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Posts posted by mysweetlips

  1. It means a change or update was done to your file. Call USCIS or your senator/congressman's office to find out or get help. At least you know that your file is out of the holding room and is in the Adjudication Division and an Adjudicator is looking at it or working on it since they took the time to update your status. Good luck. Hope to see your name on the latest 15 approved on Igor's list soon.

  2. Funny, I just found out that they updated our status and it says "On April 25, 2013, your address was changed relating to the I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) that you filed." If it is a good news I hope it will not take 24 days before they change it to the real status I have been waiting for many months.

    Congatulations on your approval :thumbs:

    You might get it sooner. I think my Adjudicator was playing a prank on me... since it was April Fool's Day when I got the change of address... and I think also timed my NOA2 for my birthday. LOL

  3. Senator Diane Feinstein - Immigration Case Worker (Emily Rankin)

    I emailed her my Authorization forms.

    She updated me by emailing or by phone.

    o Was able to tell me that my file was located from the holding room (before the CSC plumbing fiasco)

    o My file was with the Adjudication Division

    o Said no RFE

    o Email saying that I should receive something by April 12 (or she will follow up)

    o Sent an inquiry when I told her my Case Status was: Change of Address when I did not submit one.

    o Sent another inquiry last week (please my birthday is coming up)

    o GOT NOA2 ON MY 55TH BIRTHDAY - APRIL 25, 2013. 8 months 3 days or 246 days from NOA1 8/22/2012

  4. OK. I am a Filipina & USC-Petitioner. I turned 55 years old today. He is 30. Here in the Philippines, not only do we turn heads but we also turn what is inside their heads. It is so easy to conclude, bash people, and snicker. Makes other people feel "superior" when they look down on people for whatever reason.

    Is it a gamble? What is not a gamble? I was married for 28 years, separated the last few years of the marriage before divorce went final. Was that a gamble?

    I came to the Philippines to visit family and what was a 2 week vacation turned into living here for many years. On my 2nd year living in the Philippines, I met someone who became my best friend. Did I plan this? No. Did he plan to become involved with me? No. We did our best to resist being together because of obvious reasons--big age difference and the problems it brings with it. We tried not seeing each other. We tried being "just friends" and that was miserable. We are happiest when we were together.

    Do we have problems? Disagreements? Is our relationship dysfunctional? Are we both dysfunctional? Are we both crazy, irresponsible, stupid and foolish? Foolish maybe but definitely not stupid.

    Is he after money? A GC? A better life? I would give him the world if I could. Why? Because he inspires me. He is the one who got me to dance. And dance we did... that I lost a bunch of weight. I look much younger and sexier than my classmates. I am glowing. I am happy. He makes me laugh.

    I did not even know how miserable I was until I knew what being happy is. They say: It is in knowing what you do not want that you know what you want. This is what I want. This is what I prayed for and God answered my prayers. But God, in His Infinite Wisdom and Mercy, not only gave me what I wanted but what I needed. Just that my God also has a funny sense of humor and does the unexpected. He is the God of Surprises. (My Ways are not your ways.) We are a perfect fit, just that he is... much younger than me. God, you are tooo funny! :rofl:

    So, I tell those around me... "even if you do not understand, condone or agree with my choice, just be happy for me because I am happy."

    Today is my 55th birthday. And my Surprise Birthday Present? We got our NOA2.


  5. Most of us have heard the stories before........."no text, no email"....STILL, after getting antsy, and checking 4-5 times a day on USCIS website, I phoned My Honey in VN last night @9:00pm, and told her I was going to bed...I had just checked the case. (there was the usual message still'initial review". Told her goodnight, but just checked 1 more time....WHAT!!!!!!!...did I punch in the wrong number?......I read it again, and looked at the hard copy again just to make sure, (as if I didn't know the number by heart already)...SURE ENOUGH!!!!! APPROVED April 24 !!!!......YEA!!!!!!!!! Boy, were we surprised!....so keep checking even if you did 5 times that day. Ya never know. Good luck to everyone else still waiting!

    :blink: Yep, 1 min can make a difference. I got an email Case Status Information for Receipt Number: WAC12XXXXXXXX. Could not believe it either. Surprise best bday gift ever!!!

  6. I also received my NOA2 today. Best bday gift ever from CSC. We have a 25 year gap. I turned 55 today and he is 30. I asked for assistance from my Senator. My case rep helped a lot by following up, getting status updates and was able to give me information that a Tier 2 could not (they located your file from the storage room, it is now with the adjudication division, you should be getting something by April 12, did an inquiry when my status went to change of address even when no address change was filed, etc. etc. She emails updates. She also monitors VJ. Contacting your representative may not speed up the process but in my case, she was able to provide me with specific information which was much better than my X,XXXs of calls to USCIS. Good luck to all of us on our journey.

  7. USCIS - CSC I love you!!!!!!! (L) Thank you for the best birthday present ever! (F):dance:

    Since April 1, 2012 :crying: (cruel April Fool's Joke) my status was stuck in a change of address even though no address change was filed. :wacko: Called USCIS and Tier 2 explained that it is a "touch" or indication that they did something to the file. :bonk: What that "something" was she could not tell me, just that they made a change or update.

    :blink: Today (5:55 PM San Francisco Time; 8:55 AM Cebu, Philippines Time) while looking at my cell phone :blink: I got an email from the USCIS and there it was! Case Status Information for Receipt Number: WAC12XXXXXXXX. :thumbs:

    CSC have restored my faith! We have a 25 year gap - I turned 55 and he is 30. :wow:(L)

    Thank you to VJ (F) (my guide and constant companion - source of updates, inspiration and encouragement). Thank you also to my senator's case worker for her tremendous :help:.

    If we got approved, you will be too. For those who are still waiting :( , today might be your day too. :yes: Each day that passes is one day closer to the NOA2. :D Godbless us all on our journey. :dance::dance:

  8. Well, what about those files that were not in the filing room? As of March 1, 2013 my file was located in the adjudication division. Senator's Case Worker emailed me saying that I should get an NOA2 by April 12, 2013 or she will follow-up. April 1, 2013 I got an email from USCIS saying there was change of address update to my file. (Cruel, cruel April fool's joke!) Today is April 17 and no NOA2 yet. So far since my last check of the USCIS website. So do I believe the latest story they are telling us? I do not know... except that each day that passes has to be one day closer to an approval...

  9. Received this email from my Senator:

    March 1, 2013

    Dear Ms. XXXXXXX:

    I have received the following response from an officer at the USCIS California Service Center regarding your case:

    USCIS electronic records indicate the referenced I-129F case, WAC-12-904-97443, was filed on 8/22/2012. Our current processing time is approximately 5 months from the date the petition was received. However, please note that our office has received a high volume of submissions in this workload. There is a current backlog and the petition is currently located with the adjudication division for the assigned I-129F workload (pending action).

    If you do not receive a notice of action by April 12, 2013, please let me know and I will follow up with USCIS.

    I hope that this information is helpful and that it will clarify the situation for you. If you have further questions, or if there is any way the Senator's office can help you in the future on other federal matters, please contact us again.

    OK, so my file was removed from the file room and into the Adjudication Division pending action as of March 1, 2012. Supposedly if I do not receive an NOA2 by April 12, 2013 I should follow up. Today is April 17. On April 1, I received an email from USCIS saying my address was changed. I do not know what to conclude.

  10. At 7.5 months here. My congressman's Immigration Case Worker said the "Philippines is a high fraud country and sometimes it takes longer." Wonder how many of us are filing for beneficiaries that are from the Philippines? Is USCIS taking a longer time to process our petitions or is the delay across the board? Last year, my friend was approved in 3 months. Is there data available? Just wondering...

  11. I found that the quickest way to get connected to a Tier 2/Immigration Officer is when I stay on the line and do not choose the English or Spanish option but stay on hold like your phone had a rotary dial. This will bypass all the blah blah blah... and connect you directly to a Spanish speaking rep who will start introducing herself and ask you the usual questions. I explain I speak English and the rep usually apologizes that you went through the Spanish line. At this point I do one of two things: (1) either answer all the preliminary questions or (2) just tell the rep I was on hold for a Tier 2/ Immigration Officer or I was already speaking with an Tier 2/Immigration Officer and got disconnected. It works every time. I still have to go on queue to be answered in the order calls were received but I find it quicker. If I get disconnected for whatever reason, the I go through the process again.

    Also I contacted my senator's office and I have a case rep who keeps me updated. I found this to be the best path to go since she was able to provide me with more concrete information than my xxx,xxxs of calls to USCIS. My Senator's Immigration Case Worker was able to tell me that my file was located from the "holding room" (where it was for several months) and was now at the Adjudication Division. My case worker also emailed me saying that their liaison at the USCIS gave her a date of April 12 for a response (NOA2) or she would contact them again. Then I got an update on the USCIS website on April 1, 2013 saying that I had an address change. (I did an address change 2x last year but not recently. USCIS Tier 2 says that when they "touch" or do something to the file, sometimes the quickest notation they can use to indicate a "touch" is an address change even though it is not the action taken.) It is now past April 12 and still no NOA2, so I called my case rep again and she promised to email their contact at USCIS to followup and they usually get an update within a week.

    I also contacted my congressman's office and spoke to his Immigration Case Worker but their policy is not to intervene when the constituent is already being assisted by another senator/congressman due to "professional courtesy." However, he has been very helpful in answering general questions and I have called him a couple of times for advise.

    I am now at 7.5 months :crying: and my "consuelo de bobo" or literally translated "consolation of the fool" :whistle: is that 7.5 months have passed. :thumbs: NOA2 should be coming soon. :dance:

    Good luck to all of us. :whistle:

  12. They didn't look into your case at all. They confuse DHS with DOS. They confuse the petition wait with AP. They didn't bother to even understand what the process, and therefore the problem, is.

    I would call the congressman's office and ask to speak to someone. I would not let this stay where they tried to leave it. Keep it civil. Keep it polite. But don't let your rights be trampled on in this way.

    FWIW, this is why I said in another post that I would never let on to a senator or congressman's office that I was talking to another one. They will just pass the buck.

    You are so correct! I should relocate to another city where they have a more responsive Congressperson. In the end, the bottom line is to just wait... :bonk: My visajourney timeline has finally caught up to the date Sen. Feinstein's office advised me to followup with them if there is no approval yet--which is April 12. My NOA1 date is Aug. 22.

  13. Following are email responses from a case worker from my Congressman's Office. :bonk:

    Thank you for contacting Congressman George Miller’s office. I am attaching a Privacy Act Release Form to this email. This form allows the office to use your information to make inquiries with federal agencies on your behalf. Please fill it out and attach any pertinent copies of paperwork that will be useful in working on your case. Please contact me if you have any questions.

    Hello Ms. XXX,

    You’re very welcome. Unfortunately, due to Congressional Courtesy, we do not intervene in a case that is already being looked into by Senator Feinstein’s office.


    Hello Ms. ,XXX

    I am sorry that your case has been delayed for so long. There are no two cases alike and the Department of State does not respond positively simply because of additional inquiries by different offices. Your case could be in administrative processing for any one of a number of issues. However, If you believe that you have been discriminated against please contact the Office of the Inspector General:

    To complain about how you were treated by an embassy or consulate employee, attempt to resolve the issue with that U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

    If you are unable to do so for any reason, contact the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Hotline in the U.S. Department of State (DOS):

    Online: File a report or complaint

    E-mail: OIGHotline@state.gov

    Phone: Call 1.800.409.9926 or 1.202.647.3320

    Mail: Department of State

    Office of Inspector General Hotline

    PO Box 9778

    Arlington VA 22219

    Please allow the office of Diane Feinstein time to resolve your case. If I can be of any other assistance please contact me.

    Sent from my iPhone

    Thank you for your email. USCIS’ hiring practices are based on applications not on Congressional inquiries- especially duplicitous inquiries. However, if you would like to forward me the contact information of the other offices, asking for our office to make an inquiry, I would be happy to collaborate in any way that might help your case along. Our office will not make an inquiry until the period stated in the response to your initial inquiry has lapsed which is mid-April and only after Sen. Feinstein’s office gives us authorization. Have a good week.


  14. Thomas Jefferson stated that for a democracy to continue, some blood must be shed.

    I'm all behind you guys; let me know what I can do.

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease. I, for one, contacted my Senator's office. It has been extremely helpful since they were able to provide me more information than my calling and talking to various USCIS representatives--Tier 2, Immigration Officers--who have given me all kinds of different/same information, the run around that amounted to nothing. The Senator's office case worker was able to give me more concrete information like after five months of waiting, my file was located in the "holding room." She also emails me updates and I can call her every so often and she can look into their system to check for updates. She also talks to their USCIS contacts who gives them updates. This has been far more helpful to me than dealing with the USCIS.

    So, those who are considering contacting their senators and congressmen, I would encourage you to do so. My two cents, based on my experience.

    I know it is very frustrating not to be able plan. My plans have changed several times due to the delay. At least now I am with my loved one but it is a big sacrifice since I am losing income. Another hurdle I have to explain when we go for our interview. Oh well. I just have to have faith that it will all work out for the best.

    Good luck to all of us.

  15. I was thinking the same thing. It even seems that they might be a little down in the K1 submissions. But it is definitely not any kind of abnormally high volume, by any stretch.

    Did you see this? http://dashboard.uscis.gov/index.cfm?formtype=6&office=2&charttype=1

    Sorry raw data format, could not place tabs.

    For CSC I-129Fs statistics are as follows:

    All Awaiting

    Other customer Month &

    Pending action Completions Receipts Year

    9856 799 2031 1829 Jan11

    10223 1017 1962 1917 Feb11

    10491 1023 2546 2649 Mar11

    9788 1383 2789 2230 Apr11

    8480 1374 3525 2060 May11

    8105 1025 2861 2003 Jun11

    7309 1076 2741 1753 Jul11

    8329 790 1567 1989 Aug11

    9659 594 786 1750 Sep11

    10536 545 1040 1817 Oct11

    10767 882 1335 1804 Nov11

    11613 790 1047 1722 Dec11

    11008 1190 1957 1588 Jan12

    11059 1345 2107 2137 Feb12

    11509 1156 2033 2212 Mar12

    11844 1021 1716 1877 Apr12

    11960 1114 2096 2159 May12

    11407 1212 2313 1789 Jun12

    9563 1584 3414 1883 Jul12

    7851 1983 3195 1656 Aug12

    7804 1575 1973 1483 Sep12

    8850 934 1229 1714 Oct12

    9733 624 938 1447 Nov12

    10929 438 484 1443 Dec12

  16. Or do it from various servers/IPs, rotating the post requests between them at longer random intervals (no spikes). I pulled millions of Zillow records from their API in a matter of days for statistical analysis somewhat using this method (and a ton of their API keys). Never got any messages from Zillow or banned accounts to this day.

    JK, I don't advocating doing any of this for USCIS and it would be a lot of work if you tried.

    I contacted my senator for assistance. My case worker emailed me this:

    I have received the following response from an officer at the USCIS California Service Center regarding your case:

    USCIS electronic records indicate the referenced I-129F case, WACXXXX-XXX-XXXX, was filed on 8/22/2012. Our current processing time is approximately 5 months from the date the petition was received. However, please note that our office has received a high volume of submissions in this workload. There is a current backlog and the petition is currently located with the adjudication division for the assigned I-129F workload (pending action).

    Do our data analysts here agree that there is a high volume of submissions on this workload???

    "There is a current backlog" (You don't say :bonk: )

  17. I just called USCIS to inquire about our application (just to be productive). We are patient but it helps to call now and then. This lady was super nice and she could not believe we were on our 7th month of waiting. She said the processing time was still set at 5.5 months but that they were stuck at July 18, 2012. I called 3 weeks ago and that was the same date they were processing applications. She said we can call every week if we wanted to that they don't keep records of how many times you call. She just said to hang in there. Also, if your NOA1 is passed July 18 you can't submit an e-request until they move that date pass your NOA1 date.

    They did keep records of everytime I called, every expedite request I made (2x) and address changes that I made (2x). First level have access only to a limited amount of information on their system. Tier 2 or Immigration Officers have access to more information. What ticked me off was when I found out from my senator's case worker that after 5 months of waiting, calling up USCIS and following up, their USCIS contact told them that my file was located in the "holding room".

    My latest news was that it was with the adjudication division (pending action). Does anyone know what that means?

  18. My journey... http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/418297-k1-csc-aug-filer-senator-responseupdates/

    So frustrating to hear that after 5 months of waiting, my file was located in the "holding room."

    The latest email from my senator's case worker states:

    I have received the following response from an officer at the USCIS California Service Center regarding your case:

    USCIS electronic records indicate the referenced I-129F case, WACXXXX-XXX-XXXX, was filed on 8/22/2012. Our current processing time is approximately 5 months from the date the petition was received. However, please note that our office has received a high volume of submissions in this workload. There is a current backlog and the petition is currently located with the adjudication division for the assigned I-129F workload (pending action).

    I do not know much about the manner of processing at the USCIS, but after reading this, maybe they do not work on our files one at a time, but sort of like an assembly line and working on several at one time? Like one person verifying citizenship, another person checking on proof of ongoing relationship, etc. I don't know anymore.

    All I know is that waiting while we were apart for four months was very difficult. I am thankful that we are together now. I came back because we wanted to be together at the interview but we have been waiting for two months and still no sign of NOA2. I hate the thought of having to go back to the U.S. without him again and not being at the interview. My next dilema will be explaining at the interview the loss of income while I am away from the U.S. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, I guess. Any suggestions?

  19. Filed April 2012 - Sent to VSC. After 1 month of no NOA1 & constant follow up, was told they could not locate my file. Then was told that packet returned due to wrong fee. I asked if it was better to just send another packet with the correct fee, but was advised to just wait for my packet to be returned in case there were additional notations and to just follow the instructions. Received packet in the Philippines in JULY! In hindsight, should have just resent a new packet.

    Resent packet with correct fee. Received August 22. This time re-assigned to CSC since my address was now California, not Philippines.

    Filed change of address 2x.

    Called USCIS every two weeks (would go through the Spanish line (ignored all the options) since quicker wait time. Explained I speak English and after they go through all the questions, I request to speak to an Immigration Officer. All kinds of responses but bottom line: wait.

    Filed expedite 2x. They said they would respond within one week by email. No response.

    After 4 months in the U.S. went back to Philippines since I thought NOA2 would arrive soon and wanted to be present for the interview. Nothing.

    5 months - contacted Senator's Office. Filled out Immigration Assistance Request and Authorization.

    After 1 week, received email acknowledgement of forms.

    Talked to Senator's case worker and was told that their "USCIS contact told me that your file was in the holding room and they located it." (My mind goes... what??? all these months it was sitting in the holding room???)

    Two weeks later, was told that my file is with an adjudicator. I asked if there were any RFEs. She responded: "I checked our system, no No RFEs." (Yet. Hopefully none.)

    Last week, received this email:

    I have received the following response from an officer at the USCIS California Service Center regarding your case:

    USCIS electronic records indicate the referenced I-129F case, WACXXXX-XXX-XXXX, was filed on 8/22/2012. Our current processing time is approximately 5 months from the date the petition was received. However, please note that our office has received a high volume of submissions in this workload. There is a current backlog and the petition is currently located with the adjudication division for the assigned I-129F workload (pending action).

    If you do not receive a notice of action by April 12, 2013, please let me know and I will follow up with USCIS.

    Clocked 197 days.

    Just wanted to share my experience for whatever it is worth.

  20. I was reading another thread in the K-1 forum, and the person who posted on it said they called and the operator told them they were processing around July 17. The post I read was dated January 21. I would have paid more attention to who it was and what thread it was on if I'd known I was going to stumble across this thread too.

    I also called two days ago and was told they were still processing July 17. So, I contacted my senator and filed an Immigration Request Authorization Form. Waiting to see what happens. :whistle:

  21. Got the same response. Called today and was told that they are still processing July 17, it is taking them 6 months and I am still within the normal processing time... call back in 30 days or 6 months from the time they received my application which was Aug. 22, so call on Feb. 22. :(:wacko::blink::crying:

    Filing an Immigration Assistance Form with my Senator, authorizing her office to check on status. :help:

  22. At least, now, we know the reason for the delay. Just have to wait and put our plans on hold. Easier said than done... but on the bright side, we have clocked four months of waiting. It cannot be that much longer, just maybe not today. :whistle: But it is sure to come. Delay is not denial. God bless us all.

  23. I hope so too... There is even one November filer who got approved just recently even without expediting their petition... Guess they are lucky...

    Maybe Military. Theirs get approved early from what I have seen; but, I would not want to trade places with them. They get to be together earlier, only to be separated again? I do not know if I can take that... this is bad enough as it is. I miss my baby... I have been away 4 months and the days are dragging... Will be back in the islands in two weeks, hopefully our NOA2 will come then so I can be with him at the medical & the interview. Never knew that being apart can be so difficult.

  24. Another frustrated August filer here missing their loved one. I miss my baby so much. It has been the first time we have been apart. I have not seen him since September and was looking forward to being with him for the holidays but my return trip got pushed forward to 2nd week of January. I keep checking the USCIS website a few times a day (& night) in the hopes of a change in status. It seems like the days and nights are just dragging along until I get on that plane or get an NOA2, whichever comes first. I never knew being apart from someone you love could be so hard. Hope we all get a flurry of NOA2s soon. Saying the St. Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings prayer for all of us. Excerpt below:

    Dear St. Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings,

    Lead us by the hand toward those we are waiting for and those waiting for us.

    May all our movements, all their movements be guided by the light an transfigured by thy joy...

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