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Posts posted by ravda

  1. HI,

    I am now married and living in the USA and have my green card and EAD. Myself and my husband are travelling back to the UK for a visit in the New Year. As my passport is still in my maiden name (miss) will this cause any problems at US/UK customs? Also as I booked the tickets to UK on-line my ticket is in my maiden name as I forgot to up-date the info on my on-line file is this also an issue?

    Thanks for any help.


  2. I have recently married my US fiance and we are now happily married and living in Oregon. This may seem like a daft question but it is one that has us wondering; now that we are married do we have to legally change my name to my husband's surname or is it the assumption that now we are married that i will be known by my husband's name? Also as my UK passport is still legal till 2008 will this still be legal for me to use even now that i am married? We have an appointment with the INS next week and will be asking these types of questions then but we were hoping for some advice sooner from this great forum that has helped us in the past.

    thanks to all who help

    R & D


  3. I have recently married my US fiance and we are now happily married and living in Oregon. This may seem like a daft question but it is one that has us wondering; now that we are married do we have to legally change my name to my husband's surname or is it the assumption that now we are married that i will be known by my husband's name? Also as my UK passport is still legal till 2008 will this still be legal for me to use even now that i am married? We have an appointment with the INS next week and will be asking these types of questions then but we were hoping for some advice sooner from this great forum that has helped us in the past.

    thanks to all who help

    R & D


  4. After my fiance and I get married in June we would love to go on honeymoon in Hawaii. As Hawaii is part of the USA we precieve that there should be no trouble in travelling from Oregon to have a wonderful honeymoon. I know that the embassy state that one should not travel until permanent residency is obtained but only if the travelling is outside the USA. I would like some reassurance from anyone that Hawaii is fine for our honeymoon in June.

    Thank You


  5. I have recently recieved my K1-Fiancee Visa from the US Embassy in London. :D I am getting married in early June and we plan to have the honeymoon on a cruise to Alaska leaving from the Seattle Port. We are looking at the cruise options at the moment and have found that most sail through Canadian waters and have a short stop at 1 Canadian Port, the stop over is only for 4/6 hours.

    On my Visa letter it states that I cannot leave the US for any reason until I have filed for permenent residency, what we need to know is if the cruise through Canadian waters and short stop at a port is seen as me leaving the USA and does anyone know what the travelling procedures are for going on a cruise for instance do you need a passport?

    We would hate to go on our lovely cruise and then realise that we are breaking the visa rules.

    Grateful for any advice.


  6. I have recently recieved my K1-Fiancee Visa from the US Embassy in London. :D I am getting married in early June and we plan to have the honeymoon on a cruise to Alaska leaving from the Seattle Port. We are looking at the cruise options at the moment and have found that most sail through Canadian waters and have a short stop at 1 Canadian Port, the stop over is only for 4/6 hours.

    On my Visa letter it states that I cannot leave the US for any reason until I have filed for permenent residency, what we need to know is if the cruise through Canadian waters and short stop at a port is seen as me leaving the USA and does anyone know what the travelling procedures are for going on a cruise for instance do you need a passport?

    We would hate to go on our lovely cruise and then realise that we are breaking the visa rules.

    Grateful for any advice.


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