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Status Updates posted by jdba

  1. Applied  online for the N-400 on 5/20/24 for the Detroit office. Received an online notice that we would  not need new Bio. Then received a letter on 5/24 saying they received our application and another letter on 5/28 that we didn't need to do the Bio.  Based on what I see on here it's taking 2 to 3 months to get an interview in Detroit. Hope that hold true. 

  2. Hubby has been here 8 months and everything is going great. The process sucks but it's sooooo worth it!

  3. Still waiting for SSN :(

  4. Leaving tomorrow to get my hubby.. :D

  5. Tickets bought now I'm just waiting ..... 14.5 days till I see my husband

  6. Received an email from the embassy today. My husband should have his visa in 5 B days. YAAAYYYY

  7. It only took 10 days after returning the missing papers? At the interview they wanted a copy of my passport show Turkish visa and stamps. I am hoping he can get his visa in 10 days

  8. He got an Orange card and they want a copy of my passports. Showing I went to Turkey.

  9. Counting down the hours... 19 to go....

  10. Only 60 hours (2.5 days) till my husbands interview.... Need to keep busy so I don't go crazy thinking about everything.

    1. ainsn


      Same here! Except my husband's interview isn't for another 18 days.

    2. jdba


      Good Luck!!.... Is he ready? My husband didn't get nervous till this week. Then he got very nervous. He is soooo worried about AP and us not being together for 3 to 6 mo.

  11. Medical is done... 6 more days till the interview

  12. Time is starting to Fly by. Husbands medical is in 2 days and the interview is in 8 (less than 8)... keeping my fingers crossed

  13. There are 2 people I know of from VJ with interviews in Ankara tomorrow. There are only 6 CR1 interviews tomorrow. I am praying to see more approvals this week.

  14. I have started to track the % of cases in AP vs Approved for Ankara. This week: CR1's 7/9 78% in AP; K1 3/4 75% in AP; IR1 2/2 100% in AP

  15. Yaaayyyyyyy We got a June 24 interview date

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nattypruett


      Hi, did you receive any news about Ankara? I'm hoping my husband will have his interview before September. NVC approved my AOS packet and my husband's visa application should arrive in a few days. You think my hope is reasonable? :D

    3. jdba


      It's hard to say. Both Clynn and I finished the NVC April 16/17 and got June 24/25 interview dates. So it seems faster. But there are others that were waiting since Jan 2013 and March and just got a June interview. And there is a guy from Iran that got an June interview and they emailed him back saying it was a mistake. He was approved in April also at the NVC. But if you finish in May.. I would think you should see a Aug interview date. But it's really hard to know. And I don't t...

    4. jdba


      hmmm it got cut off... but I don't know and you wont know till you get a date from the NVC.

  16. Just got an email from the office of my congressman . They have emailed the NVC and Ankara to try to find out why there is such a back log and when I can expect an interview date. Keeping fingers crossed for a real answer back

  17. Received an email from the lawyer after the official"case complete" email saying we should get a May or June interview date.. Well I know May is full.. I'm thinking he doesn't understand how far behind Ankara is :(

  18. Got a reply from Ankara on why the May interview schedule looks so light. I guess it will be undated in a few days...Waiting for 351 additional files from the NVC????.. WOW.. But I'm still getting the same reply.. We could get a June or later date... ( or later :( .......)

  19. Our case completed at the NVC. Now for the long wait for an interview. But based on those still waiting we are only half way there. 4.5 mo's done and maybe a 4 mo wait for a interview :(

  20. Neither AOS or IV have been reviewed as yet :(

  21. Tried to get a real answer about the wait times for interview in Ankara. The reply I got was if we completed the NVC by the end of April we could get a June 2013 or later date :( At least there is a small chance we could get a June date.

  22. Lawyer is mailing AOS and IV papers today. Fingers crossed for a fast Case Complete

  23. Both Bills now showing paid. These last few steps have went super fast. Still worried about Ankara having almost a month gap in their interview schedule.

  24. hi,

    Do yo have an interview date yet? I noticed that the interview schedule skips almost all of May I was hoping this will fill in but I am waiting to see. I hope you get a fast interview! I heard that Ankara was 3 mo's behind. I pray this is wrong and I am sure you do also!!

  25. Got both bills today AOS & IV . Both paid. Now just waiting for the email from the lawyer that everything has been sent to the NVC. Hoping he does it tomorrow but if not I don't think he will do it till Monday because I'm sure he is not working Good Friday.

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