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Posts posted by toto19

  1. Hello,

    I am intended to change my status from b2 to a temporary worker in the united states, I would like to know if here is a problem when my adjust of status is in process and I win in the DEV lottery program 2014.

    What i will do? I stop the process of adjusting of status or not...I begin the process after DEV lottery result...I don't know what is the best way

    Please can you advice me on this situation

    Thank you very much

  2. Permanent worker?

    You mean to get a work visa?

    You have to find an employer who would want to sponsor you.

    That's the only think you can do.

    It will be hard, since the whole process cost much money and the number of visas that might be obtained are limited.

    Thanks you for you response

    But there isn't another easy way to work in the usa and bring my family here? temporary worker or others...for example

  3. Hello every one,

    I am in USA there are one week, I would like to change my status for a permanent worker and I don't know about the best process

    1/ What should i do to to change my status to a permanent worker?

    2/ what is the best way to be accepted?

    3/ what are delays of the process?

    4/ it is really difficult to change my status?

    5/ if I can how much it will be cost?

    6/ it is really that delays and acceptance are different between a state to another

    ...all possible information should help me

    Can you help me please with your experience.

    I have a master degree and more than 5 years of experience

    Thank you very very much

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