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Posts posted by ikbrooks

  1. let's say she didn't cheat and just made it all up just to see how you would respond. Just to test you. Rather juvenile but a test none the less. Then your goal should be to fail the test. KICK HER BUTT TO THE CURB! :dance: What is the next test going to be? She will always be testing you to see if you love her. Been there done that! I followed the no call, no contact method and then began receiving hang up calls and email pleas. NO RESPONSE! Hard as heck to do but to this day I refuse to play her game and I am happier for it. Now I have a WOMAN who loves me! No tests, just lovin!

    Just let it go! handle your business with the embasy/consulate and move on! If you have to go to Mother Russia again...do not put yourself in a position where you will see her. Just don't go if it can be avoided. Go to Brazill instead! LOL The women over there just want to be loved! I know there are bad eggs everywhere. Just get out there and travel man! When you find a good woman marry her and the two of you go discover the cure for the common cold and be successful! That will kill her! Let her read about or see you on Oprah! That is how you win! :yes:

    sorry to hear the bad news friend.don't you wanna give her another chance? did you shout her or treat her badly over the phone? how sure you are that she was really cheating on you???!!! i'm just trying to be rational a bit but you know best of course.in case you have no intention to rethink your decision.i suggest you should send a written letter/email to the NVC and the Consulate where ur fiance was going to have the interview informing them of this change of plans/cancellation.

    good luck to you!


  2. Slow down chief! Slow down and take the emotion out of it. You should move slowy, cautiously and with a purpose. At least you found out prior to the skank coming here. You should consider informing the consulate without emotion. Just matter of factly state she had chosen to see someone else while i was not in town and now she has an std. "How did you know?" A: she told me. Rather unapologetically at that. I just want to cancel everything and move on! End of story!

    This is the hard part.... she should never hear from you again. No email, phone calls, letters, morse code...NADA!

    This type of person is looking for you to respond and call all the time. Make a pact with yourself to suffer silently if you must but never show her your pain!

    If you allow her to see your pain you lose!

    Be strong!


  3. The Ku Klux Klan? Oral Roberts and Bob Jones University?

    Oh I want to go to BJU! Taking bets on how long it takes for me to get kicked out.

    2-1 odds are on less than 5 minutes

    Why don't you all just cut to the chase and go to the source of what we Christians believe? The Bible is the source! Not "The Ku Klux Klan? Oral Roberts and Bob Jones University". That may explain much of your dingy (din-gee not ding-ee) outlook on life and all things Christian. Go to the Creator not the creation. :yes:

  4. Once sealed, forever sealed! I grew up Baptist and now I am Christian as many recovering Baptists are. :yes:

    Recovering BAPTISTS? I never heard of such a thing! :lol::lol::lol: My first college roommate was a Baptist; she told me I was going to hell because I was a 'dirty Catholic.' Such tolerance. :lol:

    Fellow ex-Christians unite!

    Yes! RECOVERING Baptist! Just like RECOVERING Catholic. They are both denominational faiths are they not? If you do not understand that then yes ":lol::lol::lol:" to quote a "friend". :P

  5. I'm not challenging your fervent faith, but you do know that Catholics do not take the story of Adam and Eve as a factual account, yes? Fundamentalist Christians do.

    You can't lump all Catholics together like that. There's what the Church teaches, but that is often at odds with what Catholics actually believe. You can't make many assumptions about how/what a Catholic thinks just by referring to the Vatican's official position on things.

    I grew up Catholic; as a side effect I'm now atheist. Many recovering Catholics are. :lol:

    Once sealed, forever sealed! I grew up Baptist and now I am Christian as many recovering Baptists are. :yes:

  6. It because liberalism promotes equality, and for some that would mean no longer living so selfishly, egocentrically, and hierarchically. For some that potential change in their lifestyle is too threatening, so they fight it.

    Funny how the liberal (blue states) are the richest states. Some of the rudest, self absorbed, self-centered, self pleasure seeking people I have come across are from blue states. Absolutely everyone I know of who has ever met an arrogant American always says they are from a blue state and typically hate George Bush, aka they are a liberal...

    PS I think you are confusing the JFK years of Democrats for neo-democrats, nothing alike...

    Personally speaking (as you were) I've had the complete opposite experience ;)

    Similarly, while I can't speak for all Britons, it seems to me that if we're talking blatant stereotypes of American people - the image of frothing bible-belt, gun-toting nutcases is a far more prevalent one than alleged "liberals" from "blue states". But that's just my perception.

    Image/stereotype----- most times factually lacking and built on a foundation of lies and personal biases.

    I'm not challenging your fervent faith, but you do know that Catholics do not take the story of Adam and Eve as a factual account, yes? Fundamentalist Christians do.

    You can't lump all Catholics together like that. There's what the Church teaches, but that is often at odds with what Catholics actually believe. You can't make many assumptions about how/what a Catholic thinks just by referring to the Vatican's official position on things.

    I grew up Catholic; as a side effect I'm now atheist. Many recovering Catholics are. :lol:

    Once sealed, forever sealed! I grew up Baptist and now I am Christian as many recovering Baptists are. :yes:


    stolen quote from Janice Griffin Democratic Activist.

    In other woods, we will tell you what you want to hear to win votes..


    The Church does not teach matters of science as if they were matters of faith. Evolution is a theory, a hypothosis-both to Catholics and Scientists alike. God alone can and does produce the soul.

    This is one of the biggest mistakes made by human kind. I think a lot of people are confusing the bible and actually comparing it to a thesis on the creation of life. The bible is a guide for humanity. The theory of evolution, be it right or wrong, has nothing to do with the bible. The world was created in 7 days was a figure of speech. I highly doubt it was meant literally. To put it in context, why would God explain the beginning to people back then when we only now, in the past 100 years or so, have began to understand science..

    Even though evolution has large holes and quite a bit of guess work in the theory, I personally believe this can be explained through a higher being such as God.

    As far as homosexuality goes, marriage is between a man and a woman. It is sinful aka immoral to "spill your seed".

    Right or wrong there is a reason two people of the same sex cannot reproduce. The reason I do not endorse homosexuality is because I personally feel it has been rammed down my throat to accept it. Second of all as stated before some cannot help it. Therefore it would logical to say that a genetic deformity is causing it.. Will God hate gays, of course not, as he loves everyone even those who refuse to accept him..

    On war-Pope John Paul made a statement that we should not be at war. That does not make it Church dogma or a sin to support the war anyway. His opinion is taken into high consideration, though. He wants to be sure that all peaceful means available were exhausted and that is a matter of opinion. In the end the best thing to do is pray and support our troops.

    Christians believe in peace but that does not mean me will sit in silence and let islamic muslims do as they please with humans. Over the last 1200 years, let alone the last 6, a lot of them have showed us that they have absolutely no respect for humanity. Much like a serial killer.

    Right on brother! Say it LOUDER!!!!!!

  8. It because liberalism promotes equality, and for some that would mean no longer living so selfishly, egocentrically, and hierarchically. For some that potential change in their lifestyle is too threatening, so they fight it.

    Promotes equality? How does liberalism promote equality? By taking from those who work hard and giving to those who may work hard but have not been as successful or lucky as others? That is not "promoting" equality! That is Robin Hood economics and it destroys any chance for the success of the community and species for that matter. The failure of liberalism/socialism/communism is replete throughout history. Even the "pilgrims" tried it and the colony was almost destroyed in the wake of it for the very reasons highlighted here. It's all about the "collective"! Right?

    Just look at America! With all our shortcomings we have come as far and farther the the rest of the world in a fraction of the time. Yes, we were able to utilize the technology that was accumulated over time and build on it. But how is it we have outdone the world now and continue to do so? When we are outdone we are able to utilize any given technology and make it better in the open: read FREE market. Liberals do not believe in freedom. You all want to lower the bar and make everything equal and fair. LIFE IS NOT FAIR...SO GET USED TO IT! I read a post on this site it said quote "LIBERALISM - EMOTIONAL THINKING FUELED BY IGNORANCE"

    Try expanding your knowledge base. Liberal politicians wish to keep us all ignorant. An educated and informed populace is a threat to all big government advocates. Right now you are a stereotype. You can either get mad at me for pointing it out or make an effort to gather additional information and challenge everything you come across to see if that bit of info or theory will hold water.

    I used to be a liberal until I saw/heard Reagan speak at my university. The entire time I was thinking I hate this guy. But as I listened I heard the truth. Next I actually read the U.S. Constitution (oooo shock and awe) (say it isn't so) yes I actually educated myself and did my own research and here i sit writing you while still on my journey. Now it is your turn. Maybe I am wasting my time...maybe not? Good luck to you! Kevin


    stolen quote from Janice Griffin Democratic Activist.

  9. There are a lot of american women marrying men from other counties too.... so... I guess I could ask: what's wrong with you? :P

    Off topic but....

    hang in there! We just got Package 3 and are anxiously awaiting #4. Let's keep each other up on where we are in the process! Good luck! Kevin and Patricia.

  10. Seriously. I'd like to hear from those who keep using the word liberal in a derogatory way, what it is about that term they dislike? Is it personality types (celebrities)? Is it the ideology? What is your definition of liberalism? ...and finally, what do you define yourself as?

    Liberalism, as it was considered approx 230 years ago, was responsible for the creation of this nation. But as it is known today is responsible for the creation of nothing but trouble. If you know history, you know that the creation of anything, especially along the lines of a new nation, goes against the establishment and is considered progressive read: liberal. But nothing about the liberals of today is progressive. Higher taxes, special rights for people just because of who they CHOOSE to love, killing children in utero which is the new slavery, redistribution of wealth, more (bigger) government-less freedom amd the list goes on. Q: what has modern liberalism ever created? I can name a whole bunch of things it has destroyed!

    Looking at history you will have to agree that, regardless of the terms used, any and all creation of anything while considered progressive was not liberal. All the great empires and/or civilizations of world history were founded on and built upon the principles of freedom, life, liberty, family, community and pride in the same. Then the progressives/liberals show up and the whole thing begins to rot from within because of the progressive/liberal ideas that are ALLOWED to take root and fester. You see, the very things modern liberalism supports and attempts to promote are the very things that will kill it and the nation where it resides.

    Just look at the stats in Europe. It says that Europe has fallen below the required birthrate to sustain the continent. Not enough children being born to support their programs? Not enough folks in the workplace to pay for all their social programs! What happens next? Oh, we need to raise taxes on the working to pay for those who do not work any longer. Can you see what the result is going to be? They turn to immigration to supplement the workforce and what is happening now? Those of middle-eastern descent have come to numerical prominence and now they want a voice and they deserve a voice. But just look at the voice that has been shouting by burning cars and killing civilians.

    The same is happening here in the states. The liberals want to pattern America after the rest of the world with programs, theories and ideologies that DON'T work, have not worked and never will work. Just look at mother Russia or whatever they call themselves now. Did that work? Look at the other communist utopias...are they working? America plans to build a fence to keep illegals and terrorist OUT! Communists build walls to keep their people IN! All of your ideas have been tried and have been found lacking! they always sound good on paper but they go against human nature. There will always be those among us that are considered over-acheivers and that want more. Some are content with a volkswagen while others want 2 S-500's and the 8000 sq ft home on 25 acres. Neither is better than the other and neither is wrong for wanting more or less. That is just their desire. And if it is their desire they should be allowed to pursue their HAPPINESS" free from the harassment and taxation of the government.

    We all need to do our share to help support our respective governments. I should not have to pay more just because I have been successful. I will automatically pay more based on percentages. But the fact that I am successful should not be the reason I have to give more or have more taken from me. I should be taxed like everyone else and if I choose to give more then that is my choice...NOT THE GOVERNMENTS!

    Regardless of what you may want you do not have the right to take it from someone else! History speaks for itself. All the million that have come from the world over not looking for a handout, they just want to breathe free! For now we are a free nation but that is changing. One must be careful not to push too hard or too far. We are only going to take so much!

    The problem with Liberals and Liberalism is not that you want everything for everybody. The problem is you always want everybody else to pay for it!

    I have a lot of thoughts on this topic and I am sure I rambled a bit. For that I apologize.

    Conservativism is a principle...republican is a party. One is built on an unchanging set of beliefs and standards. The other is built on what is acceptable/marketable in the marketplace of ideas.

  11. well we sent it via usps and got notice it was received in texas on the 17th at the service center.

    paid by cheque and so far its not been cashed....

    one couple sent theirs in the day before us and got theirs monday, so i was really hoping ours would follow soon :(

    im patient, but my partner is already down as i wont be here for most of her pregnancy :( i wish i could comfort her by just saying we are on our way etc..

    oh well :(

    Have you gone to the website and set up auto notification? It might work and send an email to you once you register with your SSN. Just a thought!

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