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Posts posted by Falconhoof

  1. There always has to be an I-864 from the spouse, money or not. So she can do that and include her most recent tax return. An I-864 from her mother is fine even if you live together. Make sure you Included proof of Mom's US citizenship or permanent residence with her original I-864, as well as her tax return and some other proof of income for extra measure. If all that was already turned in for Mom, then you shouldn't have to do hers again.

    Thanks for the reply, yeah that makes the most sense. I have no idea what we were thinking only putting in the i864 for her mother. I think it's because we only had to do one affidavit (for her mom) while I was in the UK (the i134 I think).

    We included evidence of her mom's citizenship so that shouldn't be a problem.

    One last question, would I be right in saying we should treat each i864 separately when it comes to household income? So, like on her mom's we don't include my wife's current income but just count them on their own? It would make sense that way since on each form we are not using "any other person from the household size" in each case?

    Thanks again.

  2. So I unfortunately got a RFE in my case. We filed an i864 but not for my wife, only her mother who is my joint sponsor. They’re requesting that we now file one for my wife.

    We are frankly unsure how to fill out this new one for my wife. Since we live in the same house as her mother, do we file an i864 for my wife and an i864a for her mother, combining their income? Or do we simply just file an i864 for my wife and they’ll also use the other i864 from her mother (marked as a joint sponsor application)?

    I'm also wondering if I should also re-file the i864 from my mother in law? Or just send exactly what they ask for? I'm worried that they will disregard my mother in laws i864 since they state that the i864 was not from the petitioner/sponsor.

    Thanks for any advice guys.

  3. Hi again folks,

    Last week I posted off my AoS forms. I used USPS and they were supposed to be there by Friday. However, the tracking on my package has said since last Thursday that the package has been through sorting and should be delivered by March 1st. Obviously this isn't good.

    My issue is that next Monday will be my 90th day here and I'll officially be out of status by then. I'm not sure how to proceed to be honest. Should I go to the bank and try get a refund on the cashiers cheque and try re-post all the paperwork again this week? Or should I just hang tight and hope it arrives?

    I called the USCIS who were less than helpful. She wouldn't tell me if they had received my paperwork or not because I "hadn't given them 10 days".

    I'm guessing once I'm out of status I have a headache of paperwork ahead of me. Anyone any experience with this?


  4. Hi again folks. I entered the US on a K-1 Visa and I am in the process of adjusting my status.

    I'm currently trying to fill out form i-864, specifically question 25.

    My wife's mother is our joint sponsor, who makes enough on her own to be my sponsor. However she files jointly with her husband.

    I've read conflicting information on what to put for line 25 for Adjusted Gross Income. The actual amount on her tax returns is significantly higher than on her W-2 as she files jointly with her husband.

    I've read both that she should put her W-2 amount in this box (which isn't what is asked for, W-2s are not adjusted gross income). I've also read that I should simply put what is on the tax return (the joint amount including her husbands income) and they will work it out from her W-2s that her income is sufficient.

    Anyone any idea on how I should proceed? A lot of people who have had this issue had it answered easily, as the spouse of the sponsor didn't actually make any money despite filing jointly.


  5. Hi folks. I arrived in the US 3 weeks ago on my K1 Visa (from the UK) and I've been looking into shipping the rest of my household stuff over. I only have 3 boxes of stuff that I've left with my parents to ship to me, but it seems like the process to do so is a lot more complex than I originally thought.

    I was under the impression that once I'd arrived I could simply have my stuff Fedex-ed to me along with the customs form 3299. However reading online the past couple of days seems to indicate that I need a lot more than that, such as a Treasury Department Supplemental Declaration form (most of which doesn't even apply to me) and a form for "Power of Attorney".

    Has anyone here gone through this process and if so, what paperwork did you have to file when having your stuff posted to you?

    So far, I was going to include the following with my posting;

    3299 Customs form

    Power of Attorney form (I'm guessing this will be for my parents since they are the ones posting?)

    Treasury Department Supplemental Declaration form

    A scan of my passport showing my visa.

    Thank you in advance for any help.

  6. On an I-134, London will be happy with MIL only. The tax form 1040 will not show her separate income, but her w2 form will. If she will provide an employer letter or recent pay stubs also, then that will show she makes enough on her own without Dad having to prove anything or sign. There are no hard rules for the I -134. It's just prove to the officer that somebody makes enough to convince him you will not become a public charge. I would get recent proofs and have them at the interview.

    When you later adjust status, the rules are strict and specific. Your wife will fill out an I-864 even with zero income. You can still use Mom as a joint sponsor and show her separate income without mentioning Dad.

    Perfect mate, thank you very much for the reply.

    Oh and I should probably add, they've given me an appointment for for the 28th of this month. Needless to say I am over the moon. :D

    Thanks again to everyone for replying.

  7. Thank you all again for the insightful replies.

    I have two more quick questions;

    The more I read online about the i134 it seems the less I understand. My Fiancee is a full time student with no income, and as such her mother in law will be the sponsor on my i134.

    Does my fiancee need to fill out an I134 too? I didn't think so, and it doesn't make much sense as she has had no income and no tax returns filed etc. But reading online there seems to be a mix of she should and she shouldn't.

    The second question;

    My mother in law who kindly wanted to be my sponsor is of course happily married. Her taxes we're filed jointly with her husband.

    According to the US Embassy website, married couples should both sign the i134 if they're willing to sponsor me, which of course they are. This would match the income tax return better, though I have no idea if their individual salaries will be displayed on the 1040.

    However, does this mean I'll now need to get the paystubs of my father in law, as well as a letter from his employer confirming his current salary?

    Things are further complicated given that he was out of work for several months (including back in August where I first got the i134 from my Fiancee). Hence the reason why my mother in law was the only one on the forms in the first place.

    I'm not sure if I should simply stick with my mother in law soley on the forms or if I should re-do them with my father in law's signature?

    I should clarify that support really isn't the issue. My mother in law to be makes nearly triple what is required on her own. My father in law did also for many many years.

    Thank you all again for your patience and advice with this stuff. I'm sure many of you appreciate what a nervous time this can be.

  8. I may as well ask this here while I have this thread open.

    I have two niggling questions which I'm going to ask on the phone tomorrow, but no harm in posting it here too I think.

    1) Visa Journey states that the extract from the records (short form) birth certificate is not valid as the certificate MUST contain both the mother and fathers names.

    My own certificate says at the top "Extract of an Entry in a REGISTAR OF BIRTHS", but it also contains both my mother and fathers names. Will this be ok? The woman at the registar office assured me that its the "long form" version I have despite it saying that, and that they don't issue the short form due to no where accepting it.

    Did anyone else have a similar birth certificate?

    2)Somehow in all this preparation, we didn't realize that we would need to use the i134 over here to show that I would be supported by my fiancee's mother when I entered the US. So when we did back in August we basically filled out a new i134 (dated in August) with a letter from my Fiancee's mother's employer confirming her salary.

    Will this be ok given it has a different date than the one submitted to the USCIS by my fiancee? My gut feeling says yes but I wanted to be sure. Also, is it really necessary to have pay stubs or tax returns on top of this?

    Thanks folks.

  9. Yes people have requested and received an earlier interview. Some say they can come on short notice if there is a cancellation. Last week somebody here in this forum posted their fiancé was called for an interview for the very next morning because a spot opened up. But keep in mind everybody wants their visa before Christmas, so this time of year your chances are diminished.

    I don't suppose you have a link to that post? I'm curious to whether there is a "choice" in the matter. That is, if I write and ask for an earlier interview and they ask me to come down at 9am the next day; if I can't make it do I retain my original appointment?

  10. Hi folks.

    Nearly 5 weeks ago I had my medical, and today I got my letter in setting my embassy interview date at December 20th.

    Is there any possible way this can be moved to earlier? Does anyone have experience doing so? I'd love to spend Christmas with my fiancée.


    ####### can't find the edit button. I'm in Scotland and the embassy in question is London.

  11. Thanks again, so what I should do in summary:

    1) As per the embassy's instructions on the letter the sent me, I'll include NO documents with any of my forms, despite what the DS-156K says or otherwise.

    2) This includes not sending evidence of engagement or otherwise.

    Thanks again guys.

    EDIT: Oh and LeftCoastLady, how did you find the medical? Mine is scheduled for the 17th of this month. Dreading the needles personally..

  12. You would only mail the DS forms to the embassy. The various documents you would bring to the interview and they'll be attached there. Be sure to visit this pinned thread in the UK forum because the interview stage varies by embassy/consulate: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/350185-london-2012-k1s-from-noa2-to-interview-thread/

    Thanks for the link, that thread will really be helpful in the coming months.

    I won't bother attaching any documents to the DS-156k then.

    Any advice for what to use as evidence of our engagement? My understanding was that for the actual interview I only needed evidence for our relationship.

    Thanks again.

  13. Hi folks. In the process of filling out of filling out the DS-156K, it instructs me to attach documents (Birth Certificate etc) to send to the embassy.

    However, on the letter I received from the embassy, it says under no circumstances to send any documents to the office until requested.

    Is the DS-156K the request and should I go ahead an attach what it wants? Or should I not attach anything at this time despite these instructions?

    Further, it asks for evidence of our engagement. If I should attach forms to the DS-156K, what would be good to use? I have a notarized letter of intent from my fiance if that would suffice?

    We haven't had a party nor have we bought rings yet, so no receipts etc. We are planning on doing that when I get back into the US. Really scratching my head with this one, it's not like I have a picture of me on one knee..

    Thank you very much for any help.

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