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Posts posted by Andy&Angela

  1. Hi all,

    First off I am glad to say that my wife received her conditional green card in March 2013 and she is currently visiting her relatives in China. However, I was looking through some papers the other day and noticed that the date on our marriage certificate was incorrect (It was the 11th and should have been the 17th.). However, we only knew it to be the 17th as we hadn't caught the mistake yet. On our application we put the 17th as the date of marriage and everything went fine (as she has her green card). However, what's unsettling is that the immigration officer reviewing our paperwork never noticed the discrepancy and never questioned us about the difference in dates so I am assuming it went unnoticed and that they figure the one on the application is correct. I recently, with the officiant of my ceremony, had the date change on the actual certificate to read the correct date, the 17th.

    Basically, I was wondering if I needed to call or email immigration and notify them that they have an incorrect document accompanying the application and that I have the proper documentation now or if I should just assume it doesn't matter as she has her green card already and just make sure to have the new and corrected copy with me when I apply to remove conditions and do that whole process. Any insight or help is much appreciated. This forum has been a lifesaver and I wasn't sure how to approach this issue. Thank you!


  2. Thanks! I was just wondering because I need to know by the time we meet up tonight.

    Another question if anyone is out there, I was wondering how the affidavit of support works and If I claim myself as a sponsor, and also claim my father as a joint sponsor. I am thinking of doing this as my income, although I calculate it to be enough may not suffice for the support required by law. Note: I do not live at home so it wouldn't be considered a household member (I think.) I was just wondering how to properly do that before I submit all the materials

  3. Hi, I'm new to this whole forum thing so please just work with me.

    I just had a simple question. I am applying for adjustment of status for my wife who is from China. She is currently in graduate school but does not plan to stay. I was wondering if she must stay in school during the entire process of adjusting status or if the initial notification (receipt) that the application has been accepted warrants her "pending adjusting status" status and she doesn't have to remain in school to be legally in the united states. Basically, I'm asking if after the notification that all materials were submitted properly and accepted that she can quit school and come live with me?

    If not when do you think it would be okay for her to do so so she doesn't go out of status.

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