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Posts posted by Arial99

  1. If they themselves make more then the necessary amount for the affidavit then have them fill out an 1-864. If you need to add your income to reach the amount then you will do I-864 and they will do I-864a.

    Thank You!

    Just to make sure I understand this correctly, Only they have to fill out the i-864. And because they live together they can include both of their incomes? Sorry for the extra questions. I just want to make sure everything is filled out correctly so the AOS goes smoothly since hubby is currently out of status since he has overstayed his vwp. Albeit it only by 30 days....

    Once again thank you for the information. :)

  2. Good Afternoon Everyone,

    Since I have started to fill out my AOS Papers, I have come across a question in regards to I-864 form. I am currently a full-time college student and only work 12 hours a week helping my Great Aunt and Grandmother.

    My husband and I are living with my parents in a single family house. Since I only make like $8,000 a year my parents have decided to support my husband financially so that we can get him his GC. My Question is since we all live together and my parents of course share financial responsibility what is the correct forms to fill out.

    I am aware I have to fill out the form since I am the petitioner but which forms do they fill out and are we able to use both my Mom's and Dad's income? Also they are both retired at this point, does that create a issue for us?

    Thank You For Any Assistance ;)

  3. G'Day Everyone!

    I have been getting excellent information from this site for several years.. I just wanted to introduce myself and my situation to this community since I am very nervous about this entire process and could use some moral support.

    I met my husband almost 5 years ago while playing the online game World of Warcraft. We hit it off right away but I had just gotten out of a bad marriage with a alcoholic. We talked for hours everyday for 6 months before we decided to finally meet. My husband applied for the vwp and arrived on 03/04/2009 and left within his 90 day entry. He had only planned to stay for two weeks but we knew within 1 hour of being together in person that it was true love (L) He returned back to Australia because at this point I was still married since my ex husband refused to help with the divorce at all being that he already had a new family and wanted nothing to do with me :crying: We were lucky enough to save up enough money for my current husband to return to the us once again in December of 2009 for the holidays. It was his first time dealing with the cold New England weather. And his first time seeing snow it was amazing and a great time. :thumbs: We did talk about getting married but I still had to wait for my divorce to be finalized so he left the states. We went back to our daily chats via Skype... What would I have done without Skype it was such a blessing (L) Australia was going through a bad recession and he was having a tough time getting a job so we had to wait longer before we could afford another ticket to get him to the US.This trip we went 8 months without seeing each other and that was super tough but he was able to get a ticket to visit me once again for the Holidays of 2010. This time when he left we knew we wanted to get married and my divorce was final so we both started collecting information needed to apply for a fiance visa. His mom refused to give us her blessing without first seeing me so I saved up and braved the long flight to Australia by myself during summer break. Since by this time I was a full-time student working towards a degree in elementary education. Saving up for the cost of the visa was hard and the time apart was very difficult as well. I visited for the month of July 2011. It seemed like it was taking forever for everything to go through. My husband actually surprised me this past June since he had not been her yet for the summer and we decided it be best to fill out all the forms needed in person so that I could send him back with a complete packet with all documents copied. We went to a local congressman's office since they offered a service of filling out the papers for us. When we went to out apt to verify the papers were all correct the agent told me that since I was a US Citizen we didn't have to file the Fiance Visa and that we could just get married even with him being on a VWP. I said no thank you we want to do this the right way and left. But that thought weighed on my mind.. I would not have to go without him being in my life anymore I mean it had been almost 4 years and I wanted him home with me now. We focused on filling out all the F-1 visa forms and put all the papers together. The night before he was suppose to board the plane he told me he didn't want to go back home and be apart from me anymore. But he wanted to make sure his family was okay with it. So we asked my parents and we called his and they all were like YES YES why haven't you done this years before. So instead of heading to the airport we got a married instead! It worked out quite well because my best friend's mom whom I have known since I was 5 passed away suddenly and I needed his support to help me and my friend through this awful time. We had a very small ceremony since it was last minute we just went down to our local city hall. And my parents and my best friend and her boyfriend were there for our witnesses. Now due to the fact we cut this to the last minute he went out of status before we could file the papers. I am soo nervous about this but like I said both our families fully support us and if it doesn't work out we will have to file with him back in Australia and I will have to get a visitor visa to go there with him. Because I know I will not be apart from him anymore unless its beyond my control. Oh have a mentioned he has a insane phobia of flying... Yea that is how strong our love is he is able to overcome all that.. So now all we have to do is put the documents together and file these papers.. We got his physical done and his shots done just this past week.. I am soo nervous... Hopefully someone has some positive thoughts for us and can pray for us as well... If anyone had a similar situation to us and would send me some tips and assistance that would be greatly appreciated. My Husband is from Australia and I am a US Citizen from birth we live in Massachusetts. Sorry for the long post.. :innocent:

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