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Posts posted by jerrianne

  1. I got RFE too requesting copies of joint bank statement that reflect joint savings and or checking account to include the transaction pages. Copies of mortgage agreement, deeds or other instrument affecting the title to real estate that demonstrate joint ownership of assets or property. Copies of insurance policies such as life insurance, rental/home insurance, vehicle insurance, etc. Copies of credit card statement, copies of loan documents such as car loans, home improvement loans, business loans, etc. Copies of utility bills such as telephone, gas, electric, water, cable, internet, etc. Or other statement issued in both names indicating the residential address. Copies of do firm 1172 for dependent military dependent cards. My problem is I dont have all these, everything is under my husband name. He added me to his checking account when I started working 2 years ago and my pay check deposited directly to his account until end of month last year. My husband managed all the finances, pays everything our bills, food, gas and other expenses. I have a card but I seldom use it to avoid argument. All assets and property under his name. Also, I don't drive. I don't know what to do now. Pls help

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