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Posts posted by arwensun1965

  1. Richi

    Found all of this hope it is what you are looking for


    Help - Search - Members - Calendar Full Version: Anybody self-sponsor?

    VisaJourney.com > General Discussion Area > Regional Discussion > United Kingdom

    LisaDAug 7 2006, 02:24 PM

    I'm just a lil curious because being that I am self-employed, I have to show 3 yrs tax returns, which I don't have cos for 4 years I didn't work. I only started working again in the middle of last year..so this concerns me as it related to the Affadavit of Support.

    I've heard about people self-sponsoring thru London, and I'm just curious if anyone here has done it?



    munchkinsAug 7 2006, 02:29 PM

    Hi Lisa

    i am not sure if jenart did that as her daughter had only been self employed for a short while, why not drop London and email and check if it can be done for you.

    Hope all is well

    Joey559Aug 7 2006, 02:30 PM

    I know someone who JUST interviewed around May/June had a bit of a tricky time with his sponsors so he ended up sponsoring himself (I'm trying to remember his review...something about they were saying his fiancee had children she actually didn't...)

    Paul was prepared to self-sponsor if we ran into any trouble but I was accepted just fine. I've heard the amount really varies, anywhere from something like 1,000GBP to 5,000...hopefully someone will have a concrete answer for you.

    Good luck!

    LisaDAug 7 2006, 02:30 PM

    QUOTE(munchkins @ Aug 7 2006, 09:29 AM)

    Hi Lisa

    i am not sure if jenart did that as her daughter had only been self employed for a short while, why not drop London and email and check if it can be done for you.

    Hope all is well

    I don't wanna email the scary people

    it's actually a great idea & that's what I'll do...

    munchkinsAug 7 2006, 02:45 PM

    don't be such a cry baby get it done

    LisaDAug 7 2006, 02:49 PM

    QUOTE(munchkins @ Aug 7 2006, 09:45 AM)

    don't be such a cry baby get it done

    *stomps foot & pouts*

    Lou LouAug 7 2006, 02:50 PM

    Yes, many people self sponsor with no problems at all.

    wherezdabearzAug 8 2006, 12:30 AM

    I self-sponsored. I emiled the embassy with list of my assets and asked them if it would be enough. They said yes and I printed out that reply to take with me at the interview. They just took photocopies of evidence I brought and that was that.

    Unfortunately, you can't do it when it comes to AOS though.

    BoilerAug 8 2006, 05:57 AM

    QUOTE(wherezdabearz @ Aug 7 2006, 05:30 PM)

    I self-sponsored. I emiled the embassy with list of my assets and asked them if it would be enough. They said yes and I printed out that reply to take with me at the interview. They just took photocopies of evidence I brought and that was that.

    Unfortunately, you can't do it when it comes to AOS though.

    I also self sponsored, and used the same assets at AoS.

    Last I heard it was c 3,500 quid.

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  2. A couple of years back this would not of happened, anyway back to subject, I seem to remember a couple who did not have a sponsor and they said the US Embassy had told them that approximately £8000 or in that region was the amount needed to self sponsor. I have been looking at the US Embassy web site and I can not find what I am looking for but it was done. Maybe by putting self sponsor in the search box that might bring up a couple of posts.

    As for this forum .... YES it has been helpful and as I've said there are a lot of nice people in this world but a few are spoiling it for the rest and that is why people are moving away from VJ. Richi it might make sense to go to the Family Based Immigration web site. Wenchie is there she may be able to point you in the right direction.

  3. thanks janice. i did ask it in the uk forum, but it bloody well got moved!

    This does not surprise me, there seems to be a problem with the moderators moving things that are specific to the region, obviously this needs to be addressed, you need to ask the idiots to put it back.

  4. May 2007 Interviews






    Marina+Dave..K1....................................................05/18....08:30… APPROVED



    AlienUKGirl ....K1........04/10....04/10.........05/01......05/30....08:00...

    June 2007 Interviews










    July 2007 Interviews



    Waiting for Interview





  5. No need for a public debate :-p.

    Why not??

    As a side note now I know why HA gets along with mags. Took me a long time to figure that one out. No wonder people are leaving VJ in droves. I used to find information in this forum useful but now it's a lot of Brit bashing by HA and what have you done about it a big fat NOTHING. You wonder why other people are setting up there own web sites when you treat your own members so shabbily.

    Have a nice day

  6. I sent my husband my daughters birth certificate via Airsure (post office) the bloke said it would take 5 days and I blooming well paid extra and after 2 weeks it still has not arrived. I rang DHL at 11:20 this morning, at 12:00 my second package to my husband is on it's way and the lady said it should arrive tomorrow, I will let you know the results. This service has just cost me £44.27 so I popped a note in for hubby as well and they also provided the envelope. Now that is what I call service.


  7. Hmmm. I'm trying to guesstimate when we'll get our interview. Packet 3 gets returned to the embassy tomorrow -- I notice someone has an early July interview scheduled -- maybe mid-July? (assuming that Packet 4 gets turned around quickly.)

    I hope it is a quick turn around for you, Best Wishes.


  8. HA

    I have read a number of posts that You have written. I do not care to argue with you, personally I do not think you are or ever have been nice to any British person. I do not even think it is in you to be nice to any Brit, I am surprised your husband has not asked for a divorce, you obviously hate us Brits so why be married to one. I feel sorrow that you should feel this way, I am of the belief that everyone should get on. You have Whined and Whined about everything that is British, York and England is better off without you and your ignorance. You have an Axe to grind and you obviously enjoy taking it out on people you do not know. You are the reason why so many Brits get pissed off by American's and you sit there saying you do not do this or that. I am not surprised you have no British friends it is you who has the problem and it will not go away by disrespecting us Brits because we have a different view to you.

    Oh and by the way I defend what I feel is right as do you, we are always going to have different views.

  9. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ya think so? I worked at one of the UK's largest insurance companies on contract for a year and a half, and pretty much nobody followed data protection. I couldn't give details without getting people fired, but let's put it this way...your data isn't safe anywhere that people have access to it. :whistle:

    The law is the law no matter how it is put, go to court and then tell me it will or will not work. If you do not mind breaking the law then that is ok.

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