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Posts posted by chelseafc

  1. ok i will try to get her to visit me in september then. she has to work until then. i went to tokyo in july for a week and i went to istanbul two weeks ago for hair and oral surgery (hair was getting thin missing from scalp. i was in a bomb blast last year so my face/jaw/teeth was disfigured some. the hair surgery there is good and inexpensive, they covered everything well ). She agreed to marry me before i fixed my face and hair, so i am very happy to marry her. her family was ok with me too ;) i am actually glad my wife left me so i could focus on my recovery (jaw was wired and eyes had surgery last year as well). wife lost all respect for me because i was working alot in dangerous areas, i was not the "gentleman" i guess she thought i was, she constantly saw me returning from war zone etc with injury and my behavior was not normal at that time. i was unable to show empathy or compassion because of my job. also that time i was showing some ptsd and i was violent to other people even outside of war zones (not to her).

    the new woman has given me new eyes on the world, she likes natural beauty so we will spend more time in a natural environment, like outdoors. even though i live in a large city now, she is looking forward to staying with me. currently, i am ok no problems with sleeping or ptsd or anger issues. now my business has me talking to many normal people so its good rehab, i am trying to improve my thinking about people and the world.

  2. Yeah relationship is solid, I will finalize the divorce asap. I was just slow to do so because i was very busy for some months, i've settled my life where i dont have to work so much anymore so i can be there for my spouse. i visited my fiance and her family in july, so its not fake, we've been talking for a while, she's beautiful and 23 i mean it could not be a scam on my end lol. She is such a wonderful person i cant imagine anyone thinking i would want anything from her other then marriage. I am not hideous but i mean, i am seriously upgrading here. My previous wife had many many family difficulties during the period when we were married, and i was overworked so i could not show or offer enough support. I also did not effectively show how concerned i was about her family, she thought i was selfish and to be honest i was selfish with my spending during that period.

    so yeah, i appreciate the amazon prime comment. the world is a cruel place, but my employees deal with people, i just take/spend their money lol.

  3. Currently I am in the process of divorcing my wife from Japan. She went back to Japan last year and I recently filed for divorce in DC. However, I met someone new also from Japan. So I want to bring her here as soon as possible. Do I have to finish my divorce before I request a K1? How long does a K1 request take? If you have any advice about divorcing and remarrying I would appreciate it. Thanks

  4. i talked to my lawyer i got it. Basically you have to do some documents, making a job ad etc. Basically the process takes like 2 years but approval happens faster. in the meantime we will open an office in like hong kong or japan where he can work out of for me.

    thanks for your help, without the negative response i would have tried to do it on my own, which would have been a disaster lol.

  5. I'll take care of it, i am just asking around. Don't worry guys, I got my wife a visa here, I've started 2 companies in the past 3 years, I got this. I have not officially employed him, just outsourced to him in china when he was there, you know how it is. He came here on a B1 for my hotel company, not for the tech company, but after coming here I have decided to push the tech company forward. I think that is reasonable, of course he is more qualified then a typical computer programmer (he is android/ios/server side/web expert). Anyway I told him I would take care of this i definitely will.

    Can't make an omelet unless you are willing to break eggs lol catz. thanks

  6. He's good, I will go for the EB2 path I think. I know it seems like he is replaceable at 50,000 a year but actually he is not I think it would cost several million per year to replace him, and that with a great hassle. I'd rather just bring him here then find someone else, I have worked with him for about 6 months and he is the real deal.

  7. I think he would like to stay here, he has family back home including wife and child. He prefers the usa for education for his son, but coding is much better when we are together. Remote workers are not an option after having and in house team. I will try to to do a I-140 I think.

  8. I am not a non profit. I have a hotel company which owns hotels and I have a tech company which has not made any revenue yet. I did not speak to a lawyer yet since I did my wife's visa (from japan) without any assistance. I could contact a lawyer but I am just trying to get some direction.

    I am not paying him, so he is not really "working" as much as he is showing me his ability.

  9. Hey, recently I brought a worker from China. He is here on a B1 visa. We were going to plan a tech company, but he started coding after a few days, part of the interview process, and since then we have not stopped. Now he is basically the most important person in my tech company. I want to keep him here, he was planning on going back to China but I think it is best if he stays.

    Can we try to keep him here via a AOS? or should i just apply for a H1B visa? Are there any alternatives?

    Thanks so much

  10. I think a copy of the konin todoke is fine. There was no problems but we was married in the USA. I doubt the USA cares alot about the family register especially since its all in japanese. The income thing is complicated for me, because i did around 400k for the IRS but I showed a loss from my tech company and I also capitalized a loss from the previous year from a hotel purchase 2 years ago. I basically said my income was 600k after making adjustments. I included a bank statement to NVC but it was not alot of money in it, but enough so they dont have to worry about her.

    I started in April last year, NOA2 was like in december I think. From NOA1 to NOA2 was the longest wait. After the NVC process started, we did not have an interview date until it was April 2014. So, basically after NOA2, things move relatively fast, but you are looking at at least 4 months to get an interview if you is on top of things. I was slow with the paperwork because I did not understand all the parts well, I could have shaved a few weeks if I had understood the process better. So for you, if you do things on time, you should be ok for october 29. But you should save some money to show you've got assets. If you have nothing in your name, you father's got to show that he is willing to support her. If push comes to shove, he's going to have to pay your way anyway, right? Legally, he is liable.

    Can you find a job before you head back? Can your wife do work? You have to be realistic too, how will you support her moving back to the USA if you've no income nor savings? I doubt owning a house will help, they probably need a bank account that shows you can be supported until you are back on your feet.

    Besides, I am wondering why you want to live in the usa? I live in the US and i am doing everything in my power so I can control my business from japan, but that process will take a few years so thats why she is coming here. You might be better off just living in japan with your wife? It's a beautiful country, very clean, fairly inexpensive and an excellent standard of living.

  11. So my wife got her visa yesterday. I think basically she has 6 months to move here, or she loses the visa. Also, I know she has to file the I-751 within the 90 day window before her status expires or she will also lose her status.

    Is there anything else?

    If you guys have any questions about the NVC or Japan I can answer them. Overall the process has been straightforward. I used the government's website as a guide, since I have found some of the information here is outdated or wrong (http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/367617-black-ink-pen-or-blue-ink-pen/%C2'>

    I think the biggest thing is being able to prove you can support your family when they arrive to the states, both being income and place to stay. At the embassy they rightfully only requested recent tax documents, as they had received all other documents electronically. No one asked her about family pictures, boarding passes, etc. We had those things as well, but apparently they just asked how many times a day we talked. I haven't asked her all the details about the interview yet since it was just a few days ago.

    Anyway let me know if you have any questions as well as any insight on how to proceed further.

  12. Hey, so I paid my AOS fees (88$) online but I've not done anything else. Am I supposed to mail back the receipt page? Should I wait for an email or something to pay my IV fees? When do I do the DS-260? I am sorry if I sound mentally weak, I tried looking at the timelines but they dont go into great detail about this step of the process.

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