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Posts posted by leanne213

  1. I'd be grateful for feedback and advice regarding the issue of tourist visas to the USA with a criminal record.

    The circumstances are that 10 years ago my sister was killed in a car crash. This utterly destroyed my mother. She went through a bad time of drinking a lot and on two separate occasions the police were called. She resisted arrest in her drunken state and hit out at the officers (not causing any harm at all). She received a fine and convictions for assaulting a police officer (on two separate occasions). This was ten years ago. She is now doing much better and hasn't had any issues with the law. She works full time in a school and is very well regarded. She regrets her actions and is very remorseful.

    I will possibly be moving to the USA in the next few years as my fiancé is in the US military so I will be going to live in the US with him.

    The question of whether my mum can visit me if I move to the USA is a huge cloud over my head and I will be anxious until I know for sure. We are extremely close, it will be hard enough to leave her never mind possibly not being able to have her visit me.

    We know she will have to apply for a visa as she committed an offence of moral turpitude so can't use the VWP.

    I just wanted to hear from some people about their experiences applying for a visa and whether it was granted despite having a criminal record.

    P.S my mother has a British passport.

    Thank you

  2. My brother has a criminal conviction from 5 years ago from when he was under 18 for cannabis possession (small amount) and theft. I have done some research and I know one conviction under 18 might be ok. But two? Can anyone advise me if he would get a visa to travel to usa and if so how? Thank you

  3. Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I think on the basis of what you say I should just use the ESTA. I already have one, having travelled to see my boyfriend in the USA twice this year. If I go with him for his training next year we will stay off base. He intends to rent us somewhere to stay as opposed to staying on base (because I cannot stay there). Boiler as much as I love the USA I don't intend to follow him out there, not any time soon at least! I am a qualified solicitor in the UK, I cannot practice law in the USA unless I train further, which I do not want to do. One law school experience was enough!

    One concern regarding the ESTA however is when I arrive at immigration in the USA, would it be best to have an open ticket and say I do not know when I am returning but it will be before the 90 days is up, or book a return ticket for say a month and if I do decide to stay the whole 90 days change the date of return ticket but leave before the 90 days is up? I am concerned that again as I will not have a job to return to or any fixed address (I will stay with family or in my boyfriends house until he returns) they may believe that I am a risk of overstaying? I will be travelling with my boyfriend who can confirm that I intend to leave either when he does or before, but I would prefer to avoid a grilling from immigration.

    Thank you again for taking time to reply.

  4. My boyfriend is in the US Airforce. He is stationed at Mildenhall in the UK. I live in Manchester in the UK. He is currently deployed to Afghanistan. We had agreed that when he returns next year I will move down to be with him. I planned to give up my job as a solicitor and look for work in Cambridge. He has recently found out that he has to go to Nebraska for training for four months next year. I plan to go with him and on our return move straight down to be with him. I have savings to live off in the usa and my boyfriend has confirmed I can stay with him whilst over there so I won't have to bear that expense. My concern is that I will need to give my job up so won't be able to demonstrate that I have a job to come back to. But as a solicitor I can only practice in the UK. Also I plan to live with my boyfriend when we get back so I can show that I'll be living with him but just in case anything happens in that respect I have family I can also live with when I return. Can someone help me with what visa I need and advise on increasing my chances of success. I'm apprehensive to give my job up if I am unlikely to get a visa??

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