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Status Updates posted by amayana

  1. Hi Sis! We are finally approved. hehe. Have you started with the process? I don't know where to start here kasi. :)

  2. At 2 in the morning we received an email and text that USCIS has assigned us our Alien Registration number. 6hours after, a new email came stating that they have finally approved our NOA2! What an awesome birthday gift for me and J! :)

    1. Freyja1208


      Let's do the happy dance! Congratulations and Happy Birthday to both of you. :)

    2. amayana


      Thanks Sis! I am actually kind of sad coz when I told my Mom about the NOA2, she kind of kicked me out of the house. hahahahaha :P

  3. Hi Juliette! I haven't talked with my sailor about this but it sounds fun. Let me know what you'll be needing. Goodluck!

  4. Hi Sis Freyja, we're still waiting for the NOA2 approval. We did received an email regarding expedite, but I think it won't matter anymore since CSC is speeding up. We're hoping it comes today or tomorrow (J's birthday) or anytime before the end of May as a bday gift for me. hehe But, we're not in a hurry. J's still on deployment and we still have to delay the process. T...

  5. Few more days and its going to be J's birthday. Another year celebrating it without me or his family by his side. I wish he won't have to spend Christmas alone in some other country. Anyway, GOODLUCK Guys! Hope we receive our NOA2s soon!

    1. Freyja1208


      Advance Happy Birthday to your fiancé! Your NOA2 is just around the corner and you'll have it soon. Keep praying :)

    2. Freyja1208


      Advance Happy Birthday to your fiancé! Your NOA2 is just around the corner and you'll have it soon. Keep praying :)

    3. amayana


      Thanks Freyja1208. I do hope it comes as J's birthday gift or mine. hehe. Anyway, goodluck! :)

  6. Hi Allen&Kris, hang in there. Mine can't visit me too coz he got selected for a special ops assignment. We barely have time to talk and skype. Be optimistic and one day you'll be glad that you're long wait is finally over. Me, I have to delay our petition until he's stateside. But I just keep on thinking that God has better plans for this delay. :) Goodluck and cheer up...

  7. J will be going on deployment next week. Until now we still haven't heard anything about our NOA2. Hope it will come in due time. To everyone who is still waiting, good luck and I hope we all get our NOAs soon.

  8. The longer you wait for something, the more you'll appreciate it when you get it. Cause anything worth having, is definitely worth waiting..

  9. NOA2, please take your time. I don't mind waiting until next year or whenever J is back from his deployment. :)

  10. Hi Guys!!! We just learned that J will be deploying soon and we'll be applying for an expedited request from the NVC to the interview stage (he already called the military hotline and was told to wait for 16 days). I'm just a little confused on how you go about this. Any help and suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)

  11. I thought there'll be some good news waiting for me when I get back home from my trip. But apparently none. Just have to be more patient and optimistic. Goodluck to everyone who is still patiently waiting just like me! lol :)

    1. Freyja1208


      Same here sis.We haven't received any good news until now and we're like a few days away to our 6 month mark. CSC filers are totally affected by the Dream Act. All we can do is to keep praying and stay positive. :)

    2. -=Mai and Timmy=-

      -=Mai and Timmy=-

      same here.. this is really serious for s,, the patient has ben tested in so many ways nad tis is the hardest part of all.. goodluck to us and keep believeing :)

    3. amayana


      Yes, I've read about the Dream Act thing. Hopefully our petitions get back on track on the 6th month. I can't bear the distance anymore. It's been too long (14months to be exact) I miss J so much. Our patience has been tested for so long, a few more weeks won't hurt. Anyway, let's keep praying that it'll come sooner than the expected additional weeks from USCIS. Ingat! :)

  12. Hi Sis. Yes, wala padin update. J and I are not planning on calling USCIS anytime soon. Plan namin to call after the 6th month. You have to stop worrying about NOA2 or it will get to you. Enjoy the New Year as this is going to be your most memorable year. :) Keep smiling!

  13. Hoping for our first Valentine's Day together but it seems like it won't happen this 2013. We'll be hitting the 5th month mark by the end of the month. Come on NOA 2, let's get this whole cops and robbers thing over and done. *crossfingers*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. amayana


      Thanks Sis! :) Goodluck!

    3. Doug&Ice


      Hi Amayana! How are you? Just like you, California Service Center received our petition on Aug 2, 2012. Let's keep in touch and give each others updates and moral support. :)

    4. amayana


      Hi Doug&Ice!!! I'm okay. How about you guys? Hope everything's fine. We've been waiting for so long and still no news. Hopefully by Feb right? Let USCIS give us our NOA2 as VDay Gift for couples! :)

  14. Guys, here's a link for the 129F applications with CSC. Hope this helps a bit. :)http://dashboard.uscis.gov/index.cfm?formtype=6&office=2&charttype=2

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bob&maegy


      mgjp2010@yahoo.com sis. add mo ako.. introduce kita dun sa groups..:))))

    3. amayana


      Osige sis. Search ko na ikaw now. hehe :) Thanks!

    4. amayana


      Hi Sis Maegy, I tried searching you on fb. Hindi lumalabas. hehe.

  15. The waiting game is getting tougher and tougher everyday. Good thing there's always a way to make things brighter and easier. One more day of waiting is worth a lifetime of togetherness. Goodluck to everyone who are still patiently playing the game. In the end we will all be triumphant. God will bless us all. ♣♥♕

    1. Mrs Green

      Mrs Green

      Have a great week

    2. filipinaasian


      Everything is in God's hands.

    3. amayana


      Yes. Thank you. Goodluck and Godbless as well. :)

  16. "Know your own happiness. You want nothing but patience or give it a more fascinating name, call it Hope." - Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility 1811

  17. Parang wala ako nakikita na naa-approve pa ulit for k1. :(( Nakakainip na nga! hehe

  18. Thomasian Pride. GO USTe!!!!

  19. Hi Sis. Onga. Dami July filers na okay na. Ikaw malapit kana, konting intay nalang yan!!! Hopefully by end of October andito na NOA2 natin.

  20. Today is J's graduation. Nothing big. He called me asking me if I would love to live in a beach front apartment with him. What he said made me excited on how our lives going to be after these whole process is done. :) *fingers crossed*

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. -=Mai and Timmy=-

      -=Mai and Timmy=-

      ohh wow thats pretty cool sis, its already october and i hope its our month sissy :) god bless us all in here :)

    3. amayana


      Yes. Pray harder. :) Thanks sis.

    4. -=Mai and Timmy=-

      -=Mai and Timmy=-

      your welcome :) cant wait ughhh ...

  21. "You yearn for someone not because you want to be complete but because you want to add more color to your life. That person must not necessarily break through your busy sked but inspire you to manage your time well instead. You see its not a matter of distance and time. It's more like friendship in a higher level, It's smiling every once in a while knowing that somewhere, somehow, someone smiles at the thought of you."

  22. "When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart. ♥"

    1. winnie george

      winnie george

      sooo true...... Love conquers all

    2. amayana
  23. I certainly think you'll be here more often than not. hehe :)

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