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Status Updates posted by RN995

  1. Its been almost a week since I was told my K1 was under 'administrative review'. I am more peaceful to look at it now than when I was first told by AIT. Like my fiance said 'water under bridge'. I've decided to focus on seeing him in end of December. And, think with a positive mind. Praying...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pieroot


      oh, would you please post a review on how the interview went and what questions were asked? My fiance is interviewing there too and we re very nervous about it. it would help to know how to prepare for it!!! Thanks a lot RN995!

    3. RN995


      It was mostly waiting during the interview process. like 2-5 minutes check the initial paper documents with 1st staff, WAIT some time, 5-10 mins for the 2nd thorough check with another staff, WAIT more time, finally had the interview with the consulate for about 10 mins. Then, that's it. All is about 1.5-1.7 hrs in my case. see how much waiting time? :)

    4. RN995


      questions I was asked: how did we know each other?1st time face to face meeting? how many face to face meetings? his job? his 1st divorce? do I know anything about his ex-wife? who he lives with now? my job? the proof of our meetings?

  2. !! Unfortunately, consulate American Institute in Taiwan called after interview that case will go under an 'administrative review'. Now I dont know how long I have to wait for my visa. I really felt the interview went well and AIT just didnt reveal what their concerns are. :'( . what a torture. would it be just a random pick for their routine QA check?? Try to not pressure myself too much (already did ~>.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RN995


      because on the AIT interview checklist, it did not mention to bring pictures but I was asked anyway.

    3. johnny828


      what happened to your case?

    4. RN995


      hi, Johnny828, I have no answer to what happened to my case as I was not told any good reason except my case was put in a administrative review, that's it. AIT just told me that it was nothing about me but they had to wait for further notice to issue a visa. I was pretty freaking out without knowing anything and all I could do was waiting! Anyway, got my visa on 20th, Dec, 2012!!! ;)

  3. Thank you to have shared your timeline here!I've been goggling. Did not see any Taiwan case until yours. I've just had an interview on 20Nov12. I thought the interview went pretty well and thought I'd get my visa in just a few days but then AIT called me that the counselor officer has some concern to verify and put my case in 'administrative review'. would you please sha...

  4. Thank you to have shared your timeline here!I've been goggling. Did not see any Taiwan case until yours. I've just had an interview on 20Nov12. I thought the interview went pretty well and thought I'd get my visa in just a few days but then AIT called me that the counselor officer has some concern to verify and put my case in 'administrative review'. would you please sha...

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