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Posts posted by seafoodman

  1. thank you for your reply, i appreciate it !The divorce papers that she has are not the type neeeded for visa purposes,mine wasnt mentioned in the letter for further evidence, but hers was,but here's where it gets more confusing,she rang the petition helpline and spoke to a nice lady,and that lady didnt know how to help so she was transfered to another lady who also didnt seem to know what they wanted or why so last night when i spoke to my fiance she had paid the $500 to whoever in Arizona that can get the correct translated document for visa purposes,from what i can understand of her explanation is that this office deals with the registry in the Dominican Rep,its probably the same address as the one you posted here,but with a charge for services,i dont know ? but my fiance had already paid the money, i guess its better to pay the $500 than risk not having the correct certificate in the package asked for ? If the visa helpline dont know and are confused what they require or why her original certificate wasnt satisfactory then what can we do ? We have till June the 17th to get everything back to them,im very stressed and worried and trying not to think too much about the what if's and to think positively,i dont want to worry about her side of things,i dont understand all the complications and procedures over that side of the Atlantic,everything this side is going smoothly,my house may be sold i have a second viewing today from a couple who have sold theirs,fingers crossed,i have done the photos of the two of us together,letters from friends and relatives saying they have met us both at xmas and new year,i have sold and given away most of my furniture and possesions,so once she gets the certificate back delivered by UPS then she can return the further evidence package,i dont know what will happen if its still not what they want, ???? i dread selling the house and having just two suitcases of things then having a setback over this paperwork,fingers crossed its right this time

    again thank you for your help !!


    and i just noticed you mentioned both english and spanish,i have a feeling that she only sent the english translation !!!!

  2. thank you for your reply, i appreciate it !The divorce papers that she has are not the type neeeded for visa purposes,mine wasnt mentioned in the letter for further evidence, but hers was,but here's where it gets more confusing,she rang the petition helpline and spoke to a nice lady,and that lady didnt know how to help so she was transfered to another lady who also didnt seem to know what they wanted or why so last night when i spoke to my fiance she had paid the $500 to whoever in Arizona that can get the correct translated document for visa purposes,from what i can understand of her explanation is that this office deals with the registry in the Dominican Rep,its probably the same address as the one you posted here,but with a charge for services,i dont know ? but my fiance had already paid the money, i guess its better to pay the $500 than risk not having the correct certificate in the package asked for ? If the visa helpline dont know and are confused what they require or why her original certificate wasnt satisfactory then what can we do ? We have till June the 17th to get everything back to them,im very stressed and worried and trying not to think too much about the what if's and to think positively,i dont want to worry about her side of things,i dont understand all the complications and procedures over that side of the Atlantic,everything this side is going smoothly,my house may be sold i have a second viewing today from a couple who have sold theirs,fingers crossed,i have done the photos of the two of us together,letters from friends and relatives saying they have met us both at xmas and new year,i have sold and given away most of my furniture and possesions,so once she gets the certificate back delivered by UPS then she can return the further evidence package,i dont know what will happen if its still not what they want, ???? i dread selling the house and having just two suitcases of things then having a setback over this paperwork,fingers crossed its right this time

    again thank you for your help !!


  3. My American fiance received a letter for further evidence,apart a request for photos of the two of us together,letters of intent, and affadavits from people that met us,know us etc,she also was asked for proof of a legal termination of marriage,her marriage !Her Ex did it in the Dominican Republic,goodness knows why,he wanted a quick divorce and cheap apparently ? So what she sent with the petiton cant have been what they wanted ? She has been to see a lawyer 2 hours ago, and he says everything is fine and he cant see whats wrong with it and to send everything with the package ?,she already had sent in the english version of the divorce package,so the question is im asking,whats wrong with the dominican republic divorce package ? she also mailed the dominican republic where the divorce was done and they mailed back this..

    ''I understand your confusion. We usually ask clients if they are going to be dealing with US immigration and if they are we tell them that they need the pronouncement and they have to pay for it when the get the divorce. Most of our clients never have to deal with US immigration and they never need that document. If we gave a certified, translated, copy of the pronouncement with the apostle to every client it would add $500.00 to the cost of the divorce, and there is no need for people to pay that if they do not need it. If you were from France and you wanted to register your divorce in the Family Archives, you will need a copy of the receipt that shows we paid for the publication of the divorce and a receipt for the court costs, it would have to be signed by the head of the publishing company and by the clerk of the court and certified, translated etc., You would have to pay for that also. Most people do not need these things and if they should need them in the future they can always order them. Did your former husband know at the time of the divorce that you were going to be dealing with US Immigration? We always ask. Old records are not kept in our office, I have to send someone to pull the file from a store room away from the office. I have to send an attorney to the court house and other offices if we have to search their records and to obtain the certifications. All these things cost money. The cost just to send it to you by DHL is $60.00 which is included in the $500.00. We maintain files of over 18000 divorce decrees and other documents pertaining to previous clients, and we have maintained these files since 1971. We are the only firm that maintains a database and files for former clients dating back to the first foreign divorce case. I always have a stack of letters on my desk from those who did not come to our office and they are unable to find their records. When we do find records they are not always pronounced. Some were filed and never finalized. I have learned from these searches that some of these law firms are not as conscientious as they should be. Since it costs to pronounce the decree, they seem to forget, sometimes the even forget to finalize the divorce. Just be glad that your ex came to our firm because we make sure the divorce is handled properly.

    Our clients can always contact us for records but we cannot do it for free. It costs to maintain the files, to keep them stored, and to have people keep them organized and complete the searches. I said you could have it by the end of the week but I forgot that this is Easter week and everything is closed. We will not be able to do this until next week. Once you decide, I will let you know when you can expect to receive the document. We usually send an email with the tracking number when we give the package to DHL. I have a toll free number 1800 676 1589 and you can call me to check on the status at any time.

    I will know where to send the pronouncement if you send me your address. I will need an address where someone will be available to receive the package and I will need a phone number for you to give to DHL.''

    The Lawyer says that the Dominican Republic woman is after money and not to pay for the extra document that they claim US immigration need ? US immigration helpline isnt answering the call so i guess its a long coffee break ?,my little woman has been in tears because we have to have things sent in by June the 17th,she doesnt know what to do,i havent a clue whats going on or what to do either ? but i have learned that its Gretna Green for a quick marriage,and the Dom Republic for a quick divorce, can anyone help please !!!!

  4. we want a stress free wedding too !! my fiance doesnt want a county court house wedding because she says its not a place to get married at coz its alongside people waiting for a court appearance ? or something like that ! it seems they dont have register offices ? my fiance explained about the court house and the county court sounds like a register office in south yorks anyway :whistle: ! so reading comments here are inspiring,we have a choice of colarado (her sisters) or Maryland where we will live :thumbs: i suggested vegas but the reaction was..... :rofl:! i dont know why i even mentioned vegas ? it was just an idea i wasnt thinking of me as elvis and sand as superwoman ? it wouldnt go down well with me mum anyway ! oh and she has so far bought 4 pairs of shoes ,one for each season i think ? and its all vermonts fault!! if this takes any longer we will open a shoe shop........

  5. we havent planned anything yet,our petition went to vermont august 24th,its still being processed but we are expecting and hoping we will hear something this month ? i havent sold my house yet,i may have to rent it,we have looked at places to marry but havent booked anything,its safer to wait till the visa is issued we think ! its tough for the family because friends and family who want to come to the wedding work, and they are all wanting to know when to book time off work,i tell them we are in limbo and its safer not to book anything till the visa is issued ! as some here have advised you and i echo it, DONT book anything that you will lose money on if there is a setback ! a nice wedding is good but a good start to marriage is better !

  6. Its a dilemma what to do ! Im selling my house at the moment and will have equity to take with me to the States,but with the housing market as it is,and offers less then what i paid for it years ago along with the poor exchange rate,my two landlord pals are advising me to rent it for a year or two,or even to rent it for longer since my fiance has her own home,one of my neighbours who recently retired has bought a terraced house for cash,stating that they can get a bigger investment from it than from keeping their money in a bank account ! The only reason putting me off renting it, is the IRS,i seem to remember reading that you have to live in a house for 3 out of 5 years otherwise they hit you with tax on the equity should you sell it after the 3 years ? the other thing i have considered is to put the equity into a UK bank for two years at a rate of 2,75% interest and wait for an improvement on the exchange rate,that will give me time to settle into US life,get a green card,residency,get to understand the US mortgage system and if i can pay off my fiances mortgage without incurring penalties etc Friends in detroit have kept an english bank account open with some of their equity, so that they have money when they come over without having to change money ! and they say its a bit of a safety net till they get residency and their own home,they rent at the moment ? Its hard to know what to do for the best,even the banks and politicians dont know what to do ?

  7. They don't see your luggage when you go through Passport Control BUT they do see it when you hand in your customs form as that screening is after you pick up your luggage. They have the right to refuse you entry into the US.

    I really, really suggest that people do not bring in loads of luggage for a two week visit. You have already indicated that you want to enter the US permanently by submitting a K1 Visa petition. US Immigration will be trying to ascertain the likelihood that you may want to enter the States permanently on this visit and, if they they have any doubts, they have the right to deny you entry and send you back.

    Why bring in too much luggage or unseasonal clothes and give the suggestion that you are staying for more than two weeks? I know what I saw when I entered the US and the US Customs guy did look down at my case as if to say 'Is that reasonable luggage for a 6 week stay?'

    And to Laurka who said 'One can't tell a WOMAN not to travel with a suitcase full of clothes for different occasions even if it's a short stay. 2 big bags for 5 days maybe would be suspicious but not if she plans on staying 2 weeks!' You can suggest to a woman that she not travel with a suitcase of clothes for different occasions and explain the reason why. Most airlines will charge extra for a second case (my airline charge $100) - so a second case is likely to ring alarm bells.

    Why risk things for a few extra clothes?

    I agree,i visited for xmas and new year,i took one small suitcase,small enough to carry on,and a small backpack,just enough to have enough clothes for two weeks,,i bought a few things while in the US too,i did consider taking stuff i wanted to leave for when i do go permanantely,but had second thoughts i.e ''if i was an IO,what would i think ?''i breezed through,

  8. hello,

    the petition was recieved at the end of august ( vermont),we keep checking online and its still on the FBI checks part,and its now early february,my house is up for sale and no offers as yet only lookers ! so im now panicking and thinking of letting it,i have a work van ( im self employed) and a car i need to sell but havent done that yet till i get to the interview stage,ive sold or given away some of my furniture,but the house is the main worry and dont know what to do ? im confused about the visa for when i get it ( hopefully),the question i need advice on is do i need to immediately book a flight and go, or can i delay going for a month or so if there is an offer on my house if i reduce it for a quick sale ? or till i get a rent on it ? i need to get it sold or rented but i dont want to be homeless and out of work till i have the visa ! anyone else had the same problem as me ? i would love to listen to advice from experience ! i feel its like playing one of those kids games with little ball bearings and they all have to go into little holes but its hard to get all of them into the holes at the same time ,one goes in and another rolls out and there's a time limit to add to the pressure ! you know what i mean ? it would be more sensible to rent as ive paid off most of the house but then again im not keen on being 3000 miles away and an agent dealing with problems and problems with the IRS with a foreign income and property,the equity would be useful too but i dont want to give it away either ? :wacko:

  9. question ? so if they buy a ticket before the interview outcome,go through the interview but then they dont receive a reply before the flight date,why cant they use the flight to see their fiance and then book another flight for later when they have the visa ? is it purely money being discussed here or is there another reason not to book a flight before the interview, am i missing something ? im telling myself that its money being discussed and not that its detrimental to the visa process or a refusal of entry ?

  10. I am glad everything went well, obviously your honesty and prior trips helped. There is work to do at the ranch in your spare time. HaHa. My wife want a Chicken Coop.

    haha,and i want a chicken coop too,and a vegetable patch,have you seen the price of potatoes eggs and tomatoes in maryland !! i need to figure how to keep out the deer and the skinny coyote/fox thing that sneaks around at dusk,or get myself a kentucky rifle and racoon hat,of course im a perfect boyfriend...im from yorkshire where men are men and dont wear a vest and women do as their told lol

  11. Good Luck on your trip.

    thought i would give an update on how my trip went ,maybe it will be useful for anyone else worried about visiting their fiance,i was called to the desk,asked the purpose of my visit,i said just a vacation to have xmas and new year with my fiance ( i was nervous like it was a dental appointment ),there was a bit of tapping and staring at her PC,then she asked if my fiance was travelling with me,i said no,then i was asked if we were living togethor in the UK,i said no,she asked if my fiance was an american citizen and i said yes,then it was what do i do for work ?,and do i have a return ticket,then she opened my passport and looked for a while at my previous stamps and glanced at her monitor,then she just said ok welcome to the USA and have a nice vacation,and that was it,all that worry and stress evaporated and no need for all the paperwork i took with me, i wished her a happy new year with a big grin,but no smile from her,no eye contact,maybe they dont do smiles ? i once made a joke (never again)and was told ''we dont do jokes here sir''but the holiday went great,chopping wood,romantic walks with the dog,a log burner and movies in the evenings,earning brownie points by stripping and restaining/varnishing the kitchen units and they looked like new and saved her $$$$$$$ on a new kitchen,i was a hero,the dog thought so too with all the walks by the lake! why dont they do oxo's ? or gravy granules ? but thats another topic !

  12. how long ago did you send the petition? Did you give them the EAC number? You need that number in order for them to locate your case

    hello,yes i sent them the number with all details and as yet i havent had a reply,ive booked a flight for xmas and new year and will be taking lots of papers to prove i have a house and job in the UK, including vehicle reg documents and mortgage statement for good measure.thanks !

  13. im worried and confused,ive booked a flight to visit my fiace,she was told i shouldnt visit while the petition was being processed ? so i mailed vermont and the US embassy,the embassy replied i could visit but i needed to take proof of my return to the UK,strong ties etc,vermont replied and said it cannot find the petition and asks for : EAC, ESC, or IOE fee receipt or a receipt from another USCIS office; or

    . Name and date of birth of the relative or employee being petitioned for; or

    . Name/Title of the application/petition that was filed (or form number) at this Center; or

    . Alien registration number(s); or

    . Department of State (DOS) ID number for waiver applications (Form I-612); or

    . Any other information you feel will help to locate the case

    it seems they cannot find the petition with my name and e mail address,so do i respond now that the embassy said its ok to visit or do i ignore their mail and visit and wait for the petition to be processed ? i wish i hadnt mailed vermont now :((


  14. Im confused about visiting my american fiance for xmas and the new year,ive read other posts and how others have visited while their visa is being processed,but my fiance e mailed US immigration to ask if i could visit just to be sure,and she had an immediate next day response that strongly advised against me visiting while pursuing the K1 process,their reasons were it may delay the application due to futher checks having to be done ?,and also there is no guarantee i will be allowed entry,

    i cannot see why me visiting my fiance would cause such a delay ? i have a mortgage and two vehicles in the UK so i can prove i have ties so i dont understand why they may refuse entry either ? nevertheless ours is not to reason why, ours is to do and not fly ! we have decided not to risk me flying over for the xmas/new year holidays and the visa being delayed for longer than is necessary,i will say it is painful as i have two weeks off work and so has she but we cant spend it together,

    im not sending immigration a xmas card

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