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Posts posted by DigiRiddle

  1. What visa are you adjusting status from?

    Edit: What EXACTLY does the Request for Information say?

    A request for initial evidence means that a required item was not submitted. I'm guessing that you may not have read the request properly and a joint sponsor may not be needed. You may in fact just need to send in some missing documentation.

    If a person is self employed, then the income from the most recent year's tax return is what is used for the I-864. If the sponsor is a wage/salary earner, then current and continuing income is what is used. What is the US citizen spouse's employment situation?

    My husband is employed Full Time, and working for a retail company. And has been since October last year.

    The Request for initial evidence form states that based on the evidence given the sponsor did not meet the 125% of the federal poverty guidelines.

    and all circled and highlighted down the bottom are notes from the office people who sent the letter saying we NEED a joint sponsor.

    and yes, we sent in all the tax forms, we already were sent another previous letter asking for the 2011 tax stuff, which we sent (sent the wrong bits the first time haha)

  2. Hi guys! Hoping for some help!

    Basically, even though he's making plenty of money this year to meet the Poverty Guidelines, since his last tax return was below the requirements (he was coming to see me in Australia a lot) we have gotten a letter back telling us to get a co-sponsor. Instead of trying to prove he's able to support us both (i would think having full stomachs and not stressing so much about the bills is a good sign!) we've decided to just get the co-sponsor.

    I know the co-sponsor has to fill out the I-864 and supply their tax returns and such.

    But does my husband have to re do his since we are changing it to 2 sponsor instead of his first submitted form being just him sponsoring me?

    Thank you in advance!!!

  3. We have the same problem.

    My husband didnt make enough last year in tax records because he was in australia a lot of the time with me, and only was holding a part time job. This year, he had the pay stubs to show he is full time and clearly making enough to clear the poverty guidelines...

    we just got a letter back asking for more information... (at least it's not denied yet!) so we are planning to just get our brother in law to co-sponsor us, instead of trying to argue that we have the income to support us both (i think the fact that we arent kicked out of our house yet and have full stomachs is proof of that!)... as far as i can tell, all the co-sponsor is there for is insurance to the government that the immigrant isnt going divorce the spous and take welfare from them :P just a signature on the page is all it takes!

    honestly, get it done right the first time! it's a long wait to get the form back saying you get social security.... do what ever is easiest! and go over board with all your proof if you can. We got told that we were going overboard with our stuff and still havent been accepted yet!!!

    good luck!!!

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