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Posts posted by blahblah

  1. We have these for both of our boys as well. I agree with everything dearheart said, except that in our case, I didn't bring my husband along either time (I went on two separate occasions for both kids, shortly after they were born). I'm the U.S. citizen. It was a really easy process - most of the time spent was waiting.

    I didn't bring tax forms or school transcripts - just a piece of paper detailing my time in the U.S. But the rules may have changed since then.

    Are you going to Calgary? I found the officers there to be very helpful. With my oldest son, I had the wrong birth certificate (the short form isn't acceptable), and they just allowed me to mail it in once I got it, instead of having to come back to the Consulate in person. This was two years ago, however; I don't know if the rules have changed. I was there for my youngest son's report last April 2006. Got there very early (was 2nd in line, I think), and was out in about 90 minutes.

    We did this for both of our boys. I really don't remember it being very complex. I got my high school transcripts, but they didn't even take them. (We went to Calgary). I didn't submit anything from the IRS. I think the only thing for proof that I had was my birth certificate, my marriage certificate, my passport and the boys' birth certificates - the long forms. I lived in the States until I was 20. That was plenty of years to pass on my USC to my kids. My husband and I both had to be present along with the kids. There was no interview or anything. just submit the forms and fee through the window and the certificates was mailed to us.

    Are there special circumstances for you that you need to submit the transcripts and tax forms?

    This is what i found on the website:

    A Consular Report of Birth can be prepared only at an American consular office overseas while the child is under the age of 18. Usually, in order to establish the child’s citizenship under the appropriate provisions of U.S. law, the following documents must be submitted:

    (1) an official record of the child’s foreign birth;

    (2) evidence of the parent(s)’ U.S. citizenship (e.g., a certified birth certificate, current U.S.

    passport, or Certificate of Naturalization or Citizenship);

    (3) evidence of the parents’ marriage, if applicable; and

    (4) affidavits of parent(s)’ residence and physical presence in the United States.

  2. i used u-pack for our move from calgary to california a month ago, and was very impressed with the speed and service. they kept in constant contact with us (you can even track your shipment online) and it took less than 5 days for us to get our stuff, and that's including over a weekend!

    i'd really say you can't go wrong with it. of course, you have to load and unload the trailer yourself, but it's not a big deal, really. we hired movers through emove.com to help us load/uload (i'd recommend it for the loading at least, to minimize things getting damaged/broken - we had a full 28' truck, and not one thing was damaged!), or get friends/family to help. but i'd definitely recommend upack over uhaul. i wouldn't even consider uhaul, actually. we saved $4000 by using upack over a full-service mover, and our stuff arrived much faster than the full-service movers had quoted us.

    email me if you want details - i'm just trying to keep this post as short as possible. :)

    good luck!


  3. hey laura.... :)

    we got blaine's SSN in the mail 2 weeks after he activated his visa; hopefully, you'll have just as much luck.

    we've started the mortgage process as well - the two lenders we've talked with have been more than willing to build a US credit history for blaine, using his canadian creditors (he has excellent credit, as well). perhaps you can explore that angle? email me if you want more details.

    when are you guys planning to move? soon, i'm assuming. :)

    take care!


  4. Hi everyone,

    We made it into the US safe and sound last Tuesday; here's an update, especially for anyone using Calgary International Airport for a POE and/or Upack to move their stuff:

    - We arrived at the airport 3.5 hours before our flight, to allow for Blaine's visa activation. Went through Customs as one normally would, except we had to head over to Secondary Inspection for his visa activation. There were a few people waiting ahead of us, but I think we got bumped to the head of the line, thanks to our screaming 3-year old. :whistle: Once they called Blaine's name, it took no longer than 5 minutes (took his picture again, a fingerprint (I think?), and stamped his IR-1 visa in his passport). They told him it would take around 6 months to get his green card, but the visa is valid for a year, and can be stamped again if the green card still hasn't arrived. And yes, they took the entire envelope he had received at the embassy - we got nothing back from the envelope. All in all, easy breezy.

    - Upack has been great thus far. I hope I'm not jinxing anything by posting this yet, but our stuff left Calgary on Wednesday, and was in Sacramento (California) Friday - no problems at the border, and the trailer is being dropped of this afternoon. Everyone we spoken with from Upack has been helpful and very nice, and we're not anticipating any problems when we go to unload the trailer tonight.

    I really want to thank everyone for all of their postings I've read over the past year -- you all made this journey so much easier than it would have been otherwise, and my family and I are so grateful. All the best to all of you with your loved ones, and those waiting to be reunited with those you love. We were lucky as I was already living in Canada, and we didn't have to finish the visa process while separated, but being so far away from my extended family and friends was very hard (especially now that we have children), and I am very happy to be once again surrounded by those who love us so.

    Anyway, we're all here in the US now! Now we take a few months to get settled in and used to the weather (it's supposed to be HOT this week!) and then we get to start househunting. Again. :lol:

    Thanks again all,

    Kara & family

  5. what zyggy says sounds right to me. why would we pay US capital gains on a property located in canada?

    anyway, that's what i'm sticking with. we sold our house last night (woohoo!) and i don't plan on giving any of that money to either government! :lol:

    WHen one is living abroad, you can only get taxed on Capital Gains for those gains that are on property in the US. You cannot be taxed on Capital Gains for property that is located outside of the US if one is living abroad.

    Hi Zyggy... :)

    So, if I'm understanding you correctly, we would not pay capital gains while still living here. Does this mean that, as long as we sell our property before moving back to the States, that we won't pay then, either? Does it matter that we'll have moved back to the States in the same tax year as when we sold our Canadian property?

    I'm hoping this is correct. It seems odd that Canada won't tax us on our primary residence, but the States would, even when it's on foreign soil and sold before we move back.

  6. thanks for the info - i did check myself, and was told the same thing. thank goodness!

    did you hear anything, laura? man, that's really going to suck if we have to pay capital gains. let me know what you find out - i'm going to ask our financial planner. he didn't mention anything about this before, but now i want to be sure.

    No worries. I was told that as long as you sell before you take up residence in the States, and that your house was 100% owned by you, i.e., you didn't rent out any portion of it, you're fine (just like you would be if you weren't moving out of country). It'll mean filling out a bit more paperwork at tax time next year, but you won't owe anything. (Can you imagine???????)

    Here's a direct link w/more info:


  7. good luck, red - i'm sure it'll be a breeze...

    your family history is so interesting; thanks for sharing it with us.

    hope your father-in-law gets well soon.

    we'll be looking forward to your update on monday.

  8. red,

    my husband waited over the weekend to pick his visa up yesterday (interview was friday) - he was in & out in about 15 minutes, after arriving at 2:30 pm. so now we have the visa in hand - no having to worry about canada post.

    good luck on friday, and enjoy montreal! blaine had a great weekend, and brought us home lots of gifts. :)

    See that they did not mail it out on next business day. monday after fri interview.

    thus I am staying in montreal for 4 nights starting this thursday.

    need my passport for flight to s dakota next wednesday morning

    looking fwd to a great weekend in montreal,seeing some great friends and saying adieu mes amis.

    staying at hotel place de armes

    lucky having contacts to get me in there.

    just a short walk to rue alexandre

    cheers red

  9. Finally talked to my husband; thanks to Michelle and her hubby for keeping him company. :)

    He was number C3 (behind Michelle & her husband and some other guy), and when his number was called, he was asked to present his passport, medical records (no x-ray) and photos. Then he sat down again, was called to be interviewed (I think he was the first person interviewed) - the guy was VERY nice! Blaine said it was more of a conversation than an interview - he asked when/where we met, asked if I filed tax returns (Blaine explained that I didn't, because I haven't worked in about 5 years)... that was about it! He didn't ask to see our updated financials, didn't check for proof that we are in fact moving to the U.S. (took Blaine's word for it that we are moving right away). In all, it was very quick, very painless, and he goes back Monday afternoon to pick up the visa!

    And no additional fees - just a fingerprint scan.

    So again, thanks to everyone here. I know I haven't done much in the way of posting, but that's only because I was always able to find the information I needed. You guys are so helpful, and so great! Good luck to everyone still waiting to get their visas!


  10. Congratulations, Michelle!

    Blaine told me that he met you guys - I never told him what my login was here, so it's funny that he had no idea what you were talking about! I'm glad you all made it through easily - thanks for being so nice to my husband this morning!


    My hubby GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! getting ready to leave Montreal will post more when I get home...

    Thanks to everyone here..


  11. It's 9:15am Montreal time, and my husband just called me to say his visa was approved! :lol:

    He didn't have his cell phone, and he was calling from a payphone, so I don't have any information, but I will post the details later. But he said it was sooo easy!

    Thanks, everyone, for all of your help!


  12. so weird. i guess it's best that brian is able to go to the consulate. i guess i'm lucky that they didn't ask blaine to be there.

    i didn't get the kids' passports yet - i'll do that once i get to the states. getting around to getting to reports of birth abroad was enough of a chore.

    black's takes good photos - that's where blaine got his done, and they knew exactly what they were doing.

    blaine's interview is in just a few hours. i'm nervous! but i really can't imagine why he'd be denied. still, there will be that lingering doubt until i know for sure that he has it. it's going to be a restless night, methinks. :wacko:

    i'll post on the canada board once i get word from him.

    Hey Kara! I'm so glad you posted this... how is it that two people can go through the same consulate and get completely conflicting information? What's even stranger is that when we went to file Brian's I-130, we were told, and quite adamantly, that Brian absolutely must be there when we file for the kids' consular records of birth. And when we got there, we were told that we had to check our stroller, along with our electronic devices, at the copy center on the first floor. Oy vey... :lol: Maybe they've eased up a bit on things since we filed. Ahhh well, thankfully Brian's already slotted a morning to go, so we should be ok.

    We're actually heading to Black's this weekend to get the photos done, for the kids' passports and for Brian (for his medical) and me (for my citizenship). Did you have to take the kids there? The license branch told us that they don't do kids' photos anymore. Then as long as that gets done this weekend, we'll head to the consulate sometime early next week. Sounds like we may not have the actual records before Brian's interview, but should definitely have them before the move. And at least we'll have the receipts in the interim.

    Wait... Blaine's interview is today, isn't it??? Wow - how exciting!!!!!!! Let me know how everything goes!!

  13. hey laura... :)

    kara, here. just wanted to jump in on the reports of birth abroad - i didn't have to bring blaine with me to the consulate (i was just there last week), and the actual report isn't mailed to you until about 4-6 weeks later. they do, however, give you a receipt showing that you have requested the report of birth abroad.

    i'd recommend going first thing in the morning - i was there at 8:30am, and done by 9:30. last year, when i took my oldest, i didn't arrive until around 10am, and didn't get out until after 1pm. you spend the bulk of your time waiting (or in my case, walking with the baby!). and even though they say no strollers, i saw people with HUGE strollers, purses, diaper bags, etc. i had everything i needed loaded in my jacket (and a sling over my shoulder). ;)

    have fun!


    To answer you question.. no it does not need to be notarized... In fact, nothing need to anymore...

    P.S. Did you get those consular records of birth...

    Thanks Zyggy. :) And I knew you were going to ask me about the consular records of birth. :lol: If it were just me who needed to go, they'd be done by now. But because my husband needs to be present as well, and because he's shouldering a ridiculously busy full-time job plus two contract jobs, no, we haven't gone yet. But I'm not worried, still plenty of time. We've got seven weeks until the interview, plus a good month after that before we leave for the States. I've been told that the records should be available to us the next day, so we're still ok.

    Don't worry... we won't forget. :)

  14. I don't get to go - we have two small children, so I'm staying home with them. Gives me more time to pack. ;)

    My husband's staying at the Omni Hotel - I thought for sure he'd want to stay at the McGill residences (he went to University there), but he feels he's "too old" for that. Oh well. :)

    I'm still confused about the bank accounts - nowhere have I read that bank account information was requested. Perhaps things are different with a K-3? Maybe I should ask my mom to fax their most recent statement...

    BlahBlah where are you staying in Montreal?


  15. i'm in the same boat as you, stephie; i did what zyggy states below, and then just printed out the 'filing requirements' page, highlighting where it states you don't have to file if you don't meet the income requirements.

    You can merely write a letter stating that you did not file a 2005 tax return since your income was less than the IRS filing guidelines...
  16. do you need to show your sponsor's bank account records? we're using my dad as a co-sponsor, and we never submitted any of his bank statements, only tax returns, w-2s and pay stubs. don't recall ever being asked for his bank statement either. we're going for an IR-1, so i don't know if that makes a difference or not.

    your husband has an interview the same day as mine, i believe - july 21st? good luck; i'm sure your husband will be fine. :)

  17. hey incanada,

    my husband's IR-1 interview is this friday, so we're stressing out right along with you. :)

    1. CHECKLIST: we, too, are confused about the checklist - all of his documents are marked 'received', so why do we need to bring them again? however, it does say on the 'appointment day reminders' sheet that you don't have to bring originals of civil documents if you've already submitted them to NVC. and again on the 'additional requirements' page, it says to bring all original documents if you have not already submitted them to NVC, so i think you are okay.

    2. i don't have a copy of the OF-169 (though it is marked on the checklist as 'document complete/reviewed'). i don't even remember what it is! :huh: i tried doing a search for it here, and through google, and can't find anything.

    3. PHOTOS: only 2 photographs for each visa applicant are required (as per the 'appointment letter for immigrant visa applicants' page). my husband's bringing 4, just in case. none of them have a date stamp on them, but they were taken just a few weeks ago (he looks exactly the same).

    4. FEES: the only fee i've heard of is for the fingerprinting? i don't know how much it is, and i can't find any reference to it in the packet 4. but he's bringing $200 US, just to be on the safe side.

    5. PROOF OF RELATIONSHIP: he's bringing a wedding picture, and a picture of our family, taken at christmas. we've been married for 6 years, though, so we're not going for the CR-1. don't know if the requirements are different.

    6. EVIDENCE OF SUPPORT: we're both in canada as well, so we're bring a 2005 tax return for me, updated info about our assets, my dad's 2005 tax return (he's a joint sponsor), along with a couple of his recent paystubs and his W-2, and a letter from him stating that those are, in fact his tax returns.

    7. DOMICILE: we've heard that if both applicants are in canada, you have to establish domicile in the U.S.? so i'm bringing my credit report that shows my parents' address in the U.S., a copy of my bank account in the U.S. (with my parents's address), a copy of the lease for the house we're renting in california, and a copy of our contract to sell our house here in calgary, as well as a letter from our realtor stating that we're not putting the house on the market until AFTER he gets his green card. don't want to end up homeless!

    i hope that answered a few of your questions, or at least cleared some stuff up for you. good luck with the interview - i'm sure it will be a breeze. my husband's staying until monday to pick up his green card; we just don't trust canada post. so he gets a weekend sans wife and kids. i'm so jealous! :)

    Well, our interview is only two days away now. We leave tomorrow afternoon in order to make it to Montreal in time to get a good night's sleep (we're getting up at 5:00AM! :wacko: ). I just have a few last minute questions/things to confirm, so if anyone could answer I'd appreciate it. :)

    1) This might be a dumb question (well ok, they might ALL be dumb questions) but on the checklist, I noticed it says "you are required to bring the original of all the documents listed in this packet 4." I don't quite understand this - we SENT the originals to the NVC and kep the copies, so is this going to be a problem?

    2) It says to bring birth certificate but we already sent that in as well and obviously, we weren't able to order more than one. Again, will this be a problem?

    They make it confusing because each document they list has a "Status", but even though they received all these documents already, they're still asking us to bring them??

    3) How many passport photos are required at the interview? Hubby has 4 of the exact same photo (taken two weeks ago) but only 2 of them are date stamped on the back.

    4) Do we only need $100? Are there any other hidden fees we need to know about for when we get to the embassy?

    5) Where do we park? Is there free parking right at the embassy? If not, what would you recommend?

    6) Should we take any "proof"? Wedding pictures, etc?

    7) Since we're both in Canada and using my mom and a joint sponsor, all I need to bring of hers is her 2005 tax transcripts and a couple recent paystubs, right?

    I think that's it for now. Good thing this process isn't stressful! :rolleyes:;)

    all you can eat meat? my husband will DEFINITELY be there! :lol: thanks for the tip!


    Looks like it's close to the consulate.

    Worth the money !!!!!!!! Believe me ! Go hungry !

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