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Posts posted by Lou29

  1. Congrats on your interview date!!! Very exciting news :)

    Check out the London reviews, I found them really helpful and I added my own review just 2 weeks ago. I got approved and am heading out to the states to be with my husband tomorrow :)

    I got the Virgin train down from Glasgow and stayed at the Lincoln House Hotel the night before. It was really close to the Embassy and pretty reasonably priced.

    Good luck!

  2. Oh no I didn't mean to imply in a mean way! She laughs because she will often hear me say "Australia" on the phone, followed by "I married an American" etc etc :P One of the days I had someone quite rudely interrupt their friend who was talking and ask me where I was from, I said smiled and said "Iowa" followed by an explanation. I didn't realise my colleague had heard me till I went past her desk and she was laughing so hard she was crying. From then on when anyone asks her where I'm from she says "Iowa, but her accent is Australian".

    Yep you can!

    By the time I (hopefully) get USC I'll be a Scottish Australian American :) I am Scottish by descent so I'm more "Aussie" but I still identify myself as Scottish. A lot of my mannerism, language and behaviour come from my Scottish fathers influence. I am very lucky :)

    Wohoo, big up to us Scots! I think I actually feel more patriotic towards Scotland when I'm in America......maybe that's just cos I'm stubborn lol

    The main thing that worries me is finding a job where people will understand me! I've been told I have a strong accent but I try to slow it down when I'm stateside to save myself repeating myself over and over!

  3. :blink: Yes!!! These feeling are VERY normal. I had them too...The way you will cope is Skyping your friends and loved ones, getting a telephone service like 'Vontage' that has a package, reasonably priced, that allows you free international calls home, getting involved in volunteering until you obtain your greencard, getting to know your new neighbour by walking (if there are pavements) or using the local bus service (if you have one)....

    Don't be scared. Plan ahead. A few other things to remember:

    1. Obtain a written recommendation from your present employer - if you can get one from a previous employer do that too.

    2. If you are a professional or a career girl, check if you need to 'upgrade' your qualifications to obtain a license to operate in your chosen field (ie hair dress, teacher etc)

    For example, my sister, who is a nurse, had to sit a further exam to obtain a license to work here.

    3. If you are Christan or of some other religous belief, join a church. You will begin to build a sense of community.

    4. If there are any classes or clubs nearby that interest you join them.

    When you board the plane, you may feel tearful but remember your husband and your new life awaits you.

    If you wish, you can send me a message so we can 'talk'. I'm located in California. Been here for over 4 years now. :whistle:

    Good luck and don't worry. You will be home sick for a while but gradually it gets better.

    Redflame x

    Great advice Redflame. Thanks so much for sharing :)

  4. Although I don't have any children to leave behind I am feeling pretty guilty about leaving my mum and dad behind. I'm their only daughter and youngest child and I know this is killing my mum no matter how supportive she's being. I'm dreading the final goodbye and sometimes I try to avoid talking about moving because I know it upsets her. It's a hard position to be in but America isn't really that far away. My Grandad also died a few weeks ago and now I only have one Grandparent left, my Granny who I am really close to and I worry about leaving her and my mum at this delicate time.

    I don't think it feels anymore real now that I've been approved but I would say it's probably seeming more real to everyone else and they're starting to realise that it's actually happening.

    I'm hoping that regular trips home and lots of skyping will help. I also know another Scottish girl who lives in Chicago and we are hoping to meet up so I think it will be good to have a fellow expat close to home so we can have a good moan about missing home!

    Hang in there. Once all the goodbyes are done and you're on the plane on the way to your husband things will seem brighter. Take the time to adjust and be ready for this time to feel different (in a good way I hope) to all the previous visits :)

  5. My POE was San Francisco. I managed to beat a long line of immigrants coming off an Air India flight thank goodness, so for me it was a very quick wait.

    He took my biometrics again like they do on entry to the USA, he asked me about where I was going to be living, which was the same as in my packet. He opened it, had a look through it, stamped some documents, gave me a slip of when I'd have to remove conditions (as I'm under a CR-1), wrote on my envelope that my husband was having to move abroad with the military so I think they processed my green card a little faster.

    I received my green card about 3 weeks after arrival in a normal envelope (I was sure it'd come by courier!). I got in just before the fee change though, so not sure if that will make a difference.

    Seriously, I was worried about it but the guy was cool and although people say be serious etc, I'd just come off a 14 hour flight so we had a couple of jokes. It was way less stressful than the interview.

    Good luck!

    Thanks so much for the input, really helpful :)

  6. Hi,

    My visa was approved yesterday at my interview :) Just waiting on the courier now to deliver it to me!

    I have a few questions about POE. What happens when you go through immigration? Might sound a silly question but do you get taken into a room and asked any more questions? Any other documents I should carry in my hand luggage?

    Also, how long after I arrive in the US will my green card be sent to me? Does this happen automatically or do i have to apply for it?

    I hope I have posted this question in the right forum.

    Many thanks for your advice as always!

  7. Approved! And another case of worrying myself silly over something that turned out to be straight-forward. Just need it to arrive before my flight on the 26th now!

    Haha I saw a few people with red coats on and wasn't 100% sure which one you were! I also threw a curve ball by wearing yellow chinos instead of red (forgot them...) :whistle: Hope yours went well though!

    LOL I actually saw a guy with yellow chinos and wondered if you'd changed your mind! So glad that's over :) I'm flying the 1st March :)

    GREAT news :dance: :dance:

    ......you gunna write a review so I can read it and find something to worry about?? :blink: :blink:

    Hey mrs! I'm gonna come back on tomorrow and write my review. I know everyone says it but there's nothing to worry about. Easier said than done though I know!

  8. I think I'll be the same! Although I do need to grab a couple of photos from Gould's Pharmacy which don't open until 7:30am. I'll be the one in red chinos and grey cardigan shaking like a leaf!

    LOL! I'll see you in the queue! I'll be wearing a red coat (and hopefully be 1st in line lol)

  9. You should be able to pick up extra copies of your marriage certificate from the place you registered. I just recently picked up extra certified copies of our marriage certificate and my birth certificate. It does cost money but it can be done right there and then in the registers office, no waiting time. Not sure if you're in the UK or US though, I'm in the UK and that's how easy it was for me.

    Not so sure about the divorce decree though,

    Good luck :)

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