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cookie y cookie

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Posts posted by cookie y cookie

  1. I'm not sure where to put this question so I figured I'd try here.

    My husband came to the US on a K-1 visa and we got married June 21st. Both of us are anxious to start the AOS process so that he can get his EAD and work towards the greencard. I know that in order to prove a legitimate marriage it's a good idea to include more than just a marriage certificate and pictures of the wedding.

    Many have said they'll want proof that you have a joint account, that both names are on utility bills and that the spouse has been added to the lease. We created a joint account and I'm working on the utlitites but I'm sort of hesitant to add my husband to the lease. Reason being, he has no job, no credit history and obviously no previous address in the US. I don't think they'll approve him to be on the lease. UNLESS, I can act as his co-signer.

    Does anyone have experience doing this? My biggest concern is that they won't allow me to be the co-signer and won't approve him either...effectively making it necessary for us to move and I don't know where we'd be able to go.

    Any suggestions or advice on similar experiences would be appreciated.

    Thanks! good.gif

  2. After being so anxious I could barely sleep last night/function at work this morning (that wait felt longer than the almost 8 months it's taken to finish this process) my fiance informed me that he's been approved for the K1 Visa. I am beyond ecstatic!! I will update in the forums how the interview went once I can talk to him (I'm still at work! Can't wait for what will be one of our last long distance skype chats..at least for a while). Today just happens to also be the 2nd year anniversary of the first time we met :luv:

    I would like to extend a huge thank you for all who took the time to answer my various questions on the forum. I will make sure to help out others in return. And also...I'll probably be seeing some of you in the AOS forums soon I suppose :innocent:

    For those reading this whose time has not yet come...hold on. It will!!

  3. My fiance has his interview tomorrow morning and I'm so excited!! I just want to make sure that I clear up these final two questions beforehand:

    1) I remember seeing that originals are required to bring to the interview so I mailed all original documentation required (e.g. W2 forms, NOA 2 approval, letters/envelopes in the mail). My question is...do the originals of those items truly need to be submitted or are they just for back up? I already sent copies as well but I want to make sure my W2s and the NOA 2 approval doesn't stay with the consulate because I will need them later. (I'm not sure if the answer varies by consulate..this is for Argentina)

    2) I finally moved into the apartment where my fiance and I will be staying. I know that I'm supposed to update the address for our case but where does the address change request need to be submitted? USCIS? DOS?

    Thanks for all your help for the past few months! We're finally in the home stretch...and on to the next race :P

  4. i remember seeing that question in our form too when we applied for the fiancee visa, we basically sent in pictures of the engagement ring with my fiancee wearing it and the purchase receipt for it. We did not send a letter of intent though, but have sent other proofs of knowing each together for many years.

    Sorry couldn't provide more of a clarification, maybe others know better answers to that.

    Best of luck in your journey!

    Thanks for your response! I hope this isn't the only solution as it would be a shame to have to halt the process now to order rings...ugh. I feel like it's a silly thing to require. Isn't all this paperwork, our relationship evidence and time spent waiting proof enough of engagement? :hehe:

  5. I'm helping my fiance fill out the form 156K and we ran across the following statement:


    I don't remember hearing mention of this before. Is this in reference to the letter of intent? Or is some other proof necessary like an engagement ring? We decided not to invest in an engagement ring and haven't purchased our wedding rings yet.

    Any advice?

    Thanks in advance!!

  6. Hello all. I am truthfully still in the second stage of the K-1 visa (got my NOA 2 but still waiting for interview), but I am trying to prepare myself for AOS since that will be the next step in this process.

    My understanding was that you had to provide 3 years of tax returns but the most important proof was that you were currently earning 125% above the poverty line to qualify. Now here's the confusion: does my my tax return have to show that I made 125% over the poverty line in 2011 or can I use my employer statement/recent pay stubs to prove that during this year, that is the amount of money I will be making?

    A bit of context: I lived in Argentina for 1.5 years. During 2011 I made about $9,000 (in pesos!!) and when I moved back to the US in August of 2012, I didn't get a full time decent paying job until October. Even my tax return for 2012 will not show that I made anywhere close to $19,000 BUT technically I am set to make more than $33,000 this year.

    Basically what I want to know is...will I have to wait until next year to file a new tax return that shows I made more than $19,000 or will submitting my existing tax returns and current income proof be enough?

    I'm super nervous now as waiting 5 or 6 months to file AOS seems risky :(

  7. There are various opinions on what isn't and what is necessary for the I-134. My understanding was that 3 years worth of tax returns was not necessary for the K-1 visa stage but it WILL be required for Adjustment of Status. Of course, if you feel you need more proof to prove income status or want to make extra sure you have all information that you could be possibly asked for, the most recent tax return (2011) is sufficient.

  8. Hello ladies and gents. Sorry to keep annoying you with I-134 questions but I'm still stressing out about making sure I have everything set up correctly. I absolutely do not want lack of evidence to backfire but I keep running into little problems. It seems everyone has their own perspective on what's necessary/what's not and the form itself is very vague so I'd like people who have already been through this process to respond with what success they had with the "bare minimum".

    My (newest) situation: I entered the NOA2 phase earlier than expected (not that I'm complaining :innocent:)...which means I don't have as much time as I thought to have my tax return issue resolved. Basically I am preparing to file for 2011 and it takes at least 6 weeks for the IRS to get back to you. So here are my basic questions and I'm really looking for a straight answer if anyone can provide one:

    1. Should I request a "receipt of non-filing" transcript from the IRS since technically I haven't filed yet and what I'm sending in now may not be finished in time to send as proof? Should I bother sending any tax form at all and just send employment letter, pay stubs, W2s for 2012? If worse comes to worse, should I delay this process until I get my tax returns back (I'd really really hate to do that! :crying:)

    2. Current income is well above poverty levels. Current amount in savings/checking account? In shambles at the moment because I'm moving and just had to spend a ton of money on fees and breaking my lease with my old apartment (some of this will be reimbursed but I can't pick and choose when the bank will access my account). I am worried about sending some sort of official statement from my bank that shows I have VERY little in my account right now (I'm starting from peg one again as far as savings goes). Does anyone have any experience with this actually being requested during the interview? I've heard people say this is only really necessary if you're "borderline" for yearly income.

    Thanks again all you wonderful contributors! You truly give me hope that I'll make it through this without completely losing my head :luv:

  9. jajaja..con razón shikiyaya! la paciencia es la clave :yes: esperé 6 meses pero por fin recibí el NOA2!!

    ahora tengo un par de preguntas más. hace una semana recibí la aprobación (de NOA2) y mañana voy a llamar al NVC (a ver si ya tienen los datos). Cuánto tiempo tardaron en enviar los datos al consulado en Buenos Aires? Y después, cuánto tiempo tuvieron que esperar hasta que programaron la entrevista?

    Estoy intentando de dar una imagen más clara a mi novio que está muy ansioso (bueno yo también!) para empezar la última etapa de este proceso. Nos gustaría poder casarnos en Mayo...pero me preocupo un poco cuando veo que algunos tienen que esperar 2 meses para conseguir una entrevista.

    Así que básicamente...que debemos esperar? Gracias por cualquier consejo!!

  10. So I came back to my parent's house today to look at my mail. I haven't changed my address yet (I know! Bad me! I really need to call them now and do it) so I had no idea that a week ago...February 14th to be exact (how auspicious ;)) I received my NOA2 approval. I AM SO HAPPY!! :dance: I've been going crazy living 6 months without my love and it's been especially hard this past month but there's finally a light at the end of this tunnel.

    Just in case you were wondering, I filed August 31st..so if you August filers haven't heard anything yet sit tight..you should hear something soon (unless my case was just a fluke). For all those who have reached this step so far...any suggestions on how to move forward? Suddenly all I researched has gone out of my head (too excited) so basically...who do I need to call tomorrow and what will help make this process go as quickly as possible? Also in terms of updating my address information do I need to do that with USCIS and the new agency that will be handling my petition?

    Thanks in advance for any advice!

  11. Holaaaa a tod@s!!

    Antes que nada, quiero agradecerles por los datos que ustedes postearon aca. La verdad me salvaron la vida pq hace unos meses ando buscando detalles utiles para mi novio y por fin encontre este foro dedicado a los argentinos. Bien ahi! :thumbs:

    Ahora mi pregunta...en cuanto a los certificados de nacimiento, si mi novio es de Buenos Aires (Capital Federal), todavia necesita la firma de un juez o esto es solo para ellos que son de la provincia? Pregunto pq aunque no sacamos la NOA2 todavia, esperamos que llegue el mes que viene (si todo nos va bien!!) y quiero que este listo para mandar todo en el paquete 3. Obvio que estoy ansiosa para terminar esta etapa en nuestro proceso del visado.

    Gracias de antemano por cualquier consejo me pueden dar. Y disculpen la falta de acentos...es que estoy en el trabajo ( :innocent:) y no tengo idea como manejar este teclado!!

    Un saludo!

  12. another thing you can do, is request tax return transcripts (for free) from the IRS for the years you did file and request a Proof of No-filling for 2011 (also free). That's if you don't have the time to file as suggested by the other users. If you have a job right now and are making enough to sponsor your fiance, you will be fine if you provide: pay stubs, letters from your employee stating your position and full-time status, and a letter from the bank. But if you don't make enough, you might need a co-sponsor anyway.

    That's exactly what I did for packet 3.5 for my embassy and I received the interview date. I wrote them and asked if my affidavit was complete and they told me that everything was fine. Maybe today, write or call the embassy and ask them for some suggestions of what you could do.

    PS--I requested tax return transcripts for 2009, 2010, and No-Filling proof for 2011.

    Wow...ok. Thanks for telling me about this option. I think I will file anyway just in case. As you can see I'm a bit paranoid about this and just want to make sure I don't set myself up for any future problems. Thanks everyone for your responses!

  13. Ok...I'm freaking out pretty badly right now so I hope someone can help me. First of all, I know this is my fault and accept my responsibility so please, I don't need anyone to make me feel worse by stating the obvious.

    I've been trying to be proactive and gather as much information in advance as I can for when our NOA2 comes through (was hoping it would be soon but now not so much!). I've seen in most of the posts here that it's a good idea to at least provide the previous years tax return--sometimes three previous years. This whole time I was thinking I'd be able to provide returns from 2012 but now I've just realized...if we get our NOA2 before April filing, I'll have to provide returns for 2011...and I don't have one! I was living in Argentina for 18 months and honestly did not think I would have to file taxes while out of the country.

    I feel horrible now because not only could this jeopardize our petition, but I'm genuinely scared about what the IRS will have to say. I have no documentation of my earnings for that year. I came to Argentina first to study. I decided to extend my stay a few months and after meeting my fiance I ended up staying for a whole year and a few months. I was teaching freelance English classes and earning pesos--I do not think I earned enough to be considered "taxable"--at least not in dollars, so I didn't even think of filing (not to mention the fact that I truly did not think I would be responsible while I was away..not sure what I was thinking now :bonk: ).

    Now of course I regret it and know I have to take care of this but my question is...has anyone else been in this situation? Does anyone know if I can file as self-employed and if so, what documentation I would be expected to provide (note: I don't really have any "official" documentation of anything :unsure:). Also, if we receive our NOA2 before I can file my 2012 taxes...how essential is it to provide tax returns? Will they not approve us even if I provide my bank statements, letter from employer and W2s? I'm so depressed right now... :crying:

  14. While we're on this topic I have a question that I'm still not clear about in regards to this.

    If your income is greater than $19,387 a year that means you don't need a sponsor? My income is $33,250 a year but I don't have that much saved up yet because I just got back to the US in August and it took me awhile before I found this job (have been here for 3 months). I'm worried that because I don't have that much saved in my savings account that will be counted against me.

    But...from what I've read, as long as my income is high enough, what I actually have in the bank right now isn't as important. Is that correct? Saving is so hard when they keep tacking on fees and I'm paying rent for a house where we can live!

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