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Status Updates posted by samadi

  1. FYI: I'm thinking many AP will end soon and visa's issue on Feb 1 or after in great numbers!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. samadi


      i just posted!!! let see what feed back others have! I hope our AP ends soon!!

    3. samadi


      sorry for delay my cell never shows when someone replies or writes! i took your advices and posted!

    4. samadi


      sorry for delay my cell never shows when someone replies or writes! i took your advices and posted!

  2. Hello all!!! Someone please post some positive or recent approved AP status soon.... This fills me with hope that things are moving along in AP world!! We are now at day 65 of AP and I just need to see others progressing in their AP not only do I feel happy for you but it's gives me hope that ours too will come soon! I NEED GOOD NEWS PLZZZZ!

    1. M <3 R

      M <3 R

      Samadi I was soooooo happy for those people who were approved todayyyyyyyyy....that gave me hope and make feel maybe we will be next..one day is coming hopefuly will be very soon and we will be soooon with our beloved one...

    2. samadi


      Yes me too I hope we get news soon!!!

      Did you see NEW FEE ADDED!!'???

    3. M <3 R

      M <3 R

      What New Fee Added?!!!

  3. I know how you feel! 65 days today for us! And I'm just trying to remain upbeat and have a positive attitude and keep my husbands spirits up! Hang in their I truly believe we will hear something soon!

    We must look at bright side we are not in embassy review I just had a friend have case go back to USCIS after embassy review and at least 5 calls and 2 home visits we pas...

  4. Thanks for sending me the link!!! :-)

  5. We are almost hitting our 60 mark soon!!!! I called DOS they said its in AP gave no other info to me but at least we're nice! I pray we get good news soon!

  6. Waiting is the hardst part of this journey! Its not so much being apart when your communication is great and plentiful (thank you viber and skype) but its waiting and having your life on HOLD!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. samadi


      60 days for us!!!! Come on visaaaaaaa!!!!!

    3. samadi


      You will get word SOON!!!! Lets be positive!!!

    4. M <3 R

      M <3 R

      Yuppp you're Right..it will comeeeeeeee very sOonnnnnnnnnn ,I hope you get yours now and post us good newssss ,I swear I'll be soooooo happy for u and I will be nextttt :)

  7. Waiting is the hardst part of this journey! Its not so much being apart when your communication is great and plentiful (thank you viber and skype) but its waiting and having your life on HOLD!

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