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Posts posted by poeticvoice

  1. I'm sorry she's being difficult..on a positive, I do really think that your paystubs are enough, after all they are issued by the company, my husband never submitted an employment letter to prove that he can support me. He just submitted his paystubs and his tax information and we were good to go. Worst case they'll send an RFE asking for one but I don't think that'll happen. What state are you in?

    Maybe I'll be okay then.... I'm in Missouri

  2. Sorry you were treated this way. I had a similar situation. I tried for months to get the letter and couldn't. I sent in pay stubs (6 months) , tax forms (3 years), and bank info and it was accepted without question. My embassy Algeria, is pretty tough, so you might be fine with the same.

    Thanks I'm hoping cause I miss Julia and I'd hate to have to wait even longer

  3. Do you have some kind of online HR system that you use at work to punch in/punch out, that has all your employee info listed on it? For me, my paystubs were enough..I don't see why she would deny you this request..it's really odd but maybe we can find a way around it..have you tried going to your HR dept instead of your boss?

    There is no HR Department it's a business of about 30 people and the owner is the one who does anything like verifying work yes I'm very upset that she changed her mind and treated me this way but I know if showing her the page from the Moscow US Embassy website doesn't change her mind then nothing will... So I'm just frustrated.. But on a good note I just received a late Birthday Card from my best friend (besides Julia) in the whole world she's been busy in Germany with work and things so after my bad day it was nice to see that card!! Thanks for the reply

  4. So my last post was about how my boss "and when I say boss I mean the owner of the company" said that they didn't have letterhead for the employment letter but that she would write one for me on plain paper with the information I needed... Mind you I asked for this almost 3 months ago.. Well she comes in today and tells me flat out that she doesn't think I need this letter that she doesn't know where the letter is going to end up and that she is not going to write one, that my pay stubs and tax information should be enough that they can look up my name with my SSN and find out that I've worked there for 7 years.. Then starts to say that she thinks Julia is asking for this information cause she's stringing it out and trying to get out of doing the interview... I told her very calmly "oh no she has nothing to do with this, this is what I need to send her"...

    And this is my Aunts best friend who I work for... I can respect that she may not like that I've found the woman of my dreams from another country and may not like her because of whatever reason, but to treat me like this after 7 years of loyalty doing everything they've ever asked of me and when I need one simple thing... it's like I am asking for a 50% raise... What pisses me off even more is one of my co-workers whom I'm close to but has had trouble with the law needed a letter on letterhead for a thing they had to deal with... She gave them the letter on letterhead (this was after I first asked for the letter) and of course my boss doesn't know that I know this...

    I guess I need to know what my options are now since she refuses to give me the letter even though I showed her the I-134 instructions (plan on showing her the page from the Moscow website for fiancee visa showing where they require the letter) Will I be able to get away with it if I include a signed letter stating that my work will not give out a letter that they feel my pay stubs and tax information should be sufficient? I'm really at a lose for words as to why she would now do this to me and totally refuse to give me a letter of employment.. I'm so frustrated and angry right now.. I just need any advice it will be appreciated.. I would hate to have spent 340 plus another 200 to mail her the information for them to deny it and not send a request for the letter (my boss would do it then and only then)

    Thanks everyone


  5. Thanks!:) I have used USPS but they are not the problem. Once that package leaves this country they really don't have any control of it and if they are honest they will tell you that. Yes I went to Moscow for the interview so I took the documents with me but if I was going to send them I would DHL or FedEx. Expensive but to know they are there is worth a lot to.

    If you have something with a company logo just make your own letterhead. But make a good one!:)

    Got word from my employer she's unsure when she'll even get the letterhead or she even ordered some... she said she could still write the letter with the information needed it just wouldn't be on letterhead I thought this may be okay if perhaps she included her business card .. what are your thoughts?

  6. Hi Brad,

    I had the same problem but my company is much bigger at about 300 employees. They gave me a number to call for the information they already had but would not give me. So I made the letter myself (with the company logo on it) and my supervisor signed it. All the information was correct and right there on my check stubs and tax returns. It only has to be signed by someone that is above you like a supervisor and doesn't have to come from the HR department. There was no questions about it at her interview in Moscow. I hope this helps!smile.png

    Congratulations on the approval! Thanks for the info I will absolutely try that if I'm unable to get the letter... they don't normally do anything requiring company letter head so they had to order some and of course right when Julia says she's ready.. I originally asked right after Moscow said we were ready so it's frustrating almost 2 months I've waited just to be told they have no more letter head... I'm hoping for the best... I was gonna ask how you sent the documents but remember you went with her correct?... Have you used USPS to mail things to Russia.. I know it's the cheapest fastest way at about 48.00... thanks again for the reply


  7. @JohnE I'm the same the business has about 30 employees and the owner is actually my aunts best friend... it's just really frustrating they are taking so long... she said they had to order the letter head but I asked back in June when Moscow said we were ready to set up interview... I hate asking for things ever so when I ask for something one time it's got to be the most difficult problem... and all my co-workers are excited to meet her as well thanks for the response

  8. Okay my fiance is finally ready to set up her interview for Embassy in Moscow.. I am having an issue getting my employer to give me and employment letter... I was wondering if anyone had this same issue and was able to get around without having it.. I still have to mail her everything and am hoping to have the letter by this week but it's like pulling teeth trying to get something so simple and it will take at least a week to reach her once I mail everything and I can't wait forever for the letter.

    So if anyone has any advice. I thought about emailing the Embassy with the question but thought that might cause a problem and they may think I'm no longer employed.. It's getting so close to finally being with her again and I'd hate to lose having her here over something so simple.. I appreciate anything you guys can tell me even if it's not what I want to hear.. Thanks


  9. Okay I called NVC today was told my case was shipped last friday the 14th... Then I came on here found my case through DHL and that it was delivered yesterday the 17th.. I assume I will be receiving and email from the embassy shortly this week... I have a question on my form I-134 about the address my fiancee resides at.. She went to Thailand through this process, she works there and as well to study Thai... I'm wondering if it will be a problem to keep her address in Moscow as where she resides or will this cause any problems... She will of course be coming back to Moscow here shortly I didn't think it's a big issue to have the Moscow address on the form but I of course don't want to cause any type of misrepresentation... I would hate through all of this to be denied... I just don't really consider Thailand as her residence.. Any help is greatly appreciate Thanks

  10. This news is amazing I have prayed that we would be approved with this petition.. I thought I had at least until July before they would even adjudicate it as I sent in our information in February I know I got lucky and am very grateful and hope that it isn't a mix up as both online and phone confirm that we were approved our petition and I wait for the hardcopy.. My heart is racing so fast right now I can't believe it.. My nerves were getting me and so much stress as been released from my soul.. If anyone has any advice it will be greatly appreciated...

    Much Love to you all


  11. My other concern was previously answered but I have some family that had things they were saying, so I wanted to come here and clear everything up...

    My fiancee was in Thailand on a tourist visa from 2008 to 2011 she I believe either reapplied for the visa while there or she did if when she took vacations to various places she visited as the visa's are only valid every 3 months.. (she also worked there without a permit) This being said does she need to include being in Thailand on the form G-325a My family believes since she technically was only there every 3 months that she won't need to, but since my family said this I have to make sure... I do not want to do anything to jeopardize us being approved in every step of the K-1 process...

    I researched on here and got many different answers but couldn't find an exact response... I know honesty is key... Obviously her passport from Kyrgyzstan will show the visas (she now has a Russian Citizenship with a Russian International Passport)It seems every time I feel confident with the process someone brings something up that gives me a doubt and makes me come here for answers. I appreciate anything that is helpful and I am hopeful things will go smoothly.. I know that if we are denied it's possible she will never be able to get a visa here under certain circumstances or I will have to go there Marry her and then apply for CR-1... Or in worse case have to move there to be with her in either Moscow, Russia or her home town Bishkek Kyrgyzstan which every she prefers.. Please ease my mind and let me be able to tell my family what's right and wrong

    Thanks Again

  12. They don't care about her Thai work permit or not. She should always be honest about everything in this process.

    There are no "Provinces" in Russia, there are "Oblasti" Moscow is BOTH a city and an Oblast. Sort of a City-State. Tyumen is not necessarily the name of the Oblast, check it out before you answer. Sometimes an Oblast has the same name as the largest city, sometimes not (or vice-versa). Donetsk is in Donetsk Oblast, so is Mariupol and every other city in Donetsk Oblast. Kansas City is in Kansas (and Missouri) and so is Topeka.

    Just check to be sure, she should know which Oblasti she lived in just as you know what states you have lived in.

    Thanks, funny you mention Kansas City as I live there on the Missouri side (technically Gladstone) but yes I will let her know they mean Oblasti and inform her they won't care about whether she worked without a permit or not but that she needs to be truthful with all information, I appreciate the help


  13. The main concern for USCIS is where the beneficiary lived, and whether or not they have been in any trouble before. This is the reason they want to know where this person lived. Does she have legal status where she is living at the present moment? That is also important because that will determine which embassy will do her interview. You are right about the US citizen's employment being their concern. Someone from the Russia forum will hopefully answer the rest of your question. Good luck to you both.

    Thanks for the reply yes she has a Russian Citizenship originally from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan so she is legally in Moscow

  14. Hello Fellow VJ Members

    I've searched the site for answers to my Fiancee's worries and somewhat found what I was looking for, but I want to make sure that she knows that I've done everything possible to find out and ease her worries.. So here we go... Her situation is, she was living in Thailand legally from 2008 to 2011 and she had a job while she was there but she had no work permit. She is worried that USCIS will see this and not approve the petition..

    I think from what I've researched on here and other places is that they don't really check or care about her employment when it comes to K-1 visa as opposed to if she were applying to come here for work then they would care. Is this true? I 100% feel that she needs to be honest especially with the US Government (whether they check or not).. I feel like with this kind of visa they only care about my work and whether I will be able to support her or not, which I will..

    Another question I have is in regards to her Province in Moscow Russia from what I gather the Province would also be Moscow as well as when she lived in Tyumen the province is also Tyumen is this correct? I appreciate any and all help I can receive from others who know or were in similar situations.. I want to make sure I have everything as correct as possible as to avoid any RFE's... Thanks everyone who reads my post

    Best Wishes In The New Year!!

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