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Posts posted by BeauteDLaVie

  1. When was his interview? When was the visa issued? I thought they would not issue a visa with a passport that had less than 6 months validity

    My fiance's interview was actually back in January 2014...and we were under a long, adminstrative processing. He did not get approved for his visa until December 2014 and of course he had to wait about a week to actually have the visa in his hands.I read somewhere that Algeria is one of the listed countries that have a 6 month extension for expired passports...maybe I misunderstood what I read but now we are in a dilema again. I don't know if it would be wise for my fiance to try to make the trip to the US within the 2 weeks before his passport expires (February) and for us to make a trip to the Algerian Consulate in New York to have his passport renewed...Upon his arrival, I don't know if the customs officer will look to this as a problem and deny him access into the US...and again from what my fiance told me, the local government office in his home town stated that he would not get his old passport back (with the current visa)...nor did they offer any other help on what to do..I just find it very odd that they would keep the old passport knowing the visa is still valid. I was thinking of calling the US embassy in Algiers to try to get some information on what can be done...I,too, question why they would issue the visa with about 2 months of validity..I am also questioning the local office keeping the passport...I was thinking of also contacting the Algerian embassy (in the US) to get some clarity if this is standard practice for them...I hope that we can get a positive, correct resolution soon

  2. My fiance is from Algeria. He is trying to renew his passport (which expires next month). He was told at the local office of his town that they could NOT give him back his old passport. This (old) passport has the valid visa. I don't believe that they made any suggestions on what he could do. Is this correct that my fiance will NOT be able to retrieve the (soon to be ) expired passport with the valid visa?. However, I read somewhere that one can travel with 2 passports (new & expired with the valid visa)to present to the customs officer

  3. Somehow they may have overlooked your taxes for 2012. I'd submit it again, along with your W2 or 1099. If there is any other proof of your relationship that you didn't submit the first time, add that now along with all the contact proof you submitted before. Though we submitted proof of our relationship the first time, Ms Lang asked that we give her more evidence of our on going contact. She was specific. She said she wanted every gap in our "proof of contact" to be filled, to show her we were in contact every week of every month since we met. NO GAPS. It took a month of effort, every spare moment I had to collect at least one thing from EVERY day we had contact between us. I started with the day we first met on line and highlighted each date in order from that time up until the day before our interview. In 26 months of knowing each other, there were only 7 days in which I couldn't provide proof of contact between us. I put it all together in small font on 260 pages! She was apparently satisfied! smile.png

    Thank you for your advice and it will leave me no choice but to redo or recreate the log of 7 years of contact. For example, I had looked at one year's worth of MSN online chat between my fiance and me and honestly, we would be online at least 1-3 times a week, sometimes our conversations would last anywhere from at least 2 hours to the whole day..( I also kept logs on Skype & yahoo...but some of my older chats were on my other computer which has not been working) I was able to retrieve some old conversations & save them to my new computer. 2 hours to the whole day of chatting and multiply that with 7 years will equal to many pages more. I have already submitted a log of weekly & lengthly conversations up until I mailed the log, I 134, and my tax info. to my fiance Nov. 2013 (initial interview but had to cancel and reschedule)I have read other posts in which one person stated that s/he had submitted at least 2 conversations for each week during the course of his/her contact with tne fiance...and did not submit everything and was approved...and I've read also many posts where the consulate officer did not evern bother looking at the log of conversations people had with them...if the consulate officer did, the most s/he would do is skim through the pages. It would be time consuming looking & matching the dates for every contact made..I don't know but I guess that our consulate officer is stringent to details. I still do question the I 134 and my tax information because if this was overlooked then maybe the CO might have overlooked the conversations...how? I really don't know but hoping to get clarification. Amother reason why I think that information may have been overlooked because my fiance was asked about a question of sponsorship

    ...specifically during the interview, if I had sponsorsored someone before...now, why would she ask this if she did not have the I 134? Is this a standard question for everyone and not case by case? or could it be she did research on the case prior to the interview? I just want to give her the benefit of the doubt and I understand where she is coming from as an interviewer. Anyhow, I will try my best...no push to do my best to get this done because we (my fiance and I ) have made it this far.

  4. My fiance's interview was January 2. The consulate was Kelly Lang, who was very pleasant and attentive. At the end of the interview she gave him a 221(g) requesting more proof of contact between us, showing that we were in continual contact from the time we met until the time of the interview. Also she wanted a different sponsor who had a higher income and 2013 taxes and W2. We had to wait for my brother's W2, then he had his taxes done on the 28th. I sent the info and affidavit of support via email in PDF on the same date. Our case continued to be "Further Administrative Processing" until last night 12:30am (8:30am in Algeria) it changed to "Ready". Soon as I woke this morning, I checked it again and it had changed to "Issued". I'm so excited, I feel nauseous! My fiance' doesn't know yet because he's working away from his phone. I'm counting the minutes until I know he's off work! Pinch me, I think I must be dreaming. biggrin.png

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am happy for you and your fiance. My fiance had his interview January 23rd by I believe the same Consulate officer. We were given a 221g also requesting form I-134, proof of taxes for 2012 & evidence of our relationship...We were sad to see that it was a denial until we can provide documentation.I am rather confused by all these because I had submitted all this information to my fiance in which the CO should have all the documentation. I am pretty sure that I submitted all 3 years of my taxes: 2013,2012,2011 and as far as proof of our relationship???...if I have to resubmit another set of conversations, phone bills, etc...this is 7 years worth...I have sent an email last week in hopes I can get some clarification of what was submitted for my fiance's file...but I did not receive any response and I doubt that they would look into the actual hard case file to research what was submitted. I know in the end that I may have to end up resubmitting all the documentation but to redo 7 years worth of proof?

  5. Did you have an interview date? If yes when is the date? You could ask your fiancé to go to elazhar clinic in Algiers Tomorrow morning at 9 AM He can explain to them his situation. Hopefully he can have the medical examination tomorrow.

    You could also send an email to the embassy at : iv-dvalgiers.state.gov

    You could also send an email to the embassy at : iv-dvalgiers.state.gov

    hi! no, we do not have an interview date although I did mention to him if he at least had an interview date, maybe it would extends the process...I have emailed 3 times to the email address above but no response! :( the only thing that will change and make me feel better is a miracle...or just give up, lesson learned

  6. It looks to me that your fiance is too late already. How can he possibly get his medical done in time before the interview? If he does not have the medical done and if the embassy does not have the medical report he will NOT BE APPROVED. I am sorry you are in this situation but your fiance should have been a little more organized I guess? If I were you I'd be very angry...

    actually, I am VERY angry and heart broken! It was difficult enough trying to maintain a long distance relationship ...let alone trying to work together through this process...all this for nothing. yes, he should have been more organized...I guess I did not nag him enough. Thank you for your feedback!

  7. Hello! I was wondering if anyone could help me...I received the approved I-129F dated 4/19/2013 I thought 4 months would be enough time for my fiance and I to prepare but because of our ill-planning, work & home life, Ramadan, etc. well, the approved petition will be expiring in the next few days. 8/18/2013. I have emailed the Algerian embassy since last week ...a total of 3 times requesting an extension but have not received any response. I realize that Ramadan just finished last week and the embassy was closed on August 4th, I am trying to be patient but I am not getting any response positive or negative from the embassy. Should I call? Can my fiance call as well to request an extension?That would be one heck of a phone call. My fiance only needs to have his medical examination done & have the interview. I am just worried that we would have to do this all over again...this is a lesson for the both of us! I have read other posts from other members stating that usually Embassy could grant an extension but again I did not receive any response yet from the Algerian embassy either way which makes me very worried

  8. Hello! I was wondering if anyone could help me...I received the approved I-129F dated 4/19/2013 I thought 4 months would be enough time for my fiance and I to prepare but because of our ill-planning, work & home life, Ramadan, etc. well, the approved petition will be expiring in the next few days. 8/18/2013. I have emailed the Algerian embassy since last week ...a total of 3 times requesting an extension but have not received any response. I realize that Ramadan just finished last week and the embassy was closed on August 4th, I am trying to be patient but I am not getting any response positive or negative from the embassy. Should I call? Can my fiance call as well to request an extension?That would be one heck of a phone call. My fiance only needs to have his medical examination done & have the interview. I am just worried that we would have to do this all over again...this is a lesson for the both of us!

  9. Getting concerned, 6:00pm in California and havent seen any approvals on Igors list today, the one that says the 19th was actually from yesterday.. Hmmm anyone know of any approvals today??

    yes! I was received a text about an hour ago that my I-129F has been approved! This has been a very long (August filer)& much anticipated wait...but thank you God!...WE can move forward....DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE!

  10. hello! This same person posted a few months ago with the same problem...so many people tried to help & explain to him but he just was not understanding or he was not paying attention and would repeat himself. I felt so sorry for him that I tried to communicate with him with as much French as I knew but he still was not understanding. Now, I see he has come again asking the same question...seems a little frustrating. Hopefully, someone could get him settled down so that he can finally get it!

  11. I agree with some of the things being said here...it kind of feels like a slap in the face to those who have tried to come here to the United States legally. I was brought here to the US at a very young age as well but my mom, brother, & I had to wait for some time until we were reunited with our dad (who already immigrated her months before us). It was a difficult process then and still a difficult process now. I appreciate all the sacrifices hat my parents had to ensure that my brothers & I would live a decent life...It has been said that many came at a very young age and we can not really blame them for it but if anyone were to take responsiblity for being irresponsible, it would be the parents. Just curious if there was anything being done to the parents of these children....(if the parents are still around)...On same note, it is unfortunate that I am going to be waiting a few more months for a response on my case like many of you because of this Deferred Act.It is not right but what could be done other than writing to the people in Congress?

  12. I am in a similiar situation. Close to 6years knowing my fiance, I never really thought of communicating with him entirely in English so that he can learn...he only knows a few basic words...I guess that there is still time for him to learn and for me to learn his mother language (Berber/Arabic). We both communicate in French

  13. hello please what do i need to send with I 130 any one help me please i want some information and advice

    Hello,... votre fiancé doit initier la demande pour ce type de pétition car elle est le citoyen des États-Unis avant de pouvoir faire quoi que ce soit. At-elle présenté aucune paperasse? Je n'ai pas été sur ce site très long, mais il est très instructif. Je suis citoyen des États-Unis et j'essaie aussi d'apporter mon fiance Algerien. Peut etre vous devriez parler à votre fiancé de faire un peu de recherche et la lecture de certaines informations sur ce site pour vous et votre fiancé sont proactifs dans ce processus. BONNE CHANCE!

  14. my wife she is going to apply for me an application I129f we get all what we need to send to the uscis how much long would take to get approved and dose the I 129f it gose to the country were the marriage took a place plus i have go throw the imegration 2 time before one with my ex wife and she passt way and once with my ex girl friend but that was a long time ago i just wanted to know more infromation we have to file out the I130 first or I 129f Thank you

    Hello! Je suis "nouvelle" au ce site Visa Journey...alors...si je comprends les autres personnes qui vous rendont des conseils pour votre situation...si vous vous mariez deja avec votre epouse (qui est Americaine)...votre epouse doit remplir I-130 PAS I-129F...le I-129F est pour les uns qui ne sont pas encore maris mais fiance(e) ...et plus..c'est votre marie qui doit faire le premier etap pas vous ok? BONNE CHANCE!

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