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Posts posted by Steph&Jack

  1. Thank you so much for your response :) Makes me feel a lot better. I just wish we would have triple checked about this before the interview. Good to know that we need to get one now for the green card process, so thank you! We honestly didn't think too much of it as he was never charged with anything... Just being a stupid 17 year old kid dared to do it by some other stupid 17 year old boys... but lesson learned!

    Yesterday I was so upset overthinking that now they are going to say this is a crime of moral turpitude or something like that, which rationally I think (and hope!) is just silly as he was a minor and never sentenced but as you read horror stories about this process, and we have been delayed so long in getting the NOA2, I think I am on a worst case scenario mindset.

    Thanks again!

  2. Thanks for the response :)

    It makes sense that we should have got a subject access form before the interview.. oh if we could turn back time. ;)

    The weird thing is that the interviewer at the embassy told my fiancé that they would get the subject access form on his behalf and then contact him when they processed the visa.. on the condition that what he stated in the interview is correct, which it is.. Have you ever heard of the embassy doing this?

    I see it costs 10 pounds and you need some other paperwork to submit to get this subject access report.. I am assuming that the embassy knows this and they think they can do it themselves.. ??? Have you ever heard of this? They did keep his passport at the embassy.

    So confused.

    Thanks :)

  3. HI everyone,

    Hoping for a little help and reassurance :)

    My fiancé had his interview today at the UK embassy for our K1 visa and he had a bit of an issue with his police report. The guy that interviewed him wasn't very friendly and when he was asking him questions about his police report he told him that they were going to conditionally approve him until they did more of a police background check from the Dorset police.

    My fiancé's police report stated "No Live Trace". When he was 17 or 18 years old (he is 99.9% sure he was 17 however he was so nervous at the interview he said erm, I was either 17 or 18 and I think that is why the interviewer was harder on him) he was arrested from his place of employment for theft (he took a bike lamp for 10 pounds on a dare from the other stupid kids that dared him to do it) and spent the night in Jail. The next morning he was given a caution or warning (he isn't sure on which one) and was sent on his way. He never went to court, he never did any community service, or even paid a fine.

    He also was given a caution on the street at the age of 17 for carrying a swiss army knife on his keychain.

    So he doesn't have anything else on his record, never done anything since. He was a stupid 17 year old kid and because of that we both thought it wasn't that big of an issue, especially because his police report did not have anything and he told the Medical Examiner the story when he produced his police report and she just laughed at him for being so worried about it.

    Now at the interview today my fiancé told the same thing to the interviewer as I told him he shouldn't lie and the interviewer said, "well, I can't believe you didn't go to court for that" and he is now requesting a full background from the Dorset police dept. and they have no clue how long it will take.

    My fiancé asked several people when he left the embassy about the process now and how long it would take and they just said, we will text you when we process your visa after we see the police report.

    Does anybody have any ideas on what we should do or if there is anything we can do? We have been waiting forever on this visa and to see each other again. I think this case falls under the petty Moral Turpitude clause where he was a minor and/or never sentenced but now I am so stressed out and unsure of where we go from here.

    Thank you all for you support :)

  4. Hey everyone!

    I have a question regarding the affidavit of support and filing last years taxes, hope someone out there knows the answer!

    I am the US citizen (petitioner) and my fiance is a UK citizen. We met in September of 2011 the first day I arrived in the UK to attend graduate school. I lived off of student loans until Jan 2012 when I decided to get a part time weekend job at a local clothing store. I never thought much about it as I was paying taxes to the UK gov't and didn't really make much money at all (maybe 5,000 pounds total for the year I worked there). I worked until Jan 2013 and just got back into the USA two months ago and didn't file taxes for this last year as I lived overseas, was a student, and wouldn't have made the $9,750 needed to file anyways.

    However while we are waiting for our NOA2 (we are october 11 filers) I am trying to figure out everything we need to still do yet I started to freak out that when I file our affidavit of support I don't have this last years taxes.

    I know I could still back file but how would I even do that? The UK doesn't give out W2s like we do here so I really don't know how much I made exactly, I can roughly guess but that makes me nervous. Could I call the UK's HM Revenue Service and get a statement of what my earnings were for the last UK tax year (it's different months that the USA). Am I able to just use my last paystub from the UK job?

    OR the easiest version would be to just write a letter stating I didn't need to legally file because I was a student and didn't make enough money to file? Would I need to show evidence though?

    Sorry that this is so long, just want to make sure that I am doing everything right so that when we finally get our NOA2 we don't have any problems.

    Thanks for any advice! :) x

  5. It's unfair that anyone has gotten an NOA2 after July.. they need to finish with a month and then move on to the next. Wait in line, in order, just like everyone else. The CSC going out of order has given everyone a false sense of entitlement. I have been waiting a little over 6 months and although it SUCKS (We even had to cancel our wedding now that was suppose to be May 25) I think it ridiculous that anyone past July or August has even been approved. Sorry if it sounds harsh but after you pass the 5 month wait time and you see people being approved after 3 or 4 months you lose all sympathy.

  6. hey everyone!

    Just got off the phone with my senator's liaison (Senator Ron Johnson Wisconsin). I had called and emailed about 10 days ago and they said they would call and inquire on our behalf. We are a October 11th filer btw. The liaison said that she had inquired about our file and she was assured that our file was not destroyed in the plumbing incident a few weeks ago and that the DACA files were not affecting the K1 processing time. And apparently they told her that they are currently working on September filers. I asked her when she thought we would get our NOA2 and she said she was pretty sure in the next few weeks they would get to us.

    SO dunno what to think... I hung up the phone feeling pretty good about it but as with all things with the CSC, I am not expecting much! It is good to see all of these July and August filers getting approved though :D

  7. It sucks. Were waiting still...

    We are October 11th filers at the CSC and still waiting.. So depressing watching all of these Nov and Dec filers get approved. Not fair at all. I have already contacted my congressman (and got nowhere) and called my senator last week (waiting to hear a response back from that one). People keep saying that all we can do is wait and see, and I would have no problem with that if all of these Nov/Dec filers hadn't been approved. My attitude has gone from a 'long line at the DMV' to 'people being called out of order at the DMV'... Not impressed.

    Hopefully my senator's aide will tell me something new and hopefully with everyone contacting, calling, etc.. the CSC is feeling some pressure. We need to keep putting pressure on them.

  8. Your right, We might as-well keep fighting! :thumbs: Thank you very much! :)

    My Fiance and I had the same wedding date, May 25th! We planned everything, and his family even bought tickets! Two weeks ago we decided to postpone the wedding to an unknown date and it's been a heartbreaking experience. I feel for you in having to decide to postpone it but after the initial shock and stress in informing everyone, people are generally more understanding than you think. :) We contacted our congressman and were told that we could expedite based upon financial hardship with the loss of money with planning the wedding but when they said it would need to be a significant amount of money, like 25,000, I decided to call an immigration attorney and get some advice. He told me that he has clients at the CSC and the last client he had had a NOA1 from August 15th. He told me the CSC does not care about my wedding or anyone's wedding and unless one of the couples has a terminal disease or is being deployed to war there is nothing that can be done. He predicted another 6-8 week for me (I'm a October 11th NOA1) and that was about 2 weeks ago.

    I guess long story short... it sucks, and I feel your pain :( Hang in there

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