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what happened

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Posts posted by what happened

  1. No, fortunately, this will not affect his eligibility for a spousal visa. A tourist visa is a non-immigrant visa, meaning if they believe he might be trying to immigrate, he won't be allowed in on a non-immigrant visa. A spousal visa is an immigrant visa - It doesn't matter that he wants to immigrate, because that's the whole point of an immigrant visa.

    What the embassy staff says should be taken with a grain of salt. They can give advise, they can issue visas, but it's the CBP at the airport that makes the final decision on whether to admit a person or not.

    this we have learned seems all this is all a big learning process. we own a home here and in egypt, so i dnt know if that is a problem or not. will this make it harder to get a spousal visa

  2. The papers from the doctor don't show ties to his home country, they do show you going through something serious enough that he will most likely stay with you, unfortunately immigrant intent.

    He will not be allowed to come back as a visitor most likely, but this will NOT affect his spousal visa process... depending on what that paper was. You said he showed you the paper he was given, what does it say? Can you scan it or have him scan it?

    oh i see what you all are meaning now by imigrant intent.. I was not understanding it maybe cause in our minds thats not what it was about. but i see the connection now. I wish they would have given him some indication of that. i havent seen the paper yet, he will scan me a copy of the papers he was given tomorrow, right now after 48 hours in airports and in flight he is exhuasted. with them being 9 hours a head of us he needs to sleep. I asked him what it says and he doesnt remember, but it wasnt saying that he did anything wrong. I will have to see what it says when he gets it to me. did you want me to post it here so you can see it or email it to you? i may not understand it either.

    i am happy this wont affect his spousal visa i guess that is waht i have to when i am sorted out.

  3. No. Like others have said, it means you will need to file a spouse visa for to migrate. He won't be able to come back on the previous visa and also know he may be denied a tourist visa, although it never hurts to apply.

    Take care of your health and get well soon.

    thank you thats what he says just get my operation and worry about this later, isnt a tourist visa the same as a b/1 b2 visa? i will have my operation on monday. thank you all for the replys

  4. Good point, I missed the dates. You don't return to your home country to then fly back to the US basically 3 weeks later unless you intend to migrate. Also, I missed the pregnant ladies. Yes, they would return them to avoid any deliveries in the US.

    the only reason he came back is because of the operation, he had doctors information and letter. I get what you are saying and we worried about this too, he was told by the embassy in Egypt that as long as he had the papers from the doctor it was ok.

    Yes I know, we will have to file for a green card, our immediate concern was having him here for the operation, I will have it alone thats not the problem now i just dont know what to do. does this mean he will never be able to come to the usa.

  5. I gotta be honest with you, I highly doubt the text message story and the lie they told him. Now, I'm very confused. Who called, an agent in Egypt or in the USA?

    I believe he was leaving Egypt and there's where you received a call, right? This is not Delta's fault at all. This took place in Egypt. For some odd reason they let him board and arrive. I can assure you, they returned him upon reading the messages the agents sent.

    I worked in airlines for a long period of time. Airline agents do not call relatives unless is for unaccompanied minors or an emergency. In fact, you know this given they didn't want to tell you what was going on and where your husband was.

    I really believe there's more to this story than you're being told AND there are details to this story that aren't true. I can assure you, your text had nothing to do with that.

    Again, did you file a CR-1 or IR-1 for him?

    well i have the text message to show you. and they told him i said there is not cancer.. so believe if u you wish. They called me from detroit customs. he came from egypt to france from france to detroit from detroit to utah.. he never made it to utah. I never said an airline person called me.. before you judge me read the information correctly and ify ou have a doubt or question please ask before you call me or my husband a lier.

    The only thing they will tell me is that he was sent back because he did not have proper documentaion.

    they told him that i was not having an operation.

    i am not saying my text had anything to do with it, it just gave them something to laugh at him about and say see she isnt going to pick you up. Yes i know this very well, that no one ever gives out information, however when they call you and i have my phone records to prove they CUSTOMS called me, that when i call back and to say to me they never heard of him. and have no idea what i am talking about something is wrong,.

  6. Yes #1 Take care of you & your health..

    #2 Write everything down you can remember word for word... if you can remember agent name.. etc.. check your phone records for the time of the calls. Make detailed notes.. hopefully you never need them.. but better to have them to refer to than rely on your memory. Have your husband do the same thing.. write down everything he can remember, what happened when, where, what was said.. names if he can remember..

    As said before the type of visa he had when he came before and the type of visa he had when he was traveling this time is important.

    The type of visa he had would determine your method of seeking assitance in resolving this issue. (I am not sure I will agree that this has anything to do with what is going on in Egypt... as this was not an issue with the Egyptian police or airport security.. this was U.S. forces/police from what you described)

    I don't know where to tell you to begin.. but I would begin with contacting my local legislature, senators.. call & write the USIC..local media.. anything to get attention.. He may not be a U.S. citizen but he was not treated properly or given adequate information. You deserve more information as to who's authority was it under that he was returned to Egypt and for what reason etc... I am not an attorney so I can't tell you what to do.. I am just telling you what I would do.. I would make a big deal about this.. tweet it.. facebook it.. blogg it.. get your story and your husbands story out there in the public eye... this was not right.

    he was traveling with a b1/b2 visa. the same as before. it is good for 5 years. i am taking it to facebook. i will do anything to make this right, it was wrong, if we did something then ok but we did the same as before, even more, he was coming the first time for a visit now he was coming for an operation.

  7. I'm sorry your husband was denied entry, but this isn't your fault.

    First we need to know

    1) what visa did your husband have?

    2) what is the exact reason for your husband not being admitted; did they think he had immigration intent? ; was his visa expired? ; did he not have proof of ties to Egypt when asked to produce them? ; did they feel his answers were not consistant with yours ie/ you said you are unsure as to what kind of lump you have but your husband stated it was cancerous?

    Unfortunately it looks like you will have to have your biopsy on your own :( ASAP and after/ during that time you can look at your husband's visa situation.

    I wish you good luck with your biopsy and getting your husband to you!

    he has a b1/b2 visa, the reason official on the delta airlines notes it said he did not have the proper documentation for his visa. to him they said i lied and did not want him to come and read him the text message, and they all laughed and made fun of him. i just feel horrible. i khnow its not my fault but that is what they are saying. he did have proof, they even told me he has a bunch of documentation why does he travel with so much documentation.

  8. My husband arrived from Egypt yesterday with a valid Visa, he was here just this past July and left the 28th of October. (He did not have any problems entering at that time.) He was going to stay a few months in Egypt then return to USA. Right before he left we found that I had a lump in my breast, I had this check and it was determined that I would need surgery, to remove the lump. We decided that my husband needed to be here with me to care for me when I had the surgery. I also have two nieces (9 and 11 yrs) living in my custody. When he landed in Egypt, they screened him and started to question why he was here how long and so forth, about two hours into the interview the called me asked me why he was here, i stated that there was a lump in my breast and i needed my husband to be here with me, the agent asked me if it was benign or not if they had done a biopsy yet, i stated that i was waiting for my husband to come so he can be with me. The agent stated that he was happy to hear that, i said hear what he said that it was benign, i stated, i did not say that, i said that we have not done anything that i need to have my husband here with me in order to start the test. He asked why i would wait for something like that and i said that is something my husband and i decided. I told him i was scared and would like to have my husband with me because i am alone here. He then said ok we have what we need and he will be on his way. I thought he would continue on to me. about 10 min later he called me back and repeated the questions but this time asked what he did for a living where he lived who he lived with and so forth, i answered the questions and again he stated that he (my husband would be on his way) about twenty min late i get another call same question and so forth. I again answered them. about twenty min after that another agent called me and asked me more questions stated that my husband had a lot of documents, and that there was a language barrier and they couldn't understand him or he couldn't understand. I said my husband understand English, but if you are having trouble, or if there is a problem get him an attorney and translator. he asked me if my husband planed to go back to Egypt and I said yes in may he said did we file or will we file for citizenship, if not why not if so when and where, i said at this point, we are concerned for my health and after that we will deal with everything else, he asked me if i would live in Egypt i said yes, he said why is he coming if we were going to live in Egypt, i said you did not asked me if we were going to live in Egypt, you asked me if i would like to. He said is he planning on going back i said yes like with his first trip, but this time he will leave in may you can see from his ticket the return flight. This agent also stated ok we have what we need and he will be on his way. I said OK is he going to make his flight in time, he said he should. After that i waited for the time i needed to go to pick him up in my home state. we sat and sat and waited as all the passengers came off it had landed about 30 min early, still we waited and waited, i kept checking didn't see moved around kept asking information desk if they had landed. they said yes finally we paged him over head, they took me to Delta, and that is when i got the first hint something was wrong, they kept looking at me then at the screen then me finally they said we can not give information out on passengers. I was begging just tell me if he missed his flight, if he is on another flight what what is wrong, she refused i went home called the agency that we booked through as she was searching, i called the numbers of the customs department that had called me earlier in the day when i got a hold of an agent, he said he had no idea what i was talking about, he asked, "we called you?" "why would we call you", i said cause you had questions, and gave him my husbands name, and the situation, he said he had no idea what i was talking about, and that he would have no idea how to help me find my husband. I said are you serious, my husband has disappeared and you were the last people to have talked to him, and now no one can tell me where my husband is. He said nope, yes he said "NOPE". after hanging up the agency where we scheduled his flight called me and had found out that my husband had been sent back to Egypt, earlier in the day. I was dumb founded because all the agents had told me he would be on his way. I asked what why and for what reason she stated that they notes from the airlines stated that he was asked for documentation that he could not provide.(Please remember this reason) I could contact my husband, i was worried she gave me the flights that he was on, so i went to this web site where you can track flights, I called the airport directly n france, no one could tell me anything. Ok so i understand the privacy act, but really i was hysterical and still have not slept. Finally, my husband landed in egypt, upset tired and just bewillderd at what just happened. talking with him my husband said that they took him right from customs detained him questioned him asked him why he was here who he was visiting. he stated his wife was having surgery for a cancerous bump in her breast. they asked him if it was benign he said i do not know what that means. the agent asked him if it was benign or not, he said she is having surgery to take it out, the agent asked if they did a biopsy, my husband said he did not know what that meant, that i had a lump in my breast and the doctors told me that i need to have this taken out. he said i was ok with them asking questions he felt they would ask questions and send him on his way. but after 3 hours he was concerned, especially when the agents hand cuffed him, when the agent started to say we talked with your wife and she said that she does not want you to be here, my husband said thats not true, they said your wife said she is not having surgery, that it is benign and there is no need for you to be here, then they told him that your wife siad she wants to live in Egypt, my husband said my wife is having surger, you can call her doctors, they said they did not need to. they told him that he was really coming here to watch the kids and had no intentions of going back to egypt, my husband said no, but if that is true then why are you saying my wife wants to live in Egypt, why would she go to Egypt and me stay here, then this is what I think they used against him.

    THIS IS TOTALLY MY FAULT: Before my husband left Cairo, i said to him call me, i want to hear you before you travel. he said wait he was running late he was at the airport, already, i said please just let me hear you, he didnt the next bbm i got was from him saying that he was on the plane and had to shut the phone off, and it was off, so i bbm him saying , " why wont you talk to me why dont you want to talk to me, then there are some messages that are spelled wrong i was trying to beat the shut off of the phone. then the last two are the worse one says if your not coming just tell me, and i wont be at the airport til i tlk to you. Whatever" but then the first thing in the morning when he would have been in France, i bbm him saying r u ok, i realized maybe he isnt getting my stuff because his phone doesnt work there or it is dead so i had no worries. Until the nightmare begain.

    when they made him go back they detained him in the police station there in each of the airports,

    there was not just him but other Middle Eastern People (only middle eastern people) being detained and sent back including a pregnant woman. Apparently for no reason

    The reason they said my husband was sent back to me and which is obviously the reason that they have in some computer is because he did not have the correct documentation. the reason they gave him was that he lied to them about my operation.

    they took his phone, and documentaion and did not give it back until he reached Egypt,

    a police officer took him from plane to plane

    they cancelled his visa, punched holes in it and scratched across it, and stamped it cancelled.

    My question is What just happened and how do we fix this? who do we talk to what do I do, I need my husband here. I will have to proceed at this point with out him having the operation there is nothing i can do about that. i can not wait for them. unless someone can tell me how to fix it in the next few days.

    Please help me

    I understand that my text should not have anything to do with it, however this is what they said to him that i didnt even want to have him here and read him that text. His visa is good for five years, he was able to stay for 6 months at a time and had to enter back to egypt and then back to usa, when he came in July they said leave before December, which he did. He was not entering his own country he was coming to the usa from egypt. They called and asked if i was expecting a visitor i said my husband is coming today.His Visa is a B1/B2 visa..He was not the only one detained and sent back, the only thing happening in Egypt is that they are trying to stop what is going on between Gaza and Israel. He has no record never been in trouble. There were two pregnant women that were turned back as well. for what reason i dnt know. the thing is they told him i lied to him and there is no surgery that it is not cancerous, I even gave them the doctors name and hospital the official statement on record of the airlines is because he did not have proper documents. He has to send me the paper that they had him sign. what expert do i contact a lawyer?

    Yes I will have the surgery, i must take care of myself now. I just am not sure what happened, and he too does not know what happened.

  9. My husband arrived from Egypt yesterday with a valid Visa, he was here just this past July and left the 28th of October. (He did not have any problems entering at that time.) He was going to stay a few months in Egypt then return to USA. Right before he left we found that I had a lump in my breast, I had this check and it was determined that I would need surgery, to remove the lump. We decided that my husband needed to be here with me to care for me when I had the surgery. I also have two nieces (9 and 11 yrs) living in my custody. When he landed in Egypt, they screened him and started to question why he was here how long and so forth, about two hours into the interview the called me asked me why he was here, i stated that there was a lump in my breast and i needed my husband to be here with me, the agent asked me if it was benign or not if they had done a biopsy yet, i stated that i was waiting for my husband to come so he can be with me. The agent stated that he was happy to hear that, i said hear what he said that it was benign, i stated, i did not say that, i said that we have not done anything that i need to have my husband here with me in order to start the test. He asked why i would wait for something like that and i said that is something my husband and i decided. I told him i was scared and would like to have my husband with me because i am alone here. He then said ok we have what we need and he will be on his way. I thought he would continue on to me. about 10 min later he called me back and repeated the questions but this time asked what he did for a living where he lived who he lived with and so forth, i answered the questions and again he stated that he (my husband would be on his way) about twenty min late i get another call same question and so forth. I again answered them. about twenty min after that another agent called me and asked me more questions stated that my husband had a lot of documents, and that there was a language barrier and they couldn't understand him or he couldn't understand. I said my husband understand English, but if you are having trouble, or if there is a problem get him an attorney and translator. he asked me if my husband planed to go back to Egypt and I said yes in may he said did we file or will we file for citizenship, if not why not if so when and where, i said at this point, we are concerned for my health and after that we will deal with everything else, he asked me if i would live in Egypt i said yes, he said why is he coming if we were going to live in Egypt, i said you did not asked me if we were going to live in Egypt, you asked me if i would like to. He said is he planning on going back i said yes like with his first trip, but this time he will leave in may you can see from his ticket the return flight. This agent also stated ok we have what we need and he will be on his way. I said OK is he going to make his flight in time, he said he should. After that i waited for the time i needed to go to pick him up in my home state. we sat and sat and waited as all the passengers came off it had landed about 30 min early, still we waited and waited, i kept checking didn't see moved around kept asking information desk if they had landed. they said yes finally we paged him over head, they took me to Delta, and that is when i got the first hint something was wrong, they kept looking at me then at the screen then me finally they said we can not give information out on passengers. I was begging just tell me if he missed his flight, if he is on another flight what what is wrong, she refused i went home called the agency that we booked through as she was searching, i called the numbers of the customs department that had called me earlier in the day when i got a hold of an agent, he said he had no idea what i was talking about, he asked, "we called you?" "why would we call you", i said cause you had questions, and gave him my husbands name, and the situation, he said he had no idea what i was talking about, and that he would have no idea how to help me find my husband. I said are you serious, my husband has disappeared and you were the last people to have talked to him, and now no one can tell me where my husband is. He said nope, yes he said "NOPE". after hanging up the agency where we scheduled his flight called me and had found out that my husband had been sent back to Egypt, earlier in the day. I was dumb founded because all the agents had told me he would be on his way. I asked what why and for what reason she stated that they notes from the airlines stated that he was asked for documentation that he could not provide.(Please remember this reason) I could contact my husband, i was worried she gave me the flights that he was on, so i went to this web site where you can track flights, I called the airport directly n france, no one could tell me anything. Ok so i understand the privacy act, but really i was hysterical and still have not slept. Finally, my husband landed in egypt, upset tired and just bewillderd at what just happened. talking with him my husband said that they took him right from customs detained him questioned him asked him why he was here who he was visiting. he stated his wife was having surgery for a cancerous bump in her breast. they asked him if it was benign he said i do not know what that means. the agent asked him if it was benign or not, he said she is having surgery to take it out, the agent asked if they did a biopsy, my husband said he did not know what that meant, that i had a lump in my breast and the doctors told me that i need to have this taken out. he said i was ok with them asking questions he felt they would ask questions and send him on his way. but after 3 hours he was concerned, especially when the agents hand cuffed him, when the agent started to say we talked with your wife and she said that she does not want you to be here, my husband said thats not true, they said your wife said she is not having surgery, that it is benign and there is no need for you to be here, then they told him that your wife siad she wants to live in Egypt, my husband said my wife is having surger, you can call her doctors, they said they did not need to. they told him that he was really coming here to watch the kids and had no intentions of going back to egypt, my husband said no, but if that is true then why are you saying my wife wants to live in Egypt, why would she go to Egypt and me stay here, then this is what I think they used against him.

    THIS IS TOTALLY MY FAULT: Before my husband left Cairo, i said to him call me, i want to hear you before you travel. he said wait he was running late he was at the airport, already, i said please just let me hear you, he didnt the next bbm i got was from him saying that he was on the plane and had to shut the phone off, and it was off, so i bbm him saying , " why wont you talk to me why dont you want to talk to me, then there are some messages that are spelled wrong i was trying to beat the shut off of the phone. then the last two are the worse one says if your not coming just tell me, and i wont be at the airport til i tlk to you. Whatever" but then the first thing in the morning when he would have been in France, i bbm him saying r u ok, i realized maybe he isnt getting my stuff because his phone doesnt work there or it is dead so i had no worries. Until the nightmare begain.

    when they made him go back they detained him in the police station there in each of the airports,

    there was not just him but other Middle Eastern People (only middle eastern people) being detained and sent back including a pregnant woman. Apparently for no reason

    The reason they said my husband was sent back to me and which is obviously the reason that they have in some computer is because he did not have the correct documentation. the reason they gave him was that he lied to them about my operation.

    they took his phone, and documentaion and did not give it back until he reached Egypt,

    a police officer took him from plane to plane

    they cancelled his visa, punched holes in it and scratched across it, and stamped it cancelled.

    My question is What just happened and how do we fix this? who do we talk to what do I do, I need my husband here. I will have to proceed at this point with out him having the operation there is nothing i can do about that. i can not wait for them. unless someone can tell me how to fix it in the next few days.

    Please help me

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