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Posts posted by James&Christy

  1. We had our interview in San Francisco yesterday, January 4, 2007.

    I was a bit nervous because I don't have a SSN yet so our evidence were limited. We managed to open a joint bank account at our bank, Bank of America. Anyone who has this problem may try them. Based on my passport and visa they opened a joint account. Then we had the lease contract, pictures and some proof we traveled together. Cards from family and friends, emails, etc. The officer asked us a lot of questions, but he was nice. He asked for pics from the wedding and he asked to see " the rock on my hand"

    We had a problem in receiving mail from them. They kept on cutting short our home address so I missed 2 biometric appointments ... so he helped us do the biometric the same day and he also promised he will take care of the address problem. He told us we were approved but without the biometrics he could not do it officially. He just gave us a letter of how the official letter will look like.

    I would say it was a lot of stress but it wasn't for nothing. He saw we came prepared and i think it mattered.

    We wish everybody good luck with their AOS!

    We are in the same boat, my husband does not have his social security number and our interview is at the end of the month BUT we got word yesterday that his I765 is in "card production". So as of today, besides pictures, I have nothing to show for with joint evidence. Bank of America is my bank and the branch said unless he has a social security number they can't add him to my account. I live in the NY/NJ area and I dunno if it is a backlash of 9-11 but even the freaken cable company requires a social security number to be added to the account.

    I am so nervous for the interview as I am worried the interviewer is going to think this is a farce. Any other suggestions????

    Take photos of you two together, letters between the two of you, cards, emails, anything to show your relationship. It literally can be ANYTHING... take it along. If you don't get asked for it, it doesn't matter :) Pictures of the wedding are good.

    As for the joint bills and stuff, explain the situation to the officer. They're only human. If you have time, perhaps you could ask the various companies for a written explanation as to why they won't add him to your account. I don't know if they'll do it, but if you explain your situation, they might help. You could perhaps also try and get a letter from your landlord explaining that you've been renting together.

    Hope that helps.


    I own my home outright so the landlord thing won't work. The pictures are not a problem at all. We really don't have cards or anything because we met here through friends.....

    I have a feeling they will call us back for a second interview, which I don't think is the end of the world.....

    At the end of the day they're looking to be satisfied your relationship is genuine, and not a scam. I know that seems obvious, but sometimes I think people can get worked up over this process. If you are genuine (and I'm not saying you're not!!!!) hopefully that will show through too.

  2. We had our interview in San Francisco yesterday, January 4, 2007.

    I was a bit nervous because I don't have a SSN yet so our evidence were limited. We managed to open a joint bank account at our bank, Bank of America. Anyone who has this problem may try them. Based on my passport and visa they opened a joint account. Then we had the lease contract, pictures and some proof we traveled together. Cards from family and friends, emails, etc. The officer asked us a lot of questions, but he was nice. He asked for pics from the wedding and he asked to see " the rock on my hand"

    We had a problem in receiving mail from them. They kept on cutting short our home address so I missed 2 biometric appointments ... so he helped us do the biometric the same day and he also promised he will take care of the address problem. He told us we were approved but without the biometrics he could not do it officially. He just gave us a letter of how the official letter will look like.

    I would say it was a lot of stress but it wasn't for nothing. He saw we came prepared and i think it mattered.

    We wish everybody good luck with their AOS!

    We are in the same boat, my husband does not have his social security number and our interview is at the end of the month BUT we got word yesterday that his I765 is in "card production". So as of today, besides pictures, I have nothing to show for with joint evidence. Bank of America is my bank and the branch said unless he has a social security number they can't add him to my account. I live in the NY/NJ area and I dunno if it is a backlash of 9-11 but even the freaken cable company requires a social security number to be added to the account.

    I am so nervous for the interview as I am worried the interviewer is going to think this is a farce. Any other suggestions????

    Take photos of you two together, letters between the two of you, cards, emails, anything to show your relationship. It literally can be ANYTHING... take it along. If you don't get asked for it, it doesn't matter :) Pictures of the wedding are good.

    As for the joint bills and stuff, explain the situation to the officer. They're only human. If you have time, perhaps you could ask the various companies for a written explanation as to why they won't add him to your account. I don't know if they'll do it, but if you explain your situation, they might help. You could perhaps also try and get a letter from your landlord explaining that you've been renting together.

    Hope that helps.


  3. Hi all,

    Yesterday morning we had our (my) AOS interview, and I got approved, pending an FBI name check :) I'm not worried - apparently they can take quite some time (I have a common name!). So really, we're approved, cos I know they'll find nothing :dance:

    I'll give some details so as to put other's minds at rest who have AOS interviews coming up in Kansas City (or anywhere, I guess!).

    Our appointment was at 9:30am, and we arrived at the building probably around 9:10 I guess. Went through security, who were jovial and clearly far too happy for a Monday morning. Not even the suspicious metal box I had for all the paperwork caused a problem. It was the usual airport-style security. The guy after the scanner asked what we were here for, I said an interview, and he told me to put my interview notice in the black box in the waiting area, and take a seat.

    That we did, and started waiting. There were probably about 70 people already there, but I got the impression there were two "queues"... one for interviews, and others were simply going up to a window to be processed, for whatever reason, I don't know. After a few minutes I noticed all the paperwork in the black box (including ours) had disappeared, so I guessed we'd be soon.

    We only had to wait about 20 minutes before we were called. The officer asked us to swear an oath to tell the truth, then when he introduced himself, we realised he is actually a distant relative of my wife!!! We told him this, and he explained he'd have to find someone else to do the interview then. He was ok about it - glad we said something :)

    We went back out to wait, and about five minutes later we were called again. Female officer this time. Doesn't make any difference - all seemed to be very friendly. She asked me various questions about terrorism, have I ever been arrested, worked on false paperwork, that sort of thing. We asked if anyone ever answered 'yes' to those questions - apparently some people do!

    She asked to see proof of relationship. We provided some photos of us, plus joint bills and bank statements. She seemed to enjoy looking through our photos. When it came to the vaccination part, she paused for a few moments with that. I had my original medical paperwork from my visa interview in London, with a note saying which vaccinations were missing. I showed her the paperwork explaining I had received these vaccinations (in the UK). She said "ok I think should be acceptable". She didn't seem 100% convinced, but was ok with it!! There was also a problem with my alien registration number. During the last six months, I seem to have had two a-numbers. The correct one (which was on the AOS letter), according to the system, did not have any fingerprinting or biometrics attached to it! Slight problem. However, she did a search on the computer and found my "other" file, so all was ok :) She said she'll consolidate those so this won't be a problem in the future.

    She explained my FBI background name check had not come through yet, but that isn't anything to worry about. She gave me the paperwork and said as soon as the check is complete, I'll get my card in the mail :dance:

    Also, in the stuff she gave us, it says if we have any questions then we write to her at that office. wow - at last, a REAL person to communicate with within USCIS/DHS!!!

    Anyway, hope everyone else's interviews go smoothly :)


  4. yep ignore her....

    if you have gotten all this way through the process without a RFE for the I693a, Im going to say that you should be right. However, just be prepared to get one done fast if your IO tells you too.

    Personally, I dont think you will have any problems... Just take your original vacc worksheet with you showing that all vaccinations are covered. From what I have read on here, most who have received RFE for it, have generally been missing a vaccination or 2.

    Best of luck at your interview

    Sounds good to me. Thanks :thumbs:

  5. Ok thanks guys - I think it's getting there. I spoke to USCIS this morning and the woman told me that I still need to go to the doctor and get my vaccinations sorted out. This, despite me telling her that I have got a vaccination sheet from my K-1 medical examination, and paperwork showing all the ones missing from there HAVE been done at another time. So, as far as I am concerned, my vaccinations are up-to-date and I have the paperwork to prove it.

    Shall I just ignore this woman and go straight to my AOS interview without even talking to a doctor?

  6. Hi folks,

    I have my AOS interview in January, and am looking at the medical section of my checklist. As I remember, I have not submitted an I-693 at all yet.

    Obviously I did have a medical examination as part of the original visa application, but this will have been more than 12 months ago by the time I have my interview. Do I need to have a new one done? I do have my vaccination records from the UK with me too. I can't find much information about what I need to do/submit, as I have done most of it already!!


  7. Hi,

    About three days ago I mailed off application for Advance Parole.

    This morning I received notification of my AOS interview, and it's only six weeks away.

    Now that I have my AOS interview, AND... given that they have not yet cashed my Advance Parole cheque, should I cancel the Advance Parole application? Once the AOS is approved, I won't need the Advance Paroile anyway! Would save $170!!!

    Well, $170 minus the cost of stopping the cheque!!


  8. If you have access to the internet you can efile and that will ensure they get it. You will have to send an additional form to them to supplement the application. But it very easy.

    There is something about that process that makes me nervous. I've heard too many stories about paperwork not being transferred correctly, or lost. Also submitting it electronically and having to send in paperwork separately just presents one more opportunity for something to go wrong. It seems safer with the idea of having the whole application in a single envelope, to be opened at a desk by one person :)

  9. The best thing to do is apply for your AOS/AP at the same time ... They are sent in the same package to the Chicago Lockbox ... Also if you want to apply for EAD you would also put it in the same package ...

    We filed the AOS and EAD a couple of months ago. Couldn't afford the filing fees for all of them so figured those two were the most important. Now we can afford the AP, we're doing it now.

  10. Hi all,

    I was going to go to the post office this morning and send off my advance parole application, but I've run into a problem trying to work out exactly where to send it!!

    I've sussed out that I filed my AOS at a field office (Chicago) and it says to mail my application according to the filing procedures for that office. Trouble is, I'm not sure exactly what filing procedures they're referring to.


  11. James,

    1) No. It means that in fact you will have less rights than you do right now. Just 'keep your nose clean' and it won't make any difference.

    2) It should be if you asked for a multiple-entry AP. Did you?


    1) Did you mean yes rather than no, there? :) I intend to keep my nose clean anyway, so yeah you're right, it shouldn't be a problem.

    2) Yes I did :)


  12. James&Christy,

    Being granted entry, or being admitted, means that a person is both physically and 'legally' (in the eyes of the law) in the USA.

    Being granted parole means that a person is physically in the USA but legally back at the POE waiting to be granted entry. As such, they do not have all of the same rights and protections that US law grants to people who are legally (again, 'legally' as in in the eyes of the law) in the USA. (This is why the Coast Guard works so hard to catch 'boat people' from Cuba or elsewhere before they hit the beach, and why the terrorist detainees were housed at Guantanamo in Cuba.)


    1) At present I'm here having used my K1 visa and applied for AOS. Once I've got my AP and taken a trip and returned to the U.S., does that mean in theory that when I do return, I will have less rights than I do right now?

    2) The AP document is good for multiple trips though, isn't it.


  13. jenn,

    No, advance parole does not allow one entry (or "re-entry") into the US. It allows one parole into the US. There's a difference, although the difference is not significant for most people. But the difference does exist and it is real.

    Can you clarify that please?

  14. I'm having trouble with this too. When I arrived I got a license that was valid until my I-94 ran out. After that, I was told that I could present the NOA1 from my AOS and that would be enough.

    Apparently not!!! When I tried to get my license extended, they said my AOS needed to be approved first. That of course will take a year or two. I guess I'm just gonna have to drive round on my UK license. I'm in Missouri btw.


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