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Status Updates posted by 2HeartsR1

  1. Thank you so much. We are both so excited. We can't hardly wait any longer to be together again.

  2. Thank you so much. We are both so excited. We can't hardly wait any longer to be together again.

  3. My precious Lord, you are faithful and you alone are worthy of our praise! I ask you Father to bless every sincere couple here with approval, in Jesus name.

  4. Not at the time I posted that. It was an expression of faith and the peace in my heart he would be approved, but now it is official! He has been approved and my precious husband is really coming home soon!

  5. Thank you, your prayers are appreciated. Yes it is finally happening. My husband is coming home soon! All glory be to God!

  6. Thank you. It is in God's hands. He has the final say. We have done all we know to do and our trust is in God alone. He is faithful.

  7. Thanks for the add. Be blessed on your journey!

  8. Hi, welcome to VJ. There is a lot of good information available on this website. I will let you know when I have more information about the visa.

  9. Welcome to VJ RoseyG! Thanks for adding me as a friend. I am not as knowledgeable as many here, but let me know if I can help.

  10. It is wonderful to hear you made it through ok. I was unaware you were in the path of the storm Praise God you and Ben are ok. I pray you did not sustain much damage. We are doing well, thank you. Keep sending the blessings...I love them...lol and much love to you and Ben as well. May goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life, and God does hold you close to His heart.

  11. Thank you Lord for all you do for us. Thank you for all the couples here that seek to live together as husband and wife. Bless them always and make their journey smooth and quick. I worship you and give you all the glory.

  12. How are you doing? I am so sorry about your denial. God will prevail.

  13. Congratulations on the reaffirmation!!! it has been a long road for you to travel on this journey, but your new chapter is coming soon.

  14. The wait is very hard, but your man is worth the wait. God is faithful.

  15. You know the plans you have for us to give us hope and a future. We seek your face for guidance, comfort, peace, and a positive outcome for the completion of our journey. You know each one by name, bless them Lord and let each one here see your love in a unique way each day. You alone are worthy of our praise. We honor and glorify your holy name. Thank you for all You do for us. In Jesus name Amen

  16. Thank you Father for loving us and providing for us all we need. You are a faithful God and we give you all glory, honor, and praise. There is none like You and we adore you. We no that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and you will faithfully complete the work you have set out to do in each and every life represented here on this website.

  17. God is faithful in all He does. He watches over us and carefully plans out each our steps as the steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord. He faithful and just, and He will complete the work He has began in us. It is not His will that man should be alone, so He will complete our journeys and bring us together to live as one.

  18. I have been facing a lot of annoying trials, but God has sent some wonderful words and prayers of encouragement our way. Hubby sounds encouraged as well. God is faithful! When satan comes in like a flood God raises a standard against Him. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. God shall fulfill His purpose in all of our lives. Thanks for asking. And how is your day going?

  19. Thank you Memlaura.I am placing my complete trust in God that we are at the end of this chapter and about to begin a new one. We have some read flags, but thanks to VJ I think we have addressed them head on and hopefully didn't over prepare. I do not think I can wait much longer to have my precious husband here with me. The breeze always helps. In March there was not one, so I will enjoy that.

  20. Thank you so much. Our journey has been much longer than we anticipated. Actually we had no idea what we were up against to try to be together...lol. We did not into look into immigration processes before we married so we naively thought we would submit an application and show a marriage cert and a few pics and we would be reunited. VJ has been a life saver for us.

  21. welcome to VJ. May God's favor go before you and prepare the way on your journey.

  22. Hello Mrs Oyetunji, praying many blessings on your journey. May God's favor go before you and prepare the way.

  23. Welcome to VJ. Hoping your journey to visa approval goes quickly.

  24. Congratulations! I pray all goes well for you.

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