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Status Updates posted by MarysabelYPapito

  1. 10 wks today!!! and finally sending in packet this wednesday! Yayyy!!!!

  2. 13 mire days and Victoria and i will be in DR!! So excited!! :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. steveng7


      Keep us updated ;)

    3. MarysabelYPapito


      i will! did u get your date for the cita yet?

    4. steveng7


      No date yet. I wonder what the hold up is.

  3. Almost done!!!! I just want to see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

    1. YA 1127

      YA 1127

      join the May 2013 nvc fillers forum for moral support

    2. YA 1127

      YA 1127

      BTW parese ser K DR may be one of the slowest interview providers in the world cux there are other countries that give out interviews right away 1

      ughhh so frustrating

    3. MarysabelYPapito


      I tried to get an expedite due to classes starting back up for me in June.. total fail... R we done yet?!?!? When this is done and over with and I don't drink but I might just make an exception this one time gurl.. This process has me stressing out.. *sigh*

  4. anxious!

    1. steveng7


      You've gotten through the hardest parts. Everything will be fine from here :)

    2. MarysabelYPapito
  5. Anxiously awaiting the 13th and then the 18th! Ay Dios pero que emocion!!!

  6. Baby Girl is due any day now!! EXCITED!!

  7. Baby Girl is due any day now!! EXCITED!!

    1. Mari0224


      Awww wishing you the best luck on your bundle of joy!

  8. Baby Girl is due any day now!! EXCITED!!

  9. Come on July and hurry up and get here!! Well at least school will keep me busy :)

    1. Amado


      July is taking for ever!!! do you see any status update on the ceac website, mine still says at nvc

    2. MarysabelYPapito


      I know!!! lol and same here! I checked Friday and still says at NVC!

  10. Everytime I see Victoria and her dad together I get this huge smile on my face and the way she laughs and coos at her cousins and family is adorable.. I just want to thank god for all he has done and you know what el que ama sufre y el que sufre lucha y el que lucha gana.. got it from a song but I like it.. Soo OK May everyone has a blessed week!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. trixiechick75


      WOW!! Felicidades!! I assume you picked it up in Santo Domingo rather than have it delivered, correct?

    3. MarysabelYPapito


      Yes i picked it up in santo domingo, we just called and checked website on daily basis.

    4. Frances&Bryan


      omg this status gave me goospbumps!! i get so happy to read such great moments!! <3 <3

  11. Finally CASE COMPLETE!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. YA 1127

      YA 1127

      Congrats ,,, y ahorra a esperar a Junio 1 para ver si te sale la cita !!!

      am happy for you !

    3. mfranc68


      Happy for the both of you!!!

    4. MarysabelYPapito


      Thank you!!! =) Doing happy dance with Victoria jejejeje =P

  12. Found out that we are having a Girl! Bad thing is that we have still not been able to send in the packet.. Have EVERYTHING that we need but if it's not one thing it's another.. I miss him so much! I hope that begining of November I can finally send this in!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. laurie1015


      congrats on your baby girl , im having a BOY!

    3. MarysabelYPapito


      Lol that is awesome! Congrats!!

    4. MarysabelYPapito


      Lol that is awesome! Congrats!!

  13. Good luck and god bless!!

  14. Good luck and god bless!

  15. Good luck and god bless!

  16. Good Luck!!!! Everything will turn out fine!!! Never lose hope!

    1. Frances&Bryan


      thank u friend!!! to u as well! u and i leave on the same day so lets hope this hurricane goes away by saturday lol

  17. Here is to hoping that my cita will be for July! =)

    1. YA 1127

      YA 1127

      sending you lotts of virtual positive energy !!! dont worry that July is your month !

    2. MarysabelYPapito
  18. I am happy to say that my husband will be leaving with me tommorow. Crazy how time has flown and now we can finally be a family together. Thank you god!!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. YA 1127

      YA 1127

      congratulations ,, am very happy for you !!

    3. BocaChicaBabe
    4. MarysabelYPapito


      Thank you to everyone!

  19. I just checked CEAC website and it says Issued. I am so excited!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeniseD



    3. steveng7


      Any other new good news?

    4. MarysabelYPapito


      gracias to everyone! Now just waiting to see if it will be ready today! I leave tomorrow and was hoping that he would be leaving with me pero nada I should be happy that everything so far has gone good!

  20. I know i´m late but congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you guys!!! God bless always and celebrate celebrate celebrate!!!

    1. Frances&Bryan


      thank u!! felicidades para ustedes tambien!!!!! me alegro mucho que todo les halla salido bien! when do u come back to FL?

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