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te amo MEGR

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    San Francisco CA
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  • Our Story
    In January of 2011 I went to Guatemala to learn Spanish and ended up falling in love with one of the teachers. We are only a few years apart in age. I was there for 4 months in 20011 but we were just good friends. I thought he was attractive but he had a girlfriend and I had a boyfriend. I broke up with my boyfriend in March of that year and left Guatemala in May without ever telling him that I had feelings for him since I am not one to try and break up a relationship. However, we remained best friends and when his girlfriend broke up with him in August right before his birthday, I was there for him. We were always there for each other. I decided to go back to Guatemala. I told my family that it was because I wanted to volunteer in a health clinic....which I did....but to be honest, it was because I loved him and I felt like he had feelings for me as well. I arrived in Guatemala for the second time in January of 2012. He called me when I was on the bus to make sure I was okay and when I finally arrived, we met up immediately and when I saw him that night I felt something that I had never felt before and there were a million little butterflies in my stomach and it felt so good to hug him. I still remember his scent. Pretty much from that day in January we have been together. I had to return for a job interview in July and it was so hard on us.....especially on him because he was worried that I would meet someone with more money and leave him like his ex did. He knows now that I would never do that to him. I had a chance to surprise him for two weeks while they were putting my papers together for the job I got. Honestly, I would have stayed in Guatemala with him if he asked me to...I asked him everyday if I should stay and every time he said that if we really wanted a life together someday, then it was the best thing for us. I hate that he was right about that because I love him and miss him so much and I can't wait until the day that we can be together again. Thank goodness for Skype is all I can say because our relationship had only gotten stronger. My Spanish isn't fantastic and he doesn't speak English, but he has a lot of patience with me and I am grateful for that. It is now 11/26 that I am writing this and I am counting down the days until Dec. 21 because I will be spending the holidays with him in Guatemala. Te amo mucho MEGR.

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  1. hey how are we going to contact senator to ask help for this..

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