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Brandon and Sugar

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Posts posted by Brandon and Sugar

  1. I pretty sure you won't get any RFE and will probably get that mail back to you. I included both mine and my sister's birth certificates (same last name and my mom sent me both copies from India) in my AOS filing and they mailed my sister's document back to me. They even laughed about it at the interview.

    Awww..lol! Thank you for the comment, it definitely made me feel better :)

    God bless you :)

  2. Hi, I accidentally placed our friend's mail in my packet that we submitted today. Well, it's been a long day, a night before I pulled an all niter studying, this morning I went to school then worked the whole day afterwards, to make it short I was exhausted. When my husband and I got inside the post office I pulled out our friend's mail to separate it from my papers that we're supposed to drop off at the post office also. I was trying to hand it to my husband but he was not minding me so I put it back at the envelope together with my other immigration papers until I totally forgot about it and only remembered after getting into the car. Question is, would that be a problem and would that cause us a red flag, an RFE and an interview?? These are the documents we submitted

    I have enclosed the following:

    · Application fee - $590.

    · Form I-751.

    · Copy of Permanent Resident Card.

    · Copy of our joint US tax return for years 2012, 2013, 2014.

    o Copy of our 2013 and 2014 ITR tax return transcripts showing both our names.

    · Copy of various car insurance notices.

    · Copy of our car title showing joint ownership.

    · Copy of my husband’s recent paystubs (Last 3 months)

    · Copy of our visa debit cards and bank statements showing a joint account.

    · Copy of our credit cards showing a joint account.

    · Copy of our Costco Membership Cards.

    · Copy of my (husband) life insurance policies showing my wife as the 100% beneficiary.

    o Basic Life.

    o Supplemental Life.

    o Accidental Death and Death.

    o Business Travel Accident.

    o Retirement Savings Plan.

    o Health/Dental HSA.

    · Copy of our health insurance Cigna cards showing a joint account

    · Copy of our driver’s license and driver’s permit.

    · Copy of our passports.

    · Copy of our Report of Marriage.

    · Invitation cards addressed to both my wife and I.

    Replies would be highly appreciated, thank you so much

  3. Awwww aren't you sweet to think of me. I am doing excellent really.

    So happy to see approvals and couples reuniting. God is awesome. And still blessing and restoring. My story ain't over yet.

    Thanks for asking. God bless u.rose.gifheart.gif

    God Bless you Miss Dweels76, I really want you to be happy. Be strong and have faith, I honestly think you are such a sweet woman and deserves all the happiness in the world one could havesmile.png Best of luck madame and always take good care of yourself heart.gifsmile.png

  4. USCIS claims they did not receive the response to my Rfe which I sent twice. I don't know what to do now. I've sent a mail to the ombudsman but I don't know what will come out of it. I have the tracking details and I have the return slip.

    I'm worried the same thing, I hope USCIS wont tell us one day that they still haven't received our files that's why I asked my fiance to resend our stuff, I haven't asked him yet if he already called the lawyer about it. Well, good luck to you and I hope you'll get your approval soon.

  5. Did you call USCIS and verify that you sent to the correct address? this has been posted just 2 days ago someone else didn't even have an address on the RFE letter and they never got it.

    I would be calling and calling. You window is small and if they don't get they will deny.

    Hello Miss Dweels76, I remember you from your past post. I hope everything is okay on your end now heart.gif - Amber

  6. Good to see you back on here Brandon and Sugar! Sorry about your RFE situation but something seems to be wrong and you gotta get on top of things. Did you call?

    We did, a couple of times actually but each time my fiance would call, the person on the other line would say they don't have anything to say then would hung up, LOL @ that! At least I'm not the only person having such luck. Hang in there friends, we will eventually get our approval soon.

  7. It sounds like to me that your lawyer may be responding to the RFE's without telling you about it. It may be that they messed up your paperwork and they are trying to correct their mistake. You will not know because the RFE hard copy will not be mailed to you, it goes directly to the lawyer. I read some past RFE posts on these forums where people were complaining that the lawyer made a mistake and was handling all of the communication between the service center themselves and not telling the clients. Our RFE reply was delayed because it sat on the lawyers desk for over a week (nearly two) before they told us they had received it. All that time, for two weeks, my fiance and I were waiting for the letter to come to us and it never did, which caused us much stress.

    I would call USCIS and get the address changed so that any future communications go directly to you and not to the lawyer. Should at least give you the peace of mind knowing exactly when you receive the letter and not having to depend on the lawyer telling you (or not telling you) that they received it.

    Really?? I never knew this, I shall tell this to my fiance. Thank you JD and Coconut.

  8. If you hired a lawyer, that will delay your RFE. We made the mistake of hiring one and by my estimates, it delayed our RFE being replied to by two weeks, could have been more but I was on them every day to get our reply sent out.

    I recommend that you call USCIS directly, don't go through your lawyer; you can call them directly after 15 days if you have not received a hard copy of your RFE; if it has not been 15 days since the date they currently have on the website they will not help you! Also, I called them after I found the lawyer was delaying us and had them change the address of future letters to my address, this should prevent any future delays caused by the lawyer. You will need to be very pleasant with the tier 1 person, tell them your story and exactly what you want done. I told them that our lawyer was not being responsive and delaying our RFE reply and they put me in touch with the tier 2 officer and they submitted the change. Remember it pays to be courteous on the phone as they can make your life miserable if they want to.

    We do have a lawyer, he is not delaying our RFE (maybe he does, I don't know) but all I know is that the whole USCIS system sucks. It's been a month and we still haven't gotten that hardcopy thingy. Called them several times already to resend it, but still no luck. SIGH!

  9. I don't understand?!?!? You got more than one RFE?!? Or you have not received the hard copy for even the first one yet?!?! I have heard that when you get the first email that means that you have just been given the actual RFE and the 2nd email is when it's mailed out to you. The 3rd and 4th one a month later?!?! is that a completely different one after you fixed the first one?? or you never found out what the first one was and then they sent you the other two emails??

    All these RFE's are just notice saying we have an RFE but we NEVER had the "hardcopy" since the first notice. Sadly, yes my friend, it's been a month and we're still waiting for that hardcopy, to find out what papers we are lacking.

  10. Some people (I think it is very rare) actually like to wake up with an old man. Some people have fetishes for older people, etc. It's entirely possible for someone to fall in love with someone of any age, with no ulterior motives -- it's just very rare.

    Other people (I think this is more common) don't like waking up with an old man, but love waking up to a full wallet and the ability to live a lavish lifestyle in a first-world country. They are willing to pretend to like waking up next to an old man for this. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but this is essentially a form of prostitution. With that said, this is how it used to be in the world. A man would sell his daughter to the man who could provide the best life for her.

    Personally, I think we should open the borders more. Let the people who want to live in the U.S. do it without having to pretend to fall in love with an American. If we were to make it easy to live in the U.S. for people from the various countries famous for fraud, there would be no reason for them to defraud AmericYes


    Well, you know the saying "Happiness is a Choice" and "Money is the root of evil". smile.png

  11. Age is a state of mind. As for waking up with an "old man" - don't knock it til you've tried it. There are plenty of us old guys who can run circles around guys half our age. With age come experience, wisdom, tolerance, patience, perspective, understanding, and a richness and depth of love uncommon in most younger people. For some people these qualities are more important than youth. I guess you're simply not one of those people.

    To each one's own. I hope you and your fiancée have a relationship as rich and lasting as that which you have found in your own family. I had 27 years with my ex-wife - many of them good. We raised 3 wonderful children, and have many fond memories. But, somewhere along the way the passion fell out of our marriage - eroded over time like bare soil on a mountain after many seasons of rain. Over the last several years of our marriage we led parallel lives. There was still care and respect - but we were not in love. We had fallen out of love - the foundation of our marriage had crumbled, and there was no chance to rebuild it.

    I was not willing to accept a life of passionless co-habitation. My heart, though old, is still strong and full of love. Like the smoldering embers of a fire left long untended, my heart waited and longed for someone to stir it back to flame. Thanks to my fiancée, love and passion burn brightly in my heart again. I love her more deeply than I have ever loved anyone before, and she gives me more love and joy than I have ever had. I have found my soul-mate.

    So curse me if you will for still wanting love and passion in my life, and for finding it in a woman much younger than I. Meanwhile, she and I will treasure each moment we have in our lives together.

    I believe I owe you an apology, I was too harsh on my previous statements. I'm sorry, please have a happy life, no one in this earth deserves a sad and lonely life.

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