...

    It's ok... I just watched a diaper commercial and saw a baby bum... I'm going to hell.

  6. http://www.azcentral.com/community/peoria/...art0917-ON.html

    "A Peoria couple is suing Walmart and the state after they were accused of sexual abuse for taking bathtime photos of their daughters, according to court papers. Lisa and Anthony "A.J." Demaree's three young daughters were taken away by state Child Protective Services last fall when a Walmart employee found partially nude pictures of the girls on a camera memory stick taken to the store for processing, the lawsuit claims.

    Walmart turned the photos over to police and the Demarees were not allowed to see their children for several days and did not regain custody for a month while the state investigated, according to their lawyer, Richard Treon. OAS_AD('ArticleFlex_1')

    Treon said the images in question were part of a group of 144 photographs taken mostly the family's vacation in San Diego. He said there were seven to eight bath- and playtime photos of the girls that showed a "portion or outline or genitalia."

    At the time of the incident, the girls were 5, 4 and 1 1/2....."

  7. Posts made by an obvious troll have been removed and the account closed. We are removing the other posts he made as well.

    now my posts look crazy lol

    Well, just a bit confusing to those of us unfortunate enough to miss whatever it was that was said.

    I don't see any "ghost" jokes yet though. Was that it?

    lol no... I don't think that person would've appreciated Ghost lol

  8. From Kanye's blog (was all in caps, got this from an article)

    "I'm so sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom. I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would've said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and she's in the bleachers! I'm in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment! Beyonce's video was the best of this decade!!! I'm sorry to my fans if I let you guys down!!! I'm sorry to my friends at MTV.

    I will apologize to Taylor 2mrw (tomorrow). Welcome to the real world!!! Everybody wanna boo me but I'm a fan of real pop culture! No disrespect but we watchin' (watching) the show at the crib right now cause...well you know!!! I'm still happy for Taylor!!! Booyaa. You are very very talented. I gave my award to Outkast when they deserved it over me. That's what it is! I'm not crazy yall (y'all), I'm just real. Sorry for that! I really feel bad for Taylor and I'm sincerely sorry!!! Much respect!!!"

    He's a douche, they need to stop inviting him to these things.

  9. I fail to see the brainwashing in this speech... :unsure:

    Someone had told me he told the students not all of them are going to "reach for the stars" and "make it" and all this mumbo jumbo #######... i didn't hear that once, the only thing even close to that was "Chances are you're not going to be rapper or reality TV star. Being successful is hard. You wont love every subject you study... and you wont necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try, and that's OK."

    All in all, I thought it was good :thumbs:

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