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Posts posted by dazedandconfused

  1. okay so basically this is why I didnt want to post this site thanks to those who addressed my question and to the rest hope you feel so much better now that you think you know everything and everyone... Go find someone else now to try to bring down and make yourself feel so much superior than everyone else.. Why is it if you dont have an answer you feel the overwhelming need in interject your opionion on something you know absolutely nothing about and then state that you are telling the truth... If you know us and have inside info then tell me all about it but otherwise your words are not the truth they are just your opinion and I didnt ask for anyones opinion on my husband or his motives...

  2. i wanna give u an advice

    im so sorry but this person dont love u

    if he had relation with other girl this mean he is not in love with u

    he is only using u for papers after u will do all things for him and bring him with his baby

    he will leave u and send papers to this girl

    open your eyes its only advice u can take it or leave it

    he had relation and baby from other girl

    they r all using u for papers

    think well

    and im sorry for my words but its only the truth

    Your words are the truth really I didnt know you know my husband and what is in his head or anything at all about us. my relationship is not what I need anyones advise on only how to handle the interview. So thanks so much for all your wisdom and knowledge I will let him know his best friend said HI

  3. I have spent alot of time reading on this site and not posted but have found alot of useful information and very helpful people. I have also seen alot of judgemental people as well. I know that this post will attract that kind of input but please unless it pertains to my question let me decide what to do with my marriage.

    Okay here goes. I met my husband a few years ago online. We talked for awhile I went to see him met family and friends. We were married had a few more visits and are NVC stage and waiting for his interview for him to come over. Everything has been going good and we have used alot of information from here to get where we are. However we have some red flags big one is age difference I am much older and the ablity to have children. I am sure like all of you know this is a difficult journey and we have had some issues off and on. We had one major issue a while ago and that was he had cheated on me after our marriage. He confess to it i would never have known if he didnt sense he lives there and I am in the states.

    This was heartbreaking and I was sure that we would never make it thru this but we did. I recently went to see him to get the rest of the documents we needed for NVC and just spend some time together. We had a very good time together and it seemed that our relationship is stronger than ever. And then he shared the news with me that the girl he had the affair with was pregnant and she told him it was his child. I almost died with this news. After the shock wore off I talked with my husband and his mother. She was so great to have around. It seems the girl doesnt want to keep the child and my husband thought since we are not sure we could have one of our own we could raise this child together. Since his interview we hope will be soon and the child is not born yet his mother is going to take the child to live with her while we sort things out and decide what to do. My husband is planning on getting a DNA test to prove the child is his before his mother takes it. So this may prolong his travel but we are not going to stop the process since he has 6 months to travel once he recieves his visa.

    Okay here is my question. On the forms we filled out we did not list any children for him because he didnt have any and we are not sure if this is his child or not. So should we bring anything up either by amending the forms or at the interview about the baby. If the interview is before the babies birth do we say he may have a child or should we say nothing at all until we know for sure. If the baby is born prior to the interview and he finds out for sure it is his will there be an issue if it is not on the form. Also if he gets his visa before he knows and then finds out the child is his if we file for the child to come to the states will there be a problem because we didnt put it on the form to follow him here. I am so confused on what to do and I dont know if anyone has been thru anything like this I sure hope not.... Anyway thanks for hearing me out and any help about how to proceed with the interview and paperwork will be greatly appreciated.

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