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Posts posted by kookysmirk

  1. Im a greencard holder i just came here in US on April 2013 and then i have to go back to Philippines because i just have to finish my clinicals in nursing that wouldnt take less than 6 months .aftr that i'll fly back to the US on summer time and then be back again in the philippines for another 2 units subjects in nursing on june 2014 -oct. 2014 for 5 months then aftr that i'll go back again here in the US .thats all....my question is since im going back to the philippines 2x and i just wont get re entry permit because im staying in the philippines for just a short period of time..

    any suggestions ? shall i get re entry permit once i get back here on summer or not? wOuld i have a trouble in the port of entry if i wouldnt get re entry permit? ill just be back to the philippines 2x then aftr that no more i just have to finish my units in nursing and aftr that im through ..HELP me please ..thank you !

  2. Hi guys,

    I would just like to ask if do i need a re entry permit ?coz im planning to go back in the Philippines to continue my 6months left school in college .but after that im coming back here in the US .by the way im a immigrant .i already recieved my green card and ive been here in the US for 3 months already..could anyone help me?or do i need to stay 1 year here in the US before i could go back to the Philippines?i dont want to have some problems when during the POE again..hahaaa

  3. me and my siblings are immigrant and will be traveling to the US for the first time .with the 3 of us only coz our petitioner whom is our stepdad could have a leave from his work..so now my mom decided to book our flight april 5 and our visa expires april 17..so is that okay to travel weeks before the expiration date? coz one of my classmate mentioned that you should travel 30 days before your visa expiration (she's reffering to tourist visa in australia)..idk if its same with the US tho ;p

  4. You got all the vaccinations you need before entering the USA at St. Luke's, if they listed any others needed on the 3025 then those you will get once in the States

    Ok thanks Hank :) so you mean all vaccines ,we had hep b ,antimeasles and forgot the others coz all i know once you have those vaccines you need to complete 3 shots ..and is that okay that we could have just those vaccines there ?

  5. hey we just had our medical last november 2012 and we got shots for certain vaccines ..i just really forgot the instructions >< do we really have to complete te said vaccines before entering the USA or is it okay that we could just complete it in USA? thanks

    P.S sorry for alot of questions ..im just that kind of person who keeps on asking :)) thanks thnks thanks for understnding

  6. The corner cut out of the envelope is normal. Relax. Keep it inside the plastic bag so there is less change of it getting tore open, then at POE the Immigrations Officer will tear it open and review things before you do biometrics one more time.

    Enjoy your flight!

    oh i mean one of the paper inside is torn an inch ..is that okay? thanks for your info.im relieve now:)

  7. Opening the plastic is OK. I mean, you have to do that to get at your passport. Just don't open the yellow envelope.

    My wife actually cut a slit in the plastic so she could remove her passport, then sealed the plastic back with tape. This was more of a precaution so as not to get the contents wet etc.

    OK thanks..there is one more thing ive noticed a cardboard inside the yellow envelope so is that normal?and ive got an inch torn in one of my paper inside :( im still nervous tho..are they still ok?and im gonna retape the bottom too

  8. Does anyone know or have experience on how long it takes to receive your visa once Embassy approves it?

    How many days average for 2Go to deliver to Cebu City after Interview?


    for me ive received my visa 2-3 working days....in my case my interview was Friday and i received my visa Tuesday

  9. Hi everyone .I had my interview yesterday in Manila the process went smoothly . Okay here's my concern .we had an interview with the US console and after that he told us "okay,everything is good. You will be then called again for final instructions" what does that mean?are we approved? Eheheee.just confuse tho .but thanks God for anwered prayers (: and our final instruction was that they will just mail our visa at home and then we went to 2go booth to give our form . Hoping for positive result (:

  10. hi everyone me and my other 2 siblings are scheduled to be interviewed this coming nov.2,2012 ..i have question ...do i really have to have an original documnts like affidavit of support ,tax income ,marriage certificate(mother an peitioner),birth certifiate(petioner),naturalization(petitioner),divorce(real mom and real dad) ...because my mom only scan those original documnts and all we have to do is print so is that okay??? i hope for the best ...thank tou and God bless ... thinking positive :)

  11. hi everyone , im just gonna ask ...what documents i need to bring when it comes to proof of relationship ..our stepfather filed petition to me and my 2 siblings .and we are scheduled to be interview this coming nov 2,2012 in manila ..thanks and God bless :) im nervous too and excited at the same time

    additional ..... we havent met personally yet but we communicate through skype

  12. hi everyone good day (:

    i would just like to ask help from anyone of you here to help me . me and my 2 siblings im 20, my sister is 18 and brother is 16. . we are finally scheduled for interview this coming november 2,2012 at Manila US embassy . could anyone help me ? what are the possible immigrant IR-2 petition by stepfather interview questions? i would like to know so i may prepare and we could ask our stepfather too possible quetions and so that we could answer the questions correctly tho butterflies in stomach may happen.

    hopefully you could help me we are excited at the same time nervous :) i know we could do this ... we are excited too to have a great bonding time with my mother and stepfather too, eager to know both of them well ... thank you and god bless (:

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