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Posts posted by Poppy83

  1. Had my medical yesterday, all seemed to go well.

    I arrived 45 minutes early and filled out the form in the waiting room then settled down to read my book since I was told they wouldn't be able to fit me in any earlier but then 5 minutes later I got called! The nurse told me I needed the tetnus jag (even though my own Doctor told me I was up to date) so had that, then was taken in for my xray. After that I waited in a smaller waiting room with my lovely blue gown on! After about 20 min the Doctor called me. She was lovely and from NZ. She checked my eyes, ears, throat, took my blood, checked my pulse, blood pressure, pressed on my tummy and carried out the 'genital examination' which she apologised for!

    After that I got dressed and waited until they checked over all my paperwork then they called me to pay and that was me!

    Overall everyone was lovely and very friendly. Hopefully i don't hear from them next week and everything is all clear! Then it's onto the interview!!

    I had my medical, They done all the same as you except i never had the genital examination. Not sure why and if this is going to cause a problem. Maybe because i had my daughters with me for their medicals. But a little worried now as everyone else had one. :/

  2. Last night I was sleepy, talking with my daughter on Skype, she works late hours sometimes so it was about 10:30 pm my time when we started talking. When it was after midnight I was ready to tell her goodnight when the email came in from the NVC. The interview is scheduled for 8 am in Skopje. I thought it was interesting that an email could come so late. Perhaps it was in queue on an email server for awhile.

    Congrats :)

  3. I know right!? Have you done your medical already? Should I have done mine yet or when ever I get my interview date as long as its a few weeks before the interview!?

    I done mine on the 3rd Dec But only because i didnt want to travel to London too close together. As long as it is a couple of weeks before the interview i am sure it will be ok. :)

  4. Every time I meet up with my friend Ben I ALWAYS get a visa related email, either NOA2 or NVC case complete!! I'm seeing him tonight!! Hopefully my good luck friend will work for us all!! PS, folks in the UK, hope your all doing well with the miserable weather!! Urrrgghhh!! Best of luck to all!!


    Fingers crossed.

    This weather is horrible. Not looking forward to next week :(

  5. How are the NVC allowed to give out such conflicting information?

    My husband called and was told on Monday they were scheduling this week, then someone else on this thread was told it would run into next week, and now you have been told they are finished?

    None of this makes any sense, are they being Embassy specific when they give out this information?

    I am so confused :/

  6. Yeah, that's exactly what I've been doing. I forced myself to leave the house today for a couple of hours to stop me from checking. It's painful!

    One more day this week so maybe we'll get lucky.

    Hahahaha i did that yesterday i forced myself to go to my cousins all day. But today i was pinned at the computer again checking lol

    I really hope so. It is driving me crazy

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