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Posts posted by moodyme

  1. My husband (fiance at the time) had these questions at his interview:

    Given a piece of paper , list your fiances sisters , brothers and father , complete with job and salaries (yes salaries) He couldn't answer salaries :)

    The day and year your fiance started her past job (past job was 15 yrs previous) I don't even remember what the date was :) He knew where and how many years ago but not the date :)

    Please add , I've heard some great ones from others!

    What was the name of your fiance's daughters last boyfriend? That was the one that tripped him up. Dang, she is a teenager, I felt lucky if I knew the answer to that.

  2. Hey there

    We are at 6 months + and still trying our best to remain patient! My fiance, (the USC) called USCIS today, and asked what dates they're processing and they told him July 17, and then he asked that they've been doing that for a month, why is it taking so long, and the guy on the phone was unable to give him an answer. And then he asked about our case and the guy said he cannot give him any information, for some reason we do not know.

    SO i'm wondering if phoning the USCIS can do any good? And if so, who do we need to talk to in order to get some information about our case? I've tried calling (i'm the beneficiary) and they won't give me any information and my fiance works an 8-6 job, so its not easy for him to call!

    How long to we wait before getting even more concerned?


    There are a lot of people before you who have also still not received theirs. Me being one of them. You just have to be patient. I dont think it will be a much longer wait. At least I hope not! Good Luck! Wish the best for you on your journey.

  3. Hi...thank you for your response! Do you remember how long it took for the embassy to respond/schedule? I emailed them an inquiry last Monday & no response yet.


    I didnt hear from the after a week so I emailed them again and they sent the date to me through email the same day. I mentioned in my second email that I had not received a response from my previous request. He never got the packet so we just went to the website to get all the forms we needed.

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