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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Raleigh, NC

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Maricel and I met online October 1, 2011.... She asked a lot of questions and we both knew early on that we had a special chemistry. Everything about her... her eyes, her smile was beautiful. I met most of her family on the Web cam, including her parents and her family and I really hit it off well. We even sang songs to each other on Web cam and really came to enjoy each other's company.
    On March 31, I traveled to Mindanao (Surigao City) where Maricel and I met for the first time in person. I'll never forget it. Time stood still at that moment. As I passed into the visitor waiting area, Maricel ran to me and jumped up on me and as I held her, she must have kissed me a thousand times. What a feeling! The love, the emotions, the connection between each at that time... it was as though we had known each our entire life. When you are truly in loved and moved by that love every minute of the day... you understand.
    During my stay, we shared a lot of time with her family. They even had a welcoming party complete with all sorts of food (some that was knew to me) and of course, karaoke. When you sing in front of people you've never met before (and there's no alcohol involved), it has to be love.
    On April 3rd, with an entourage of several boats, Maricel, her family and I traveled to Basul Island where we had a a wonderful picnic with Maricel's parents, brothers, sisters and extended family. It was just incredible. Following a day of food and swimming, we gathered on the beach where I proposed to Maricel as her family encircled us singing our song, "Love Me Tender".... honestly (lol)! I couldn't make this up.
    On June 25th, we filed our K1 Visa petition. Like many of you, we are now awaiting our Notice of Action 2 through the Vermont Service Center... Does it seem like it takes forever or is it just me?
    While we wait for the NOA2, we communicate daily and I chat (and occasionally sing) with her family.... I really love them. They're wonderful people. And we do what we can to prepare for the next phase and interview.
    Maricel and I are impatiently awaiting that time when I travel back to the Philippines to bring Maricel back to her new home here in the US. Maricel and I wish everyone here a quick and successful visa journey as you each plan your lives together and embark on a new journey.
    God Bless....

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