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Posts posted by Breno

  1. OP, there are two issues here for me. The most important one to me is the relationship, how sure are you on this? You really need to build/rebuild that again to make sure sicne you ahven't seen her in a while.

    The second issue is the immigration process, which to me is secondary for a reason. This one shows that you are not meeting the requirement. You can file but you will be wasting your money and time as it will be denied.

    This is crucial and an excellent advice that I give all the time.

    I completely Understand the point of view of you guys, but I've know this woman for 4 years person to person and 2 years through facebook and some calls (magicjack), but I have never once doubted that she's the one, this may seem silly, but this feeling is mutual, I've asked her multiple times if she thinks the same as me, we're soulmates, two weirdos :P But I love her. But by what I am readin, the CR-1 Visa should be ok right? We are alredy passed the K-1 because if we don't meet the req, it will be a waste of money. I will bring her to brazil, have a nice civil wedding because we're both not religious, and apply for the CR-1 visa :) We have pictures with common friends, and pictures of both of us in the same school :)

  2. Sorry, but you might actually have a ban. I count 184 days between august 28 and feb. 28. Hopefully a more senior member of the forum can comment on this, but it's definitely an extra thing to check out.

    Omg, you are right, but I checked with someone, and they said that If I overstayed for only 4 days that it shouldb't be a problem, and if it does become a problem, I can waive it quite easily since it was such little time. Also, I think I am going to opt for the CR-1 visa, it seems like the way to go, since we won't need the 2 years prior, it won't be the first time we've met ever because we actually went to high school together so proving that I actually knew her before really isn't an issue, we'll take lots and lots of picture of the wedding, everything should be fine right guys? :D

  3. you are trying to do something that has ZERO chance at success. stop and listen to the advise you are getting. you do not have good enough reasons to get past the meeting within 2 yrs requirement. Also it doesnt matter about nice college or how expensive it is that means more expenses. There is no immediate good news here. First try and meet again then proceed.

    Okay, so maybe her coming here would be a better solution? this will probably take much longer, but I guess I'll have to wait.

  4. She goes to a really Nice college, I don't think that she is below the poverty line, also, is it possible to get a co-signer?

    Also, it may not be proof of us actually meeting, but I still have proof of the time that I left the country, It's still in the 2 year period (will expire in about 4 months) but I don't have like a picture of me and her together, does that help?

    Ok, so I have Been doing some research and It seems that pictures are secondary evidence, I have been reading some people on here have done ok, just with passport and the air tickets, I am sure I can get them.

  5. Medroni is right. You have to see each other, then file the petition. The petitioner should also meet the poverty guideline. i don't have the link of the poverty guideline but you can search it here in VJ.

    She goes to a really Nice college, I don't think that she is below the poverty line, also, is it possible to get a co-signer?

    Also, it may not be proof of us actually meeting, but I still have proof of the time that I left the country, It's still in the 2 year period (will expire in about 4 months) but I don't have like a picture of me and her together, does that help?

  6. Ok, so me and my fiancee have known each other all throughout high school, I think we both knew we liked each other, but none of us had the guts to tell each other, When I left (18 yrs old) to Brazil, we both figured out that we actually loved each other, and a month later I proposed to her, but due to financial problems and my father having inoperable prostate cancer that is pretty far in (58%), I have not been able to return to see her the past 2 years, but we've been in contact for a long time, in the beginning not so much because to get internet where I live is very hard. We want to file the fiancee Visa, but we are scared of being denied for two reasons, one is the fact we've never met in the past 2 years and we don't have photos with each other because we were not bf/gf back in high school, and the second reason is that we're both very young, I'm 20 and she's 21, she's in college so she doesn't have a full time job to be able to be a sponsor, do you guys have any insight to give us? My dad is much better now and I have been working like a dog to be able to pay for all of this, I just want to be with her, I miss her. Unfortunately I don't have the money to take a trip and back and then apply for the visa because Minimum wage in Brazil is about 300 dollars a month. Any help would be appreciated. I am sure she can get some documents from school that prove that we even had classes together. Also another thing, I was undocumented for about 4 years there, but I was a minor, I left right on the 180th day of my 18 years old limit ( I turn 18 on august 28th and left on feb 28th) So I should not have any ban. How can we make this as smooth as possible?

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