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Status Replies posted by jojha

  1. We are about to start the process, i already sign the forms for step 1 and send them by mail. I feel anxious and sad. I miss my fiance and feel so sensitive about what is going to come. I can't wait to be with my lil family.

    1. jojha


      ya recibimos el NOA1 el 17 de enero, estamos esperando ser aprovados por CSC pero ya no sabemos cuando, supuestamente sería en mayo o junio pero como van las cosas estamos pensando quizás en setiembre u octubre. :(

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. We are about to start the process, i already sign the forms for step 1 and send them by mail. I feel anxious and sad. I miss my fiance and feel so sensitive about what is going to come. I can't wait to be with my lil family.

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