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Posts posted by geeklover

  1. Hi everyone,

    I am currently a F1 student married to a US citizen. I work as a teaching/Research assistant($22.5k/year). It is not

    a full time job(20 hours/week), and F1 visa only allows 20 hrs/week on campus. I am not sure

    (1) if the assistantship should be report as an employment experience in form G325A?

    Another question is, I think, my income, my assistantship, should not be counted as part of income resource for

    the affidavit of support? right? Please correct me if I am missing anything...

    Best :P

  2. Hi,

    I have read carefully all the post and I really appreciate your input :)

    I understand your point of the sensitiveness of CCP membership. I spent the whole afternoon study the CCP .

    Please feel free to correct me if I misunderstood anything.

    Here is some updates after I consult an immigration lawyer.

    I did find:

    INA 212(a)(3)(D)(i)。

    “Any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the

    Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate

    thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.”

    This is exactly stated in your post and thanks for it. I was a bit disappointed

    but not yet giving up.

    (1) I joined CCP at age 19 when I was an adult and I take full responsibility for that.

    There is no excuse like I was too young to understand what I was doing. I joined it

    simply because of the peer pressure(if all of your friends are CCP and they are proud

    of it, you just want to be a part of honor society), family pressure (my parents have

    submitted the application twice) and more opportunity for job and extra-curricular.

    There had never been anything related to politics. But yes, it is voluntary. You are

    right. And According to INA 212(a)(3)(D)(i), I do not stand any chance, though I am

    not a member any more.

    (2) I am going to be honest about everything. I will be honest about what I am and how I

    grow up. I can not change it. I do not have any feeling about CCP--neither dislike nor like.

    I am just a very neutral person who does not care about politics.

    There are waivers to CCP according to my inquiry with the lawyer: involuntarily join or quit

    the membership for at least 5 years(for China, I believe for some previous soviet countries

    it is like 2 years?).

    I think there is also some waivers for current CCP membership.

    Have a good night. :thumbs:

    We all could be wrong; there are rarely enough details in a certain person's post that could possibly generate a complete response. But I agree with the above that there certainly is a chance for denial--and that some tend to not read too throughly.

    The OP said that the initial application was rejected because her father tried to sign her up: this would mean that she was NOT in the CCP at this time.

    Then she stated that she joined and was active for a prolonged period of time rather recently, which suggests that this was completely voluntary, separate from her father's application. This is definitely grounds to deny; careful thought and a heavy review of all relevant details is in order to determine if the level of activity and exact circumstances of CCP membership would be cause for concern.

    Seeing this cause serious problems more than a few times, it is not something to play around with if the individual joined themselves, by their own will, and was continually active--regardless of level.

  3. Hello everyone,

    This is the first post of mine on VJ. Nice meeting you all and thanks for your time reading my post! :P

    I have questions regarding filling out the form I485, as some of you have already experienced. I will

    appreciate if any of you can share with me how to answer the question "if I have ever been joined or affiliated

    to CCP". I have searched over the forum and found some very useful discussions but mostly from the K1,outside of the country,

    including these advice from candle of love. I am really curious if any F1/H1B here had similar problem of mine.

    Long story short...I am a F1 student from China. I have been in US for 5 years. Never thought I would fill for

    AOS until I fell in love with someone in my school and he happens to be an American. So I changed my original

    plan and decide to stay with him here. Recently we got married (L) and started filling out the AOS --

    all right-- I hit the question of CCP -- I had been a CCP memeber from 2002 to the early 2007. I stopped paying

    any due after I came to US and the membership should have automatically terminated since 2007 July, which is

    around 5 years ago.

    (1) I joined the CCP mainly because (1) Family. My Dad insists CCP is correct and great(he still thinks so and

    he would rather never come to US in order to keep his membership I think). They filed the application to CCP

    on behalf of me for the first time when I was only 17(though it was rejected). (2) CCP members have more access to extra curricular and

    job promotion. Is it appropriate to include both in my statement?

    (2) I want to be honest with USCIS about my CCP experience. However my friends are warning me it would be easier

    to just hide the fact... :o

    (3) Does the statement that my membership has been terminated for 5 years help to clear?

    (4) Will the interview fixate on CCP and put me in some extra background check? Will it slow down our application of Advance parole?

    Thanks very much for your advice. I wish everyone has a smooth application.


    :D :D

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