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Posts posted by rswan

  1. So I am about to send off my packet in the next week or so. Having never done this before, what exactly should i expect? and also...my fiance what should she expect? is it simple send off packet get a request from USCIS for my affidavit/cosponsor send that in they accept it and then she go to a consulate? I am quite nervous about this. Any possible advice would be much appreciated.

  2. My Fiance and I are currently filling out the G-325A form, Silly question I am sure. But under the section for her visa, "the last address you lived at outside of the U.S" We are confused what to put, because she has lived in the same apartment pretty much all of her life, and we have filled out the above section that states what her current address is. So in this section, under the "From-To" section, what should we put? because she still lives there...Should we put the current date of when we send the application off? should we put it in the future when we anticipate her coming?

    Im sorry for the silly question, and the answer is probably very straight forward :\ haha.

    thanks everyone, you all are awesome!

  3. So I am avidly looking at and Making sure my K-1 application packet to send off is not missing anything, On the Guide it states you have fill out the G325a form, I can get with that and have no issue, however when I look at the USCIS website it does not mention anything about this form, does anyone know if the guide is up to date? or if I am missing something?


  4. Hey everyone, first off I think it is great to have such a resource so thank you to everyone who helps out!

    Today I begin the K-1 Process, I am filling out application now, and I am following the guide for the K-1 for the first leg of the process.

    Now i remember reading the the USCIS website, that you cannot get married. Which makes perfect sense to me since the point is to bring your fiance over not your wife/husband.

    My fiance's family however want us to have a "ceremony" in a church when i next fly to my fiance's home country. Not a legal registrated wedding just the ceremony. I told them, i do not think it is possible. Is this correct or no? They just want a ceremony in their home country since most of them wont be able to make it here to the U.S . My opinion is dont risk agitating the process by having a church ceremony, but my fiance wants me to find out if it will have a negative affect or if we can in fact do a ceremony.

    What do all of you think?

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