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Posts posted by mummyT

  1. Thanks for your replies. Received advice from an immigration lawyer not to visit whilst I-130 in progress so have now cancelled our trip. However we have since received confirmation that case has been passed to the NVC for processing. My question now is can anyone give an approximation of timescale using London Consulate. This is importAnt to us as we are not visiting USA on extended vacation then we must look for rented accommodation in UK which will mean a six month tenancy. Thanks in advance.

    Hey I have just returned from usa and am also moving over,and we got into the conversation about us coming over and they didnt question us at all

  2. I do say that to myself at times lol and being totally honest I love my dad but we don't see each other alot and sometimes I feel he has time for everyone else and me and my kids get squeezed into his life when he has time..kids never stay with him...and when we move they will have another set of grandparents and fingers crossed a nice outdoor life...thanks for getting back to me...x

  3. Hi

    I have been thinking alot recently about immigration I still have about 4yrs to go..but today after having a talk with my husband I have been thinking about when I actually have to get rid of my stuff and leaving my friends and dad...I will feel so guilty upsetting people..i also have kids and i will take on all the heartache they go through but its something I really want and I think it is going to give my kids a great start in life somewhere nice...Scotland is lovely but the weather is totally garbage lol has anyone else reading this going through this or has done..give me advice on how to be strong and stick to what I want for my family


  4. Like you all read and some of you are on other side of the pond let me put my prediction.

    Obama's party has lost both house. But he still holds last sign for any law

    In sort to make a law congress has to pass a bill, senate has to pass that bill and finalize by both camber. Then it goes to President and he/she can sign it.

    But On top of that President has a power to execute any law using executive power. But that law can't be cancel by next president or next.

    And this president has use his executive power more then any president in history of USA. And he is going to use it more now that he has nothing to loose. He can't be on ballot because he can't be president more then twice.

    He is going to pass executive decision for immigration reform. We will know what will be in it once it is passed and starts implementing just like Obama care health plan.

    In My View it won't be good for Legal Immigration.

    Lets hope it does good for us as I am also waiting for my sibling to come here Legally.


    Thanks very much for getting back...i really hope legal immigration get something positive...its hard knowing your life is going to change and waiting for it lol its my kids I want it to hurry up for they are still really young which will be easier for them to adjust...has your sibling still got along wait??

    Thanks Leanne

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