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Posts posted by rocky_west

  1. This posting seems dormant, but I'm leaving comment here just to leave a record for anyone interested:

    We were in similar situation as OP. My mother got a green card thru me (I'm a naturalized citizen), and she entered the US but stayed only 1 week then had to go back to Korea. About 7 months later, she entered the US again. No problem. She stayed about 3 months, then again she had to go back to Korea (Aug 3, 2011). We were planning to have her come back here, but due to family schedules and such, the earliest possible date was Jul 31, 2012. So, she stayed overseas for 363 days and was trying to return without Re-entry permit. I was a little nervous about this. I was worried that the immigration officer might give her a hard time, because she didn't, according to the record, try to establish her residency since she got green card, and was overseas almost 365 days. I searched Google. This posting was probably the only one that was relevant. Thanks, OP, for opening this thread.

    Anyway, for anyone who's interested---

    My mother didn't have any problem at the airport. The office just stamped the passport, without asking anything. That was it. That was Chicago O'Hare.

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