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Posts posted by ohiobuck

  1. Can you add our Notice date and interview date?

    Ohiobuck............07/31/09...08/03/09...08/26/09....09/03/09...10/15/09...--/--/--...Columbus, Ohio

    Thank you for updating the list. I am so excited about getting my husbands interview date, I think I might exploid once he's approved and is a ciitzen. Is it just me that is feeling an excitement I can't explain or remember feeling before. :):dance::dance::star::thumbs:(L):P B) :):D;)(F)

    heheheheeeeeeeee, Paula

  2. Can you add my husband to the July & August list?

    USCIS Lockbox Arizona

    UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview.....Oath.........Office

    Ohiobuck........ 07/31/09...08/03/09....08/26/09......--/--/--...........--/--/--........--/--/--.......???



    Sorry I forgot to put the office, me bad.

    Can you add my husband to the July & August list?

    USCIS Lockbox Arizona

    UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview.....Oath.........Office

    Ohiobuck........ 07/31/09...08/03/09....08/26/09......--/--/--...........--/--/--........--/--/--.......Columbus, Ohio



  3. Hello,

    I am also from Columbus, Ohio. I think there is at least five of us that I know of in and around Columbus, Ohio and probably more that I haven't noticed that have Moroccan guys. My husband is from Kenitra in Morocco. We married in April 2005 and the last thing we did was adjust his status to receive the 10 year greencard. We are just waiting until we are able to apply for his Naturalization.

    I don't post very often anymore because I have also been the victim of having my "...thread was hijacked and you were bullied by someone with little social grace" happen to me when I couldn't understand why. All I ever wanted was to help others going through the same process. Luckily I was able to pay forward and help couples with my husbands help. I never thought my way was the only way, or my knowledge made me the expert, far from it and no one else is either. But I do wish Visa Journey could be a better source of sharing so each of us can take ideals/information out of it we might not have time to figure out on our own to help us successfully through the immigration process. So I know how hurtful it can be when people attack you on Visa Journey when you only want to help or get information :star: . And I also know how lucky I was to have found some very good people on Visa Journey that supported me and knew I just wanted to help.

    Since it's been a little while since I went through this process I am not sure how close it is to how it was when my husband did it. But if I can help you, I would happily offer my help. If you get an Ohio gathering organized, I'd love to join you all.

    Paula :star:(F)

  4. My husbands 10 year greencard arrived in the mail Saturday, Nov 15th.

    To help those of you in the same boat here is our timeline.

    Mailed 751 application in July, delayed couple days when they forwarded it to CA. I don't remember the exact date I mailed it and when it arrived at the CA center.

    8/15/08 Biometric appointment in Columbus, Ohio

    11/13/08 E-mail sent saying approved & also husband saw Thursday, 11/14/08 early a.m., when he went through customs at the Atlanta airport when he asked for them to check. No more will they pull him aside to verify his letter or stamp when he comes back into the country. The custom agents said it showed up in their system it was approved, but they had no clue how long it would take to receive the card.

    11/15/08 Card arrived in mail

    In short we are still pinching ourselves it went so fast. We had expected at least 10 months, not 4 months.

  5. Besides what everyone says, if I was you I'd not mess with filing an amended tax return for 2007, but in January file a joint return for your 2008 so you are ready for your interview at that time. But the main thing you should do is to have at least three people/friends write a letter confirming your relationship. They should give their contact information/address/phone and it would be best to get them notorized. Besides bills with both your names, send any cards letters you received with both of your names. Examples: inventations to someone elses wedding/party/Christmas cards and etc. that you received. If you don't have any, get someone to send them to you. You could get them to mail you Halloween/Thanksgiving cards as well as Christmas cards don't forget. But make sure both of your names is on the envelop with your address. If you have anything you've received from your employers showing your address, you could use the two employers using your same address as proof. I used cover pages in front of each of my proof I sent in, just to make it simple for them to understand your proof. Opening up a joint checking account, besides just a savings would be good as well. Also make sure all your bills are going to your new address, expecially if you used that as proof. In short just keep your eyes out on everything around your house you already have as backup that you could us and even more look at everything in the mail box as your proof you just didn't think about.

    Also if you have auto/rental/Condo/house insurance make sure you provide with both of your names. If you own a car, put both of your names on at least one of your vehicles, to show joint relationship. Also if you have traveled together, us the receipts/tickets/reservations and etc. proof of that trip for both of you at the same time as proof of your relationship. In short keep thinking and I am sure you will come up with a bunch of stuff and none of them have to cost you anything, except for time to copy/notorize/and get organized.

    Good Luck, I am sure if you just plug away you will come up with enough evidence and like the others say, make the appointment and they can help you come up with ideals of what they would like to see as well.


  6. When my husband had to start making some trips for work into NYC he soon told me he understood why I had told him why I would never live there. He said it's expensive, dirty, dirty, dirty......

    No offense New Yorkers, but that was my husbands thoughts about NYC.

    But when he first arrived, he acted like he would love to move to someplace cooler to live and Texas was one of those spots. But he seems happy now living in Ohio, since he appreciates being able to live in a lower cost area, which means living better than other places will allow. Plus he's lucky to be able to travel and see the other so called places and still come home to me in Ohio. Plus he likes for us to be living near my Mother. He likes that we can be near her and keep an eye out on her so with time he came around to thinking Ohio wasn't too bad to live on his own.


  7. I don't have the words to allow me to bring you some comfort like I wish. Other than, my prayers are with you and the family. I hope you take comfort with you, knowing you were both blessed to have found each other and to have the happy times you shared together. Only time and God's constant presense in our lives will help you get through this. God Bless you and take care of yourself.


  8. Hope you all find this funny and that no one is offended by this joke. Please enjoy:

    A business man arrives a day early for a trip for a business conference and he finds himself free in the afternoon since the conference starts the next morning and he decides to search out a golf course to play some golf. Unfortunately it turns out to not be his day for golf, because his golf game seemed a bit off so he loses track of his score. And also because this is the first time he’s played at this golf course he also losses track of which hole he is playing. Finally he spots a lady who is playing on the hole in front of him, so he yells out and asks her which hole she’s at so he can figure out he is playing on the 4th hole. He goes back to playing and pretty much things continue as before and he finds he’s lost track again. Several holes later he spots the lady again and he asks her again which hole she’s at and she tells him he’s at the 14th hole. He then tells her “you’ve been very helpful to be good enough to tell me which hole I am at, that I want to buy you a drink when we finish up”, which she excepts.

    Once they get to the bar they order their drinks and start talking and getting to know each other. When he asks her what she does for a living she says, I make it a habit of never telling. He asks he why she can’t tell him her job and she says because you will laugh, everyone does when I tell them. He tells her, he promises not to laugh and she finally agrees. She tells him that she sells tampons for a living and he falls down on the floor rolling around laughing. The lady gets a little upset and says you promised you wouldn’t laugh at my job. He then says, no I am laughing at myself because I sell toilet paper for a living. So that means I am still one hole behind you.


  9. Two blind airline pilots arrive at the airline gate. One of the pilots is using a seeing eye dog and the other pilot uses a cane to enter the plane. As the two pilots pass the passengers in the plane the passengers on their way to their cabin, the passengers start to get a little concerned and ask the Flight Attendants if everything is okay. The passengers are assured everything is okay and they go on with the regular boarding. After a while the passengers begin to relax, thinking it has to be a joke so they get into the normal routine of preparing for a flight and reading their magazines. Then the plane starts to taxi to the runway and the passengers watch out the window wondering. Soon the plane is lined up to take off and it’s released for take off. As soon as the plane takes off everyone can’t help but be nervous as they watch outside the windows as the plane runs down the runway. Then they realize they are getting close to the end of the runway which has a lake at the end of it and it has still hasn’t lifted up. Just at that minute the passengers start yelling and screaming. And just as fast the plane lifts off and the plane rises smoothly and soon settles into smooth flight so the passengers relax and sit back for the flight thinking everything is okay.

    Just after take off the Co-Pilot tells the Pilot, “you know, one of these days the passengers are not going to start yelling late”



  10. chiquita

    If it seems to you that I wear my emotions on my sleeve, that would only be because of people like you, think you are the only people that know how this immigration system works and you refuse to look at others suggestions or ways of looking at things. I am here to help, not to bully people to believe everything I say. I am glad I have been able to help others through the process and thank God none of them gotten denied. I do not claim to be the cause of their success, but I can see with the work they did for their own cases and willingness to understand their case better to present it better (at all steps) proves there are many ways of looking at each immigration case and if they look at it differently they might better prepare and in the end be successful. But from day one when I first remember you on Visa Journey, you have attacked everything I've said. This only proves to me, you can't stand anyone that thinks differently than yourself, that you can't see what appears obvious to others because you want things to work your way. Well guess what, nothing works any one person way, expecially the immigration process. There are immigration laws in writing, true, but we all know that some cases are not handled properly or couples wouldn't be denied. So except that it isn't fair, that maybe you should do what you can to think outside the box to help you case at whatever stage your are at.

    Please just listen to suggestions, without showing you think you know it all and others are clueless, when that only proves you are not trying to work this out or that you want to really help others.

    For everyone else, all I ask is for you to make your own decision and do your own work figuring out the immigration process and anything that you can do to better help your case. That means at whatever point you find yourself in the immigration process, when you first apply and even more importantly if your case was denied. The advantage of talking to others that have gone through this same process is for them to share their experiences, give you suggestions on things they would've done differently, glad they did or bounce ideals off of to see if it could help your case or only hurt it.

    In my work experience these are the skills I have needed to be successful in my work to help myself and my employees succeed and I found it even more important that I had these skills during the immigration process. And I am lucky to have been able to help people and to see them through the immigration process and their thanks and appreciation is worth more than any money I could've received. Plus it makes me feel like I am paying back for my husband, if you know what I mean.

    For those who want someone to bounce ideals off of, or any help I can offer, let me know that is why I stay on VJ. And for all of you stay positive and work your ### off in everyway possible to be successful with this immigration process. Don't give up, just keep plugging away and I am here to help and so are others. I wish I could do more, I am not able to force the government to give your case approval, I am not an export, but I am no dummy, I have some useful skills that can help you like I've helped my own case and others.

    God Bless you in your steps to get through the immigration process and I hope people can see what I am saying and to stop being childish.


  11. My prayers are with you both. I pray both of you work this out the best way God see it should be. That means if you divorce, then so be it. Or if it means you both realize mistakes and make your relationship stronger so it goes on. I do not know either of you or your relationship so none of us can really advice you. But we can listen, support you, prayer for you and wish the best for you. I just hope you can come out of this a much wiser and happier person than you are now.

    God Bless,


  12. I wanted to share something just to put a smile on your face and to try and ask for others to share similiar stories to put a smile on our face today.

    Last night my husband took me to dinner at a Chinese restaurant. The fact that it was at a Chinese restaurant was sweet because my husband isn't crazy to have Chinese. He seems to not be able to get over his fear that they are feeding us dogs. LOL Crazy I know. But he knew I love Chinese is why he took me there last night. Well the really sweet thing he said last night was he wants to bulk up. Meaning he wants to muscle up. He explained that he wanted to make all the girls jeolous of me, that I was with such a hot guy, so others would know I was wonderful and be jeolous of me. I told him he already does that and he doesn't have to do bulking up unless he wants to do it for himself.

    He's had this notion in his head for a long time, that he wants to do this for me and I think it is just one of the many wonderful things about him that makes me treasure and love him.

    I could share a ton more, but I wanted to share a good thought with you all.

    I look forward to hearing some of the sweet things your love says to you or does for you.


  13. Paula, I am sorry that you think I am attacking you because I am not. Your response just caught me off guard because it was stated initially as if that was the solution to the problems. We are just talking about a very serious issue and we are trying to guide them the best way for the long journey ahead of them, not some quick fix. I made some pretty drastic sacrifices that would also prove our relationship was real, but we were never even given the opportunity to show any of it to the interviewer, so in my mind once you are at this stage it is pretty futile to try to prove it to the consulate anything because they have already made up their mind. If I would have quit my job I would have just one more issue that I would have to deal with once the petition was re affirmed.

    If I were an Immigration officer, and I saw that a woman quit her job for the soul reason to be with her husband immediately I would have to question that. In my mind a responsible person would not walk away from their responsibilities because they can't live without their husband. A mature person would hang in there play the game their way. I would want the petitioner to prove to me that they made a mature responsible choice when they got married, not one driven by an infatuation.

    My husband was fed up with the immigration and actually tried to convince me to give up everything and move there. Okay, lets say I had done that. Where would we be now? We would have had our I-130 re affirmed, it would have gone to the consulate, and there it would have been denied because I no longer qualified as a sponsor. Not all of us have the luxury, nor would I have ever asked anyone to have sponsored my husband. I view it as my responsibility.

    I am not saying that you don't have any good advice, but on the other hand your comments that some of us are "know it alls" were uncalled for. It sounded as if you were discounting Chi's experience as unviable. Chi was deeply affected by her denial, as was I. In fact, we have even ran into many lawyers that haven't got the slightest idea how to deal with returned case. This makes it even worse because they can actually guide you in the wrong direction and feel good about taking your money for it. I know because I had one. She filed a FOIA, charged me $500.00, and it turned out that she filed it to the USCIS not the Department of State. And on top of that she didn't know that they are not even allowed to give out the reason for denials. So wasted money on my part.

    Please don't stop giving advice, just keep in mind that perhaps some of us have a little more knowledge in areas that you have never had to deal with.

    Well you sure didn't understand what I was saying and how I was trying to help. You don't know my situation and I was not immature and infatuated so much I jumped into this. I did not quit my job, I was preapproved to go to Morocco by my employer, but I am not a fool I knew I might get burned. But in my case I had no choice or I still would've have even met my husband let alone marry. But I know now no matter how much I attempt to explain you will not be able to see no all cases are similiar.

    I guess all I get for trying to help is being called immature and infaturated. For those who are needing help, just don't forget all cases are different, that you will have to prove your case, so do what is right from you and don't trust anyone as an export. Become your own export, and make your own decisions. If I had followed some of these peoples advice I would've been denied too and I don't wish that on anyone.

    God Bless those trying to be with their love.

    Plus please drop this train, get back to sharing ideals to help people, instead of saying you know better than someone else and that they are immature if you don't agree with them.

    Back to the mission at hand, get these visas...................................


  14. There is no other vote for me, it would have to be YES. Since I can't vote, yes I didn't vote, but please count one more yes for my vote. The reason I vote yes, is I have been bullied so many times by a few people that act like they know everything. It's like they decide they want to disagree with everything I say. I am only trying to help and the people that know me, know I am a good person. But I know God and the ones that really matter know the truth, the others are just hurting themselves and others by trying to bully on visa journey and they make this not as good of a website as it could be.


  15. To make it as clear as I can. Thank God, my case was not denied and I never claimed to know how to deal with that. But on the advise of my lawyer and all the investigations I tried to do on my own to figure out the best way to handle the immigration process I choose this path, which in turn cost me a job. I haven't shared all the hardships I've gone through, like some of you so you don't know my background and this might be one reason you don't respect the things I have learned throughout this hard process.

    To respond to "most case are DECIDED for approval or denial PRIOR to the interview." ------------>I think you answered yourself. This is why I did it. From what I learned from the lawyer and research I wanted to show in my application our committment to the marriage. My biting the bullet to stay in Morocco as long as I did, even at the cost of losing my job with everything else we did, luckily resulted in my husband getting his visa.

    Luckily financially I didn't require a co-sponser, but to be safe I had a second co-sponser, so my husband had two, one more of my many attempts to assure nothing I could've done was left undone. In short I believe those that do not do their homework and prepare to the best of there abilities have only themselves to blame, no matter which stage of the immigration they find themselves at. But we all know the cases in Morocco are not always done by the rules, or at least how we have read them. That is why I did everything humanly possible to prepare to make my husbands case go through as smoothly as possible.

    Please do not think I am saying I know what to do if you are denied. And please do not take any insult in anything I say, if you have been denied, I am only trying to help. Think of it it this way, I am trying to be on your left shoulder trying to get you little ideals of different ways of looking at the process so you outside the known rules to succeed with your cases. That doesn't mean you don't have a long road in front of you, alot of homework to become an expert on the immigration rules and a lot of decisions on how to fix your cases as best you can.

    Since I am only trying to help, please stop attacking me and just because my case wasn't denied doesn't mean I have nothing to offer you. That doesn't make since, why would you deny help just because I wasn't denied. If I was denied, I'd be seeking help from under every rock I could find and then I'd make rocks....

    God Bless all of you and hope you are successful, but please stop attacking my attempt to help.


    I'm confused Paula....was your case denied and this is how you fought it? I really think in a situation of returned petitions a person is wiser to listen to another person that has been through it before and won. There is no comparison to a case that has been returned as there is too one that was approved without incident. This is a very serious situation. They are not just saying prove your relationship is real they are actually telling the USCIS to revoke the petiiton based on fraud. You can't take chances at screwing this up at this point.

    If I had quit my job to marry my husband all I would have had at that point is a returned petition and the impossible task of finding a co sponsor. I chose to listen to Chi's advise and now I have my true love here with me, as well as the fantastic job that would have been next to impossible to replace. Love is worth everything, but we must be adults about it as well.

  16. This decision is yours, not any of ours. You have to decide based on everything. Maybe it's not 100% necessary for you to go to Morocco, but you may decide like I did it's worth sacrificing a job to get married and get him here with you. I had a new job, I lost it to marry my husband, but that was my decision, because I felt like it would help my husbands case to get here with me. And luckily it did. But like I said, it's your decision, you have to decide what you should do, what you are willing to do and what is best for your case since every couples case is different. Some people are know it all's here, they act like they are experts, but none of us are. So research what you have to do, research and try to figure our what will help your case be successful to get your love here asap. In short do what is needed for your case.

    I wish you the best of luck and I am praying for you. Hopefully you don't have to go to Morocco and lose your job, but if you decide like I did I can sure understand how love is the most important thing.

    To the rest of you, why can't you see sometimes the rules say one thing, on what you need to do. But as we all know, we have to prove to humans with judgemental opinions (the US Consulate) to get these visas, and I say we should do everything humanly possible to be successful. But why should I be surprised by these people that only like to attack ideals that are suggestions to help cases work successfully by looking how ways to put our cases in the best light to get the US Consulates to approve our Visa's. I think we all know they deny cases for unfair reasons that are not in the rules, and yes this is not fair. But why continue to deny they do not do this and not try to think of ways to make them think our cases are true and deserving of visas. That is what my husband and I did, we worked very hard from every step of the way to do things that would prove our relationship is true so we could fix any red flags and prove ourselves to get our relationships. And one of the ways I tried to prove myself was biting the bullet and going to Morocco even if it meant, bye bye new job. Jobs can be found, love is too important..................

    God Bless, and I wish you luck in this process and in making your decision on every part of the immigration process so you are successful in the end.


  17. Sounds like you have to decide which is more important, your job or marry your love. Think of it this way, if you marry him and lose a job to do it, you can sure use it to prove your commitment at the K3 interview. Wish you good luck.

    God Bless,



    i m new in this forum . my fiancee's file was sent back to uscis. i sent yesterday an email to each senator and representative in my state. i sent an email to cas, rabat ambassy. i sent an email to the state department and i m still gonna go tuesday to each senator and representative's office. i will fight them until the end because this is BS. enough is enough. the fees are so high that they think we will give up but they are wrong. there is anybody who got his file over turn after they send it back to USCIS?and was given a visa? et me know thanks

    what did you say in your e mail to the consulate? sending an e mail to the embasy will do nothing. actually sending one to casa wont either but it does help to blow off steam. the same can be said of sending e mails to anyone including Pres Bush.

    instead of sending an e mail to your reps---call them and get them on your case. you will have to fax a release for them to get info for you from casa. that is pretty much all they can do for you but at least you will have an answer as to WHY you were denied. most couples who are denied out of casa is "due to the validity of the relationship". could this be the reason for yours as well?

    dont worry---if it was it will be quite easy to over come. this happened to us in 05 and has happened to many couples---you are not ALONE. not that it makes you feel any better but please know you will one day get a visa for your loved one.

    first---what service center did you file with? that is important as you will later learn. have you read the pinned section about case being returned? if not go and read it. skip the stuff that is not related to you but absorb the stuff that does relate.

    did you read the letter your fiance received form the consulate to make sure your case was really returned and not sent for security checks? just wanting to make sure that your case was really sent back. all applicants get the 221 g letter but for 2 different reasons.

    i sent you a personal message.


    the congresswoman in my state told me that i have to go back there and marry my fiancee. she said that even if marriage doesn t guarantee that she will come here. at this time i just got a new job and it is impossible for me to go back to morocco and marry my love. any other suggestions? thanks

  18. Water is Wide,

    Did I address you????????????????? NO

    I was addressing VJ, not just you.

    Maybe you are too sensitve, seems like you think everyone is attacking you personally and it makes you unable to see sound words of advice, discussion and suggestions when they are offered. And I don't blame Sarah for defending herself when she gets attacked when people forget to keep their emotions out of things, so they can't look at issues in a new way to try and figure out how to be successful in the immigration process.

    The following part was directed to everyone on VJ, and I'll try to make it clear. What's I've noticed is people jump at someones ideals/discussions without respecting the other right to have other ideals/opinions. That is when people make the mistake of forgetting their manners and people start acting like unfriendly people by try to shut people up they don't agree with. Or worse yet, they are afraid to hear from the other might be saying, because we all know the immigration process isn't always nice and fair. People have the right to their opinions, but others don't have the right to knock them for that. Please everyone remember to see how you appear to others when you post, it's very easy to become not a friendly person when you forget that.

    Water is Wide,

    I don't know you, you are probably a nice person, but from your posts I wouldn't have always said you are always nice as my first impression. Please don't forget what you say and do, how it appears to others, not just to yourself who knows yourself better than anyone else on VJ. So do until to others how you would have them do to yourself. And remember others have rights too, and how what you say might be viewed.

    Plus I do not mean to insult, I am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings I am just pleading for people to be nice to each other, to listen to new thoughts and discussions and to use of our brains to succeed for our immigration cases.

    If anyone is insulted by what I say, you haven't understand what I am trying to say. I am just trying to have peace and respect on VJ, even for those brave enough to give other thoughts.

    God Bless,


    also If you care to read and quote my latter posts I clarified my feelings about this fairly and with honesty.

    I don't even know you nor do you know me or my intentions, what advice was Sarah giving I missed? Maybe you find solace, wisdom and support in her words , I find her combative time and again on this site but that is my own opinion and her right.

    If your not directing it at me then don't use my quotes to make your point! Im not being overly sensitive and I have been kind and nice to everyone here, I don't get involved in the drama I see time to time, unlike others. If you have a direct problem with me I request you PM me in the future not wrote it in the forum. If you wanted to make this apply to all of Visa journey you shouldn't have started by using my quotes. Once again Sara is more than welcome to say whatever she likes I never said shes not a nice person I have nothing against her and I did nothing wrong!

    I have a right to disagree, and I disagree with you Water is Wide. I will drop it at that.


  19. Water is Wide,

    Did I address you????????????????? NO

    I was addressing VJ, not just you.

    Maybe you are too sensitve, seems like you think everyone is attacking you personally and it makes you unable to see sound words of advice, discussion and suggestions when they are offered. And I don't blame Sarah for defending herself when she gets attacked when people forget to keep their emotions out of things, so they can't look at issues in a new way to try and figure out how to be successful in the immigration process.

    The following part was directed to everyone on VJ, and I'll try to make it clear. What's I've noticed is people jump at someones ideals/discussions without respecting the other right to have other ideals/opinions. That is when people make the mistake of forgetting their manners and people start acting like unfriendly people by try to shut people up they don't agree with. Or worse yet, they are afraid to hear from the other might be saying, because we all know the immigration process isn't always nice and fair. People have the right to their opinions, but others don't have the right to knock them for that. Please everyone remember to see how you appear to others when you post, it's very easy to become not a friendly person when you forget that.

    Water is Wide,

    I don't know you, you are probably a nice person, but from your posts I wouldn't have always said you are always nice as my first impression. Please don't forget what you say and do, how it appears to others, not just to yourself who knows yourself better than anyone else on VJ. So do until to others how you would have them do to yourself. And remember others have rights too, and how what you say might be viewed.

    Plus I do not mean to insult, I am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings I am just pleading for people to be nice to each other, to listen to new thoughts and discussions and to use of our brains to succeed for our immigration cases.

    If anyone is insulted by what I say, you haven't understand what I am trying to say. I am just trying to have peace and respect on VJ, even for those brave enough to give other thoughts.

    God Bless,


    also If you care to read and quote my latter posts I clarified my feelings about this fairly and with honesty.

    I don't even know you nor do you know me or my intentions, what advice was Sarah giving I missed? Maybe you find solace, wisdom and support in her words , I find her combative time and again on this site but that is my own opinion and her right.

  20. Why can't someone discuss and share their opinions to try and figure out how to get through this immigration process without someone else attacking them and acting like we are rude? Sarah is a wonderful person and to help others she gets attacked unfairly by people who can't see the good she's doing. Please remember none of our cases are equal. Some went through faster than others, some had problems and others had very little or no problems. In short each of us are different, which makes our immigration cases different, there is no way they can be the same even cases at the same Consulate. But that doesn't mean we can't learn a lot from each other and try to figure out the process so others progress through this immigration from everyones experiences and shared information. For example, it's like we are are outsiders, standing outside a building (immigration process) looking inside a window trying to figure out what's going on so we can try and get what we want as soon as possible and trying to make it so we have no problems so it works out the best way for our own individual cases. This is human, and we should take the lessions we can learn to help apply them to our own cases to be successful. But I beg of everyone to be good humans and have some manners and be open to help and suggestions when that's what someone like Sarah is giving.

    God Bless,


    I was wondering what other people WHO ARE IN ap were thinking as to why we are stuck there and to give us a chance to talk about this so overshadowing part of our daily existence

    Geez, sorry, I guess my ideas were not welcome.

    Once again those who haven't experienced a long AP aren't allowed to discuss. Gosh, I have been told that too many times lately.

    I didn't realze that those waiting had insider information and were the only ones who could discuss this topic.

    Sarah its just you come off in harsh way I don't know what it is discuss all you want

    I am discussing. I don't see how my opinion is any harsher than others.

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